Anybody into Stoicism?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by BestVersionToday, Jun 4, 2018.

  1. know any good books, videos or sources?
    kingpietro and Deleted Account like this.
  2. This guy.
    • Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Seneca are available on gutenberg / and in print.
    • A Guide to The Good Life {The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy}
    • The Daily Stoic
    (Not much survives of the Ancient Greek Stoics, but you could read up on Zeno of Citium and perhaps The Cynics).

    You don't need more than that. You don't need to read blogs. You don't need to watch videos. In fact to do so misses part of the point. Keep the signal to noise ratio in your favor. To quote Seneca...
    Awakeatlast and BestVersionToday like this.
  3. Epiticus huh. Cool. I was looking at kindle books of Amazon with explantions, your saying go straight to the source. I'll defintely consider that.

    Marcus Aurelius "Meditations" I have that, it was a free kindle I got it but I put it away for later. I hear its a hard read and I didnt like how it starts off. Reading the reviews I still couldnt understand what the plot was. I have since looked into the summary and its something I will definitely read at a later stage. I'll look into those other sources you suggested.

    So you never watched any videos on youtube? I bet there is a heap and it gets straight to the point.
  4. MetaGame

    MetaGame Fapstronaut

    I dabbled in stoicism quite a bit but ultimately I moved on from it. Extract some great wisdom from it as much as u can though just don't follow it word for word imo.
  5. Nah Im really looking forward to getting some books by James Allan. Its not Stoicism but its Impressive! I have as a man thinkith but im getting this you can read them free here on the public domain check this shit out man, personally I find in mind blowing, unlike anything I have ever read, the clossed thing to word of god I have ever read read one meditation and day, every day, crazy value! and this , morning and evening thoughts, every day, this is probably better , I am pumped man, cant wait for that book to come and I know its great!
  6. On my desk I've got As A Man Thinketh Keepsake Edition (contains Eight Pillars of Prosperity too) right next to The Daily Stoic and A Guide To The Good life. Without doubt one of the best things I've ever read.

    Meditations is a personal diary. No 'plot'; just notes he wrote to himself. The Preface/Introduction usually put it in historical context. How hard it is to read depends on the translation.

    What survives of Epictetus's is actually the notes one of his students took. Handbook (Encheiridion) is a good place to start. But be sure to read Discourses too. Seneca, on the other hand, can be wordy. But his writings have some wisdom in them... and you could easily read one letter a day (Letters from a Stoic).

    For a modern take and explanation A Guide To The Good Life is probably your best bet. Great book. How To Be A Stoic was a decent primer and read too. Haven't read A New Stoicism yet so no comment.

    I hardly ever use youtube for anything. There's probably some decent videos, but you'll just be getting an interpretation of something you could get for free off Project Gutenberg/ and read over a weekend. In my humble opinion it's best to keep the signal to noise ratio in your favor.
  7. Giuoco

    Giuoco Fapstronaut

    You're right, Meditations is a hard read - but I (personally) cannot stress enough how rewarding a read it is. I wouldn't recommend reading it cover to cover in a single session. I'd suggest to maybe 2-3 pages a day. Reflect on what you've read and how you can apply it to your daily life if you want to get the most out of the book.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
    BestVersionToday likes this.
  8. I have heard of those books. I have not heard of discources.

    As for youtube, your missing out. Iv realized youtube offers 100 times what google offers. Youtube is the new google, what ever it is you wanna learn about, youtube covers it, and its all free.

    Interesting, 2-3 pages a day, i'll consider that. Actually i'll start that today until my James Allan book comes in. Thanks for the tip.
  9. primaljade

    primaljade Fapstronaut

    "Letters of a Stoic" by Seneca is unstructured but pretty good, but it's a random collection of letters to his friends about Stoic topics/life advice. It's like a blog from 2000 years ago.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. I was about to suggest that. It's very easy to read, but rewarding.
  11. The stoic body is pretty good
  12. For a modern reframing of Stoicism that may provide some clarity and mop up anything that passed you by I can recommend The New Stoicism by Lawrence C. Becker and books by/interviews with Ryan Holiday.
  13. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut
