11 tools to beat PMO, a little Hokus Pokus and some crazy toughts

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NF SINCE BIRTH, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. Firstly I hope you guys understand my English. I have never been the best student in my English class lol. Please correct me if I do some fatal errors :p

    So here we go. I have read some articles about addiction in general lately and want to share my personal toughts about recovery With you guys. I do this partly to help myself out of addiction and I do really hope this post helps you guys in some way too.

    Im going to use the following Tools in my recovery :

    * Read away the urges.

    A book can be a great way to distract yourself. I like spiritual books. Have a book on Your bed, on top of Your computer, inside Your sofa or other Places that normally trigger you. Maybe you need a waterproof book for the shower tough.

    * Find Your weak spots

    Write Down a list over all Your triggers, what kind of situations make you feel bad? Do you know about any high risk areas? Ever heard about H.A.L.T? Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired? These mental/physical states is well known to make a relapse more likely. Make sure you dont get into these states to often.

    * Distract yourself

    The distraction Method. When you feel an urge rising you can distract yourself in multiple different ways. You can go out for a walk in the woods, read a book, take som pushups, do the laundry, clean Your appartment, walk to the store, Call a friend. It doesnt really matter what you do as long as it gets Your attention and keeps you from relapsing.

    * Exercise/Work out

    This is a great way to keep Your urges in check. Exercising makes you feel good and increases Your testosterone Levels.

    * Meditate

    This can be really helpfull. It is proven that meditation increases grey matter in the brain, gives you better focus and generally makes you feel better. Do some Research if you want. Im pretty sure you will find several more benefits from meditation.

    * Make a huge commitment

    Make a bet With someone. Tell them that you will Reach 1 week or do something crazy. Make a list over reasons why you want to succeed. Have one or several accountability partners. Make Your commitment Public. You can post it on Your facebook wall, tell a Close friend or you can make it Public here on nofap. Become an expert. Be creative. Find ways to increase Your commitment.

    * The day to day approach

    A possible pitfall when trying to recover from any addiction is to think to far Ahead. Nothing wrong in having a 30, 90 or 300+ day goal but focusing to much on the end goal can make Your recovery a lot harder. You dont need superhuman Powers to make it trough the day. Everyone can do that. To make 300 days isnt all that different. All you have to do is to make it for today and worry about tommorrow when it comes.

    * Never give up

    It doesnt matter how many times you have failed in the past. Never ever give up. Make a New plan, a New commitment, a New goal. Get up and try again. This time you will succeed.

    * Dont test yourself

    If you know Your triggers please dont visit Places where you may get tempted. Yust like an alkoholic shouldnt walk by a bar to test his willpower, you should also avoid situations and Places that normally would trigger you.

    * Buy a worry stone/ Item

    I like the concept of worry stones. Even tough you normally dont believe in hokus pocus I would recommend going to a shop and buy a glimmering stone. You can maybe even go as far as getting the stone blessed for you if that makes the stone appear more special. You can also find a stone on the Beach. Make sure that Your stone feel special to you and rub it every time you feel bad until Your worries dissapair. I have heard a story about a poor guy in Africa who was sick and didnt think he would survive. An old woman gave him a shiny round stone and said he should rub it every time he got a negative tought. He did what he was told and after a few hours he started to feel better. He got out of bed and started to collect stones that looked similar to the one he got. He started to sell these stones for 1 dollar each. A year later he had made a little forune out of selling worry stones to People passing by.

    If you find it hard to get a waterproof book then you can buy a 7 foot worrystone for Your shower.

    * Pray

    Get Down on Your knees. I really dont care what you believe in. Yust believe! Prayers can be incredibly powerfull. Try it.

    Additional toughts:

    I like to think about my PMO addiction as voldemorth or a demon who have possessed me. I have to fight With this creature inside my own head. So in order to keep myself occupied for some time im going to do some crazy stuff.Im going to drink Holy Water, bury my addiction in the deepest Woods of Norway and then plant a thumbstone, bake nofap cupcakes to celebrate, tape a 3X5M poster to the roof, buy black and yellow ducktape to mark my bed and room as a fapfree zone, mark my computer as a biohazard, run to the highest mountain and plant a flag, Dance the fapdance around a bonfire under the bloody moon ( on top of the grave), do an exorcism on myself, Take the Ferry to Sweden and throw a nofap Message in a bottle into the Golf stream and so on untill i run out of good ideas.

    Someone should make a day by day guide from day 1-90 to keep Peoples minds away from PMO lol :p
    It should contain daily Challenges which you have to Complete.

    And one last thing: If none of these Tools work, consider calling a therapist.

    Please add Your own ideas in the comments. Please be creative! I love creativity :D
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2014
    fappillow1 likes this.
  2. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    very good. this part made me smile.

    will also do the fapdance around a bonfire - but better call it nofapdance.
