I think i need to give up all devices for a little while. What do you guys think?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Nantz, May 13, 2018.

  1. Nantz

    Nantz Fapstronaut

    I have an ipad and a laptop. Even with the ipad that has a filter i keep finding substitutes. I think im literally going to take all my devices that i have that connect to the internet and give them to somebody until i have some sobriety. And even then im going to limit my access extensively. Has anybody done anything like this? or any advice in general would be great. Thanks for reading.
  2. Hi,

    I just signed up to the site. If you have a habit of checking your iPad and laptop and you can’t help it leading to porn then it might be a good idea to abstain to begin with.

    However, this will be avoiding the problem in the short term rather than addressing it. What happens when you need to use your laptop or iPad after abstaining for a period of time? If using one of these devices is a trigger for porn then it will remain that way when you use them again.

    I remember reading articles before about replacing bad habits with good habits. If you can’t alter or forever avoid the triggers (i.e. your iPad and laptop) then you need to change the reward you’re getting from it. Currently the reward from this trigger is porn but you need to put effort into rewiring the reward to be something else that gives you a small bit of dopamine but in a healthy way. It can be something like getting your browser to open on the NoFap Emergency web app and use that to remind yourself. I find a lot of the quotes and links from it to be really helpful and kept this permanently on my private browsing tab on my phone to stop myself. Just remember that it will take time and be difficult, but ultimately, you need to fix the root of the cause rather than avoiding it because that’s essentially what you’re suggesting doing and it’s not a long term solution.

    Here’s an article I found that goes into a bit more detail with changing bad habits into good ones. I can’t post links yet but if you google ‘how to break bad habits (and replace with good ones)’, there’s a lifehack article that goes into more detail if you’re interested.

    I think I originally read this in a book, I think it was called ‘Superhuman by Habit’ where I originally read the concept.

    This is just my two cents though and has helped me to get rid of some bad habits. Besides that, I don’t really have a solution for you unfortunately, just leaving you with my opinion that abstaining from devices should only be seen as a short term fix but that’s just my opinion and should be taken with a grain of salt! Hope it helps somewhat though. Talking about it is helpful as well so if you’re having trouble, just write back again and talk about it. A problem shared is a problem halved. That’s why I’ve signed up as well to hopefully get some help and support. Good luck!
    ShotDunyun likes this.
  3. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    If you take away your triggers (internet) then you won't struggle with so many relapses. That is a fact.

    You have to try and get out of the cycle of using the internet constantly. After a lot of time i have come up with a system that works well for me and i try to stick it best i can and it helps a lot. Most days are very easy for me now.

    The system is no internet mon-fri, i only use it for work and to come on this forum. All other sites are blocked during that time anyways.
    I don't use any social media except facebook and thats for work only.
    I allow myself to watch netflix or youtube on the weekends but i still try to limit my screen time, usually only watching at night.
    The only apps i have on my mobile are google to search things i need to.

    It makes your recovery a hell of a lot easier.
    Nantz likes this.
  4. aditay

    aditay Fapstronaut

    no that doesn't work i tried i felt miserable without this devices all u need to do is to reset means u need to masterbate without porn for some time then u will notice its easy to stay away from porn without using any filters its my personal experience bro try it
  5. Goodhope

    Goodhope Fapstronaut

    Good idea. But you have to learn to face your triggers. Otherwise you wont be able to watch tv at night either
  6. Goodhope

    Goodhope Fapstronaut

    I did delete instagram. But today i was playing assassims creed 2 in my playstation. Ezio auditore made me so horny i wanted to watch porn. So triggers are everywhere we have to be strong to say no.
  7. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    All that means is you have a dependence on technology. If you are 'sad' without screens then you are desensitized.

    Its not an idea its practical advice. You need to get out of active addiction before you go back to normal life. An alcoholic does beat alcohol addiction by spending his time at a bar does he? its not different.
    Nantz likes this.