Masturbating brings bad luck?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by kidjs432, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Jinqi

    Jinqi New Fapstronaut

    "Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent"
    A equal value will be lost after you fap
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  2. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Luck is a concept invented by the weak to explain their failures.

    - Ron Swanson
  3. I don't think that's true. Some people say you create your own luck and if you create luck it can't be explaining failures. If you watch sports I'm pretty sure you've seen teams who play well but just can't score yet their opponent plays badly but ends up winning. It's not that the team are weak, they were just unlucky.
  4. TenderCrisp

    TenderCrisp Fapstronaut

    And who determines whether you grow up to be "weak" or "strong"? Who plants ideas in your mind that make you want to overcome weakness and become strong? It's all simply happening, just like digesting food and breathing. If we really examine this, we find that we cannot take credit for anything. All we can do is be humble and grateful. People take pride in so many things that are beyond their control. Good looks, nationality, etc. And even success is ultimately something that just happens. Even if you want to argue that you fought hard for your success, I could still ask you who gave you the willpower, energy, idea, desire, to become successful.
    Eleanor and (deleted member) like this.
  5. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Not my real opinion just a funny quote from parks and rec if anyone's a fan lol
  6. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    Luck is Fantasy.
    Porn and Masturbation are Fantasy.

    I have had just as many crappy days being 200+ days free of M as when I abused.

    Accept reality, own our problems, then deal with them. Best of luck.
  7. Lapollarecord

    Lapollarecord New Fapstronaut

    [QUOTE = "Taylor25, publicación: 1314799, miembro: 86890"] A veces lo hace, pero sobre todo le da la peor emoción de su cuerpo. Te hace temblar, temer, nervioso durante unos días hasta que se soluciona. [/ QUOTE]
    Es real,personalmente me lleno de ansiedad,depresion,sentimientos de soledad,pierdo demasiado tiempo para hacer las cosas realmente importantes,no logro concentrarme,ya no pienso y en el fondo guardo la fe,pensando que hare mis pendientespendientes bien hechos,cuando no es asi.Recurro a la masturbacion,sin necesidad de tener pensamientos pornograficos o erojenos me Vengo hasta 50 veces,lo disfruto,no hay nada igual, nunca con un hombre siento algo similar.
  8. amzy27

    amzy27 New Fapstronaut

    Yes, I feel this is so fking true. Every time i do it then instantly something bad happens it’s not how you feel it’s that something bad no matter what it’s regarding something negative will happen that anyone would find bad. Don’t masturbate limit yourself I’m yettling you don’t masturbate at all it’s fuking bad for you af it will fuck you up
  9. HAHAHAHA you mean on a spiritual level?
  10. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    lol, great thread. Yes, that's another reason to stop masturbating, it is bad ju ju.
    LEPAGE likes this.
  11. LEPAGE

    LEPAGE Fapstronaut

    I can't think of a single good thing masturbation has done for me, so, maybe?
    Eleanor likes this.
  12. Binbo

    Binbo New Fapstronaut

    Oh hell yeeah, everytime i faped, shit happens to me, conflicts, car accidents, fire, what didnt happen to me, but when i stopped, i was shocked, from nowhere money kept coming in, damn, but i tried to check if its really fapping makes bad luck, so I faped, so I try to avoid conflicts, anything bad, damn i was just walking outside from nowhere some drunk freak attacked me, then i decided to stay home to see if its really fap gives bad luck, dam fire alarm went off fire, had to get out of the building and then some shitty person try to hit me, i was shocked, all shittty thing happen to me. i ma trying to avoid fapping but i forget i do the fap again the shit happens to me, i even broke my leg. Fap is bad luck.
  13. Damn, what are you fapping to? You watching some voodoo porn or something? PMO makes me feel like shit and not want to interact but I've never had stuff like that.
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  14. Searching for truth

    Searching for truth New Fapstronaut

    It's true. Happens to me all the time. Since it happened to me today AGAIN, I was browsing for some blog if this was really true. I stumbled upon this one. Don't know about others but my day definitely goes bad whenever I masturbate.
  15. ClarkScamander2000

