Wisdom Teeth

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, May 5, 2018.

  1. Am just curious how you mates had your wisdom teeth removed, did you get just a local anesthetic, nitrious, or possibly IV?

    I haven't had the dental coverage so I've been waiting for my teeth to do something, this week I noticed that a small portion of the tooth tore through some gum while trying to surface. I kept telling my dentist before that I was pretty sure they were coming in fast but nobody listened to me as usual. lol

    Any help or tips on how to deal with aftercare and not getting dry socket would be most appreciated. I'm hoping now that the teeth are coming through my gums and are really swollen with fluid, maybe the A&E will deem it a dental emergency so I don't have to pay. Wishful thinking anyways.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    I had all 4 wisdom tooth removed with local anesthetic, all at once, it lasted together about 40 minutes, very little plain apart form initial anesthetic injections.
    Not sure how it works financially, as I was done by my cousin who was very skilled with it. But I think it will vary from country to country as each has different medical system.
  3. Wow that's brave, I couldn't personally do it with just a local as I have bad anxiety.

    As long as they deem it a medical emergency I can get it done for free at the hospital under the NHS, otherwise I was told I'd have to pay £200 to £300 per tooth. ..

    Did you have any complications or anything? And was it easy to keep clean and heal relatively easily?
  4. Exponential Power

    Exponential Power Fapstronaut

    I went to a medical testing company. They would give you experimental pain medication after and pay you for your participation. My teeth were already showing so it was a simple extraction and they wouldn't take my case. They only took the most painful cases to test their pain meds. I had mine removed at a local college for dental assistants. Much cheaper than a normal dentist. A professional dentist did the extraction and the students did the rest (x-rays, pulse, etc.) awkwardly. They only did 2 at a time with local anesthetic so I had to go back. My mistake was I waited too long to take my pain meds after the procedure. When the anesthetic wore off I was in pain and had to wait until the pills started working. I don't remember the after care. I'm sure I followed the dentist's instructions. Everything healed great. I'm in USA so I don't know if you can find such options there.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. i had all my wisdom teeth taken out at the same time. I used that nitrous gas mask thing. It was sick
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Okay, so note to self take pain meds right after and don't delay otherwise city of pain... I remember my landlord went to get four of his removed and after he came back I didn't see him for over a month, and he looked so miserable when I caught a glimsp. At least I only have two lower I need removed. lol

    Sadly I'm still waiting for disability benefits and until I start getting them, my only option I was told was take out a loan or wait until I'm bleeding and in severe pain and possibly could get it for free.. Unfortunately I'm slowly reaching that stage though, as they're stuck pushing on my other teeth, protruding out of the gum and what I assume is possibly getting infected. Bah

    How did it feel while they were working on it? Was there no care in the world as they sawed your tooth? I hear if you have low pain tolerance and bad anxiety they usually give you some. Mind you that costs extra as well.
  7. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    No complication at all, I remember I had to eat a only liquids for some time after extractions but dont remember exactly how long it was something between 2-6 days.
    And first couple days it is a weird feeling because you are missing the teeth that were there and now there is just gum but otherwise it was fine. I actually expected it to hurt like 5-6 times more that it actually did.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Well it was the mask with gas, I believe nitrous. I fell unconscious, then woke up and left. I don't remember leaving at all, I just woke up on my couch. My dad drove me back home bc I was a teen. You ever see those videos with the people with puffy cheeks who are nonsensically talking or doing something funny, that's what the gas does (puffy cheeks bc of the surgery). I took pain killers after so the pain didn't hurt AS much, I can't remember which ones.

    The goal of the gas is that it numbs your mouth/body, and then you pass out so you're not awake when they're sawing your teeth, that would be terrifying lol I had the same knockout gas when I had my hernia surgery.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. @Sarah W. You know, they mightve also stuck a needle in my gums next to the 4 wisdom teeth, night be mistaken.

    Idk if youre nervous, insurance problems, or a little of both; but I would not wait until it gets worse. Has a tooth doc recently seen you?
  10. LEPAGE

    LEPAGE Fapstronaut

    I had it done. I had local anesthetic, via needle into the gums. It didn't hurt much. They gave me Tylenol 3's for pain to take as needed, but I didn't need them.
  11. All four at once, anesthetic by needle, knocked out by valium in less than 10 seconds. Woke up to TV static, could hardly see anything. Healed with tea bags, no problems.
  12. I get mine removed Tuesday this thread may prove useful
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. I think they always do at least a local anesthetic regardless of gas or iv. Which I would assume is a good thing.

    That's the thing, I can't see a dentist or oral surgeon until I have coverage, so whenever I guess disability decides something. Otherwise it's a waiting game for me and even though the thought of getting them removed is scary, I have no other choice but to wait for them to get worse unless coverage goes through.

    I think wisdom teeth should be covered free because almost everybody needs them yanked at some point, the prices are rubbish.
    Phoenix234 likes this.
  14. When they extracted my wisdom teeth I was "put under". I don't know if they put everyone under. My wisdom teeth had unusually long roots that wrapped around the jaw bone, so it was a little more involved. They were only able to extract three of my four wisdom teeth. They left one, saying that there was too my risk of damaging the nerve and causing permanent facial paralysis. At rate, I was completely unconscious for an hour or so. Then, they sent me home on Percocet, so I felt really good for a few days.
  15. TurtleBrah

    TurtleBrah Fapstronaut

    Still have them
  16. Good for you, better hope you don't have problems with them down the line as only a small percentage of folks get to keep them. I started having problems a couple of years ago and that was when I was 24. You have until around 26 to 28 years before they fully grow in or cause lots of problems, so you still have time for yours to mess up unless they came through already

    Ouch, so what happens if that one wisdom tooth starts acting up or growing sideways? Would they have to give you the option of either leaving it or risk nerve damage? That's a rubbish situation. :/
  17. TurtleBrah

    TurtleBrah Fapstronaut

    Mine sort of came out partially and it kind of stayed that way. It was painful at first but that went away. Theyve been good to me so far.
  18. Wait so they poked through the gum a bit but it's just sitting there now? Because wisdom teeth aren't supposed to stay under the gumline and the body will continuously try to push them out even if they're stuck, that can happen years later or even months. Eventually you'll probably have abscesses which hurt like bloody hell and aren't fun to deal with, all in all if they haven't fully erupted by the time your 20 you'll probably have to get them removed.
  19. I have a dentist check up this Thursday. Two of my wisdom teeth are impacted, and hurting, I'm most likely going to get them out. I'm scared. I never had any surgery before or anything. Also having issues with heart valves, so I need to take antibiotics before and after surgery. Any advice?
  20. My top two wisdom teeth are fully out with no problems. Only issue is my two bottoms!