What does a wet dream during a reboot mean?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by rebooterer, May 7, 2014.

  1. rebooterer

    rebooterer Fapstronaut


    What are your experiences/what do you make of a ‘wet dream’ in a reboot?

    I read this page (http://www.yourbrainonporn.com/wet-dreams) and see that guys interpret them differently. I just had what might have been the first in my life, after a 56 day streak - a week of relapse/chaser - now into an 11+ day streak.

    My first instinct is to interpret it as a positive, healthy sign of progress. The logic being that cutting out PMO allows body to reorient itself to natural functions-processes-stimulus-etc. That I had a wet dream (something I can’t even remember ever having before – maybe zero or once or twice in my life) is a clear sign that transformation is taking place/that my change in routines is having an effect.
    hervesta, Healed! and zoeneverdies like this.
  2. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You're dead on, mate. Its a very positive thing. Your body is adjusting and relieving pressure through natural means, as it should.

    IMO, don't even think about it. Wake up, clean the mess, and forget about it. It should in no way hinder the confidence and energy that you're getting from NoFap, unless of course you relapse afterwards. Wet dreams have a chaser effect associated with them, but if you can get over that without relapse, you'll be stronger on the other side.
    Irshad likes this.
  3. Irshad

    Irshad Fapstronaut

    Thanks... That's relieving for me too... But what do you mean by chaser effect?
  4. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    Chaser effect = Horny, want more after ejaculating the day before (Risk of relapsing)
    Irshad likes this.
  5. Irshad

    Irshad Fapstronaut

  6. I had my first wet dream today too and I felt like relapsing today. I browsed 9gag and saw something triggering and looked at it for a minute or so and stopped because I knew this wasn’t right.

    I was wondering why I felt so horny. I remembered the orgasm I had as well, it was very intense good orgasm. I think I was remembering that and wanted more of it.

    So what does it mean? Does it mean I’m rebooting? My body and mind is adjusting? I had a wet dream by having a dream where I was having sex.
  7. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, this means that your brain is rewiring. Everytime after I have sex and orgasm or having a wet dream, I get these insane urges of having more. You have to be careful of being tricked by the brain at this time.
  8. So, you’re saying I should expect a few more during reboot? Having a wet dream blew my mind because I didn’t know what to expect. So I should be happy I got a wet dream?
  9. jorg78

    jorg78 Fapstronaut

    I'm no expert but I think that a wet dream is a sign of recovery, a sign that you have too much zinc in your balls or that you thought of too much sex during the day.

    I think that you can prepare yourself of having more wet dreams during the reboot.

    Personally, I think it's annoying because it's messy.
  10. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    The chaser effect can hit you hard. Be careful. I’m so dead it doesn’t matter right now.
  11. outwithold

    outwithold Fapstronaut

    The main thing is you didnt fully consciously act in a sexual perverse way or carry out sexually perverse behaviour! this happened in your dream state..
    perhaps the dream which accompanied your wetty might give way to feelings of relapse if it was particularly porn scene related or to do with sex addiction behaviours etc.. but at the end of the day theres not a great deal you can do about it... just keep moving forward!
  12. immadothis

    immadothis Fapstronaut

    it's extra semen getting out, when my balls hurt, and feel heavy , I most likely will have an wet dream on that day
  13. outwithold

    outwithold Fapstronaut

    Its strange since I've hit a certain point of my 'reboot' (recovery) and I'm not titillating myself all the time or 'accidently' looking at porn type stuff and not forever nursing an erection from my thoughts my balls don't hurt.. Were as before when I was doing everything apart from M andO my balls would kill! I know this wasn't specifically wet dream related but I'm wondering if the above poster is still indulging in everything but M and O and That could well lead to more wet dream nights.. Or maybe the poster isn't so far into reboot?
  14. recoveringpornaddict

    recoveringpornaddict Fapstronaut

    I just had a wet dream but that was not about normal sex.It was about my femedom fetish which is porn induced .is this a positive sign?
  15. randomname3

    randomname3 Fapstronaut

    It depends. If you were peeking and fantasizing a lot the previous day, it's a sign you really need to control yourself more. But it's just a sign: feel zero guilt for what you did in your dream state, the same as any other bad stuff you do in a dream.
    If you've been going strong, with no peeking or fantasizing, it's just a normal bodily function. I wouldn't say it's a good sign, since it usually gives you a chaser effect, but otherwise it's nothing to worry about.
    recoveringpornaddict likes this.
  16. recoveringpornaddict

    recoveringpornaddict Fapstronaut

    I did not fantasize anything the previous day .I had withdrawal symptoms for two days such as high fever and severe headache.Withdrawl symptoms are gone after the wet dream .is there a link ?
  17. randomname3

    randomname3 Fapstronaut

    Great job, staying clean inside and out! I agree a wet dream'll give your physical withdrawal symptoms a break. There's still usually a psychological chaser effect though.
  18. Now I realized why I relapsed last time! After about a 30 day streak I had a wet dream and had a chaser effect! Good to know. I will be stronger this time.
    randomname3 likes this.