    ClarkScamander2000 New Fapstronaut

    I was almost with a girl I loved. Then I started to... you know, masterbate. Then then the next day I tell her how I feel and everything. She felt the same way but she said she couldn't because she's moving. I feel like the bad luck caused this, for her to move
    Eleanor likes this.
  16. Pastor Preston

    Pastor Preston Fapstronaut

    I think porn and masturbation are somehow connected to the events that happen to us. With porn, there is definitely something demonic going on. Masturbation? I don't know, but it, too, seems to herald some type of negativity, if not bad luck or divine retribution. Consider this, most of us here agree that there are negative consequences to masturbation, especially if used in excess, chronic, or with porn. So, it could certainly feel like one is being overcast by a dark cloud when one masturbates.

    I know I do, because I feel that I have sinned. To boot, I'm single and typically blame PMO for it. I actually have to be careful not to call singleness "bad luck" or a "curse" from PMO. Just remember that, for most of it, there is a rational explanation. Sometimes though, call it what you will, PMO has a supernatural effect on us.
    SomethingWierd likes this.
  17. Itsbadluck

    Itsbadluck New Fapstronaut

    I'm actually really glad this form exists. I've been noticing the same thing in my life. For three years I actually didn't masturbate and even though life was still shity that things didn't happen directly after I masturbated. I'm starting to notice now however every time I do bad things keep happening. I don't know why, I think it has something to do with releasing some kind of sacred energy. I don't usually believe in that kind of stuff but I don't really know what else to call it. It makes it so that everything just slowly starts to f******. It's just not worth doing anymore. I think having sex is fine and having your partner used toys on you or whatever is fine because I haven't noticed anything bad with that but definitely would masturbating. That seems to be the one thing that life will not allow for.
  18. ImSerious

    ImSerious New Fapstronaut

    Look I usually look up stuff and just mind my business, but this one I can’t help to not respond. I feel like it’s someone reading this thread trying to figure out if it’s true. And I’m here to say fxck all the people in here joking and shxt. It’s real I had this theory for like a 2 years plus now. And honestly seeing that this thread exist more than confirms my theory. I think it has something to do with sinning and I am of no religion I just believe in god. For 2 years or more now I have noticed I have a bad following day after masturbation and the more I do it the more they pile up. When I don’t things get better like really better. I feel have most of the deadly sins down pack except lusting, it’s very difficult because I stay up late and I guess I get bored. I’m not wild or nothing I’m really a good person so I know it’s because of this. I felt I’ve served my punishment for the street shxt I did. So it’s only this, it’s no other possible explanation. Trust me your not crazy I’m serious YOU ARE NOT TRIPPING, the two correlate. Try to stop it’s easier said then done, but just try. Test the theory and watch how things start to line up for you. If you still need more convincing then go head masturbate, I bet shxt flip flop the next day or however your sequence may go. Again you are not crazy you are just woke. I feel we are the ones that make it to heaven to serve god, everybody else is bsing and are not conscience of their spirit. Again I’m no Christian and I don’t like fake preaching but I’m serious. You are not crazy. They relate.
  19. Hello friend,

    In the book, Cupids Poisoned Arrow, the author writes that loveless ejaculation clicks into gear a genetic program for seperation with partners (and by extension with the world at large) via chemical depletion and a psychological sense of 'lack'. It's a genetic trick on the brain that radically shifts the brain perception filters from love and connection to hostility and even the most trivial incidents can be cause for chaos and flare up for the genes purpose of separating and finding new partners.

    This will, I am certain account for 'some' of the incidents you term luck. I don't discount the term and concept of luck and masturbation, I have been in that space and I still reserve some space for it. Read the book, i highly recommend it to the world not just nifappers. Let us know how things go
  20. Grow_out_of_it

    Grow_out_of_it Fapstronaut

    This post is like 4 years old and I'm suprised to see it because I can relate to this so much. I have experienced it a several times. Before discovering nofap I made myself a rule that I'll not masturbate before a important exam or an important day. I kid you not I've instances when I fapped and I had a bad experience and when I didn't and everything went smooth. Even now when I relapse I have this fear attached with it of getting bad luck. I'm not very superstitious but this is true.
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