What Would You Do If...

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, May 1, 2018.

What would you do if your boss was cheating on his/her SO?

  1. Nothing since it's none of my business

    27 vote(s)
  2. Confront my boss

    3 vote(s)
  3. Tell his/her SO

    4 vote(s)
  4. Gossip about it with work colleagues

    3 vote(s)
  1. your boss was cheating on his/her SO?

    I'm not having to deal with this myself but I was watching a show where it's happening and was wondering what I would do if I was in that position.
  2. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    This actually has happened to me once. Though in that situation I was the boss, and the girl I was dealing with was my employee, who was cheating on her b/f...
    Lord of the Ocean likes this.
  3. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    I would want to do something, but I also want to keep my job. If I could tell the SO without putting myself at risk that's what I'd do.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  4. It's an affair that would be none of my business as it does not involve me in any way. Unless it did, I'm not going to resort to snitching. I concur with the above, if I'm getting a steady source of income ( assuming this is a good job ), I'm not going to risk throwing it out of the window just to satisfy some moral obligation. If the boss was a wife-beater, then I'm more likely to attempt something.

    Besides, cheating never ( at least mostly never ) ends well. The boss practically sealed his fate at that point.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2018
  5. I would confront my boss, and if they refused to do the right thing, I would tell the spouse. I dont care if its "none of my business," it's the right thing to do. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew something like that was happening and didn't do anything about it.
    MLMVSS and LEPAGE like this.
  6. I feel like my answer would be different in that position. I mean cheating is always bad, but it's much worse when the couple is married. I don't know if I would necessarily go out of my way to intervene if they were just dating, but Idk, I probably still would.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  7. Reminds me of a different moral dilemma I was in once... I had a client who was going out of town, so when I showed up to clean his house, he left me there with his sister. He cared for his elderly mother, so his sister was staying there while he was gone to take care of her for him. Soon after he left, his other sister and brother in law came over, and they all literally spent the entire time I was there talking crap about their brother in front of me. I was fuming, I was so mad.

    Ultimately I didn't end up bringing it up to him. If it was his wife saying thsoe things about him, though, I absolutely would have had to tell him. But man, that was the worst. I was so pissed off the whole time I was there, and I really wanted to just leave, but I was cleaning his house and I wanted to do a good job for him, because he's a really good guy. Ugh. People can be the worst sometimes.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  8. If I had a job and I saw something like that I wouldn't say anything to anyone. For the obvious most likely getting sacked part but mainly it's just not something I do at all, that would not be a part of my life and as much as that would suck I always keep to myself.
  9. I would 100% not tell the dudes girlfriend, wtf. First off, going and confronting your boss about it is very strange but I wouldn't think it's bad to do necessarily, just kinda weird unless you were friends w/ your boss.

    There's no company rule being broken, although it's arguably immoral. There's no actual law being broken. It's really none of your business..

    Im really shook that people would tell the guy's wife. I just missed the days where people would mind their own buisness unless somebody was in immediate danger.

    The audacity.. I got amother similar scenario. Everything is the same, except the person the boss is cheating on is your coworker. Dun dun dun.
  10. Dont take this negatively. But why on earth would you have told your client that? That happens to everyone. What kinda stuff could they have said?

    Sorry you were hurt, but I would only have said something if they were speaking of harming/robbing/killing him
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. What days are you talking about?
  12. Those days are long gone, if they ever existed.. lol
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I’d confront the boss about it, then tell the SO if I get fired. To me, morality’s important because if someone’s immoral enough to cheat, then what will they do with their employees, or their customers? That’s just something I cannot support personally. If I knew about an affair and I didn’t attempt to have them amend it, then I’ll feel as if I’m also involved in a disgusting lie.

    Integrity’s a vital characteristic to have as a business. Do you truly have integrity when you’re having an affair, even if it’s just in your personal life?
  14. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    I feel like this answer is a pretty selfish thing to do. It's not your life you're ruining but someone else's. Maybe there is a child involved and you're blowing up the family. Maybe they sort out their relationship later down the line, but wouldn't have a chance if you snitch. I think confronting them about it is fine, but it's not on you to be snitching unless you are friends with the wife. The road to hell is paved with good intentions
  15. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    She’s not ruining his life. She’s not the one having sex with her boss.

    HE’S ruining his own life by having an affair in the first place, and not being open about it to his wife. HE’S the one blowing up the family. He’s not some little kid who doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s a full-blown adult with a conscience.

    He needs to take responsibility for his actions. That, unfortunately, is something people fail to learn these days.
  16. Lord of the Ocean

    Lord of the Ocean Fapstronaut

    Bad scribe! Naughty is the quill!
    SolitaryScribe likes this.
  17. Toomuchh

    Toomuchh Fapstronaut

    I'm not saying she's ruining the boss's life, but rather the kid's life. You don't have the full picture of whats going on. Maybe the wife is cheating as well and the boss is doing it to get back at her. No one here has the facts and the same with the OP.

    The point is, life isn't black and white. You are all just assuming the circumstances. That's why it's none of your business to get involved.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    LOL, these were days long ago. I gave up my naughtiness for the quill.
    Lord of the Ocean likes this.
  19. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Then why still be married in the first place? This is an extremely toxic marriage if this is the case. If you were in this situation, would you rather tell your child the truth about your unhealthy situation, or would you want your child to eventually find out on their own (affairs eventually do come out, despite what may seem otherwise) and potentially lose their trust in you?

    Divorce may be unhealthier in the short term, but at least the child doesn’t have to learn that extramariatal affairs are healthy and harmless.
  20. It’s 2018 people, it’s possible to snitch anonymously, haha.

    Yeah cause I’m sure you would hate the person who told you your girl was fucking someone else behind your back. I’m sure the knowledge of this and the possibility of catching her in a lie wouldn’t be appealing to you at all. You would probably tell that person to fuck off and mind their own business, right? :rolleyes: