Ego Destruction

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Achilles132, Jun 10, 2018.

  1. Achilles132

    Achilles132 Fapstronaut

    Nofap allows you to face the truth of reality and not let your ego blind you with the illusion that you're already great. I think the measure of a man is how much truth he can bear and in order to do this you have to have the strength to open your self to the truth, whether that you're addicted to pornography or simply not hitting your potential.
    Realizations over these last few days: I began to have urges, which I have found come most often when I have spare time, so I clicked the panic button. I wasn't panicked so to say but I didn't want to have to focus on the urge and I thought it would be a good way to redirect energy. A ted talk on the benefits of cold showers came up. I didn't let my mind get involved. I took the advice and jumped in with the water on frigid.
    1) A cold shower is a positive and proactive way to redirect sexual energy. For months I have just sat there with my ego saying that I am strong enough to ride this urge. That method is insane. What I have found is that this will power is limited but more so that URGES ARE PHYSIOLOGICAL. So, the benefit of a cold shower is that it changes your physical state dramatically. this in turn takes the urge away to where you do not have to rely on willpower alone (which is always limited).
    If you want to succeed in recover and developing as an individual with nofap you have to approach it proactively. That means cold showers, meditation, conscious socializing. It forces you to develop your social skills.
    Imagine it this way, if you're addicted to sugar and you sit outside of the candy store telling yourself that you will not eat sugar, your willpower will eventually run out and you will give it. But if you proactively remove yourself from the candy store into say the produce part of the grocery, you're willpower will not be as taxed and furthermore will be REFOCUSED on something that doesn't have the potential to destroy you.
    This proactive approach and not relying on PMO to feel good or maintain your ego, you begin to see yourself in truth, in other words, more clearly as you really are. This is difficult to most because you begin to see how much work you need. But once you accept your self as you are suddenly you have the ability to see what needs to be fixed. If you keep delving into PMO (even if you are resisting it your still feeding it energy) your blinded by the illusion you ego feeds you to keep itself alive.
    Practical example: I had an urge and took a cold shower which in turn made me more present and allowed me to recognize that my hair needed to be cut and that I needed to refocus on my fitness because it had started to slip. Notice how instead of covering up what I needed to address in myself with PMO, I had the courage to face it, recognize it, and fix it. I have been working out and maintaining nutrition for a few weeks now. I also bought a new conditioner. In turn, I didn't do a lot, just a little. But its those few degrees that made me stand out slightly from the crowd. People are complementing me on my hair and my physique and telling me I look like a man. You never know how far the ripples of your actions go. It's the small decisions that make a big difference. Now imagine many of these decisions made over time and you might be unrecognizable. And thats what happened to me. Here's a story...

    I went to an old friend from school's wedding the other day. I saw many people that I hadn't seen in years, the friends family, attractive girls that I once thought were out of my league in Highschool, friends parents etc. Now I have been proactively working on myself in these subtle ways a I mentioned above. I had arrived early to the wedding leaving me time to mingle and whats crazy is that my friends sister literally starred at me for the longest time with her jaw dropped. She did not recognize me at first. Maybe it was my hardened physique, or my calm ground energy that I didn't have before. Because I was present and having another conversation I was slightly ease dropping on her reaction to my presences and heard her say something like, "who is that, I'm looking at a man, he looks completely different." As a kid I would give in to urges and be driven by what I wanted in the moment. Now I've spend years focusing on my character and what I want the most. In turn that changes your physiology and physical appearance. You look different because you are different. So back to the story, I thought this was just her one opinion until her mom saw me and acted the same way, she did not recognize me until her sister told her who I was. it wasn't just a fluke I was a different person and she starred at me in awe almost to the point where it was uncomfortable. And it continued...the energy I had was different, my physical appearance was strong and masculine, my energy confidently resting on my character and personality that I had worked on. Her father, who used to have a mild distain towards me in the past, treated me with respect, was drawn towards me and wanted to have conversation with me. His eyes lit up when he talked to me. He was like a different person because he was talking to a different person. And these realizations continued, one of the girls at the wedding was very popular in Highschool and I was always a bit awkward; our friend groups separated and our friendship diminished in high school. Funny enough, she was there with her boyfriend who is very negative and ego based. I confidently went up and talked to her and started a conversation. I noticed that semen retention and not having a mind riddled with dopamine makes you a more powerful and magnetic individual. She literally wanted to talk to me all night and kept hanging around me and told me to come visit her in California where she is now working. It's crazy. If you haven't figured it out from all these examples already, what I learned is that every where you go you carry with you an energy. Having self discipline to be good, and do the right thing gives you the freedom to act confidently and be who you want to be. Delving back into bad habits and trading self discipline for immediate gratification leaves you full of anxiety that leaves you feeling helpless and paralyzed in social situations. You can always recognize the guy that faps or does PMO. He's the awkward, try hard, nice guy, in the room that has pale clammy skin, that will mimic what a self disciplined man should be and every person in the room intuitively feels right through it and stays away from his dirty energy. This is just the social dynamics of the energy you allow into your self and I think is the fundamental explanation so to say for what many people in this community call 'superpowers.'

    Another small event. There is a restaurant I frequent and one of the attractive bar tenders used to treat me with distain when I wasn't fully committed to nofap. But after long streaks and having a clearer mind she would look at me in the eye with intent and interest. When I would hand her my credit card she would make a point to touch my hand. It's almost as if she physically wanted to feel my energy. No wonder guys who commit to nofap find it easier to have fulfilling sex. It's because they're abundant in energy and aren't wasting it resisting urges or delving into PMO. They are proactively transmuting their energy into bringing value to themselves and in turn bringing value to the world around them.
    Thats all for now

    yugowolf1991 and over50 like this.
  2. I only read a bit but I'm starting to think an ego is a good thing. This spirituality bullshit is bullshit, you need a healthy ego to survive in the western world.
    Achilles132 likes this.
  3. DeAndre85

    DeAndre85 Fapstronaut

    Great post. The thing stored in your balls is energy
    Achilles132 likes this.
  4. DeAndre85

    DeAndre85 Fapstronaut

    Ego is complex. You don't want to break it because you will be nobody. On the other hand don't over feed it because you will lie to yourself
    Hitto and Achilles132 like this.
  5. Achilles132

    Achilles132 Fapstronaut

    That mindset comes from scarcity or a low vibration of its me against the world. Success is comes much quicker without it.
    Hitto likes this.
  6. What do you mean low vibration, thats a whole loud of bullshit.

    I agree though, me against the world wont get you anywhere.

    Why does success come quicker from thinking your nobody, nothing, ego is your self esteem, people see it as a bad thing, its not. Its an over importances and too much of a superiority that isnt good. Driving a porche and stepping on peoples toes because you think your so superior, thats not good. But then if you do have a porche why not be proud of yourself? You found a way to make a lot of money. Id have a bit of an ego too, but you would be surprised, successful people are usually really nice people. Ego is Good! I use to want to kill it off too, bought the book a new earth and gave up on it. Protect you ego, build it, develop it, make it big but not too big. These people selling you this bullshit are making themselves millionares and stroking there own egos. You think Eckard Tolle doesnt have an ego? Believe me he does, and its huge. He is a spiritual teacher. Dont fall for it, your doing yourself a disservice.
  7. Achilles132

    Achilles132 Fapstronaut

    I think you misunderstood me. It's not from becoming nobody or nothing. It's actually the opposite. It's an expansion, not a contraction. When you set your ego aside, you naturally expand your thinking and thus your actions. This is where you develop character. You only have a real need for character when you begin to see things in this light, that you exist in relation to others, that you act in relation to everyone and everything around you. You can only empathize with other people outside of the ego. The ego says, "I'm already great; why would I need 'character' or 'empathy.' In short, you obtain success by bringing value to other people so when you learn to look past your own ego or simply your own selfish thoughts even for a few minutes and focus on other people your vibration goes up or in other words you bring value. Nofap is a way to develop character and if you have the discipline to develop yourself with nofap and other good habits you will inherently bring value to others just by being present. The man that drives a Porsche found a way to bring value to many people and probably has less of an ego contrary to the believe of the masses. There is a large difference between Ego and Character and I think in this conversation you and I are misusing them slightly. Eckart is a massive character without Ego. It's the only way to expand into such an influential character. I also don't think a confident character should be mistaken for Ego. I think the insecure person interprets it this way often, like in the Porsche example. Their reaction is a subjective reflection of them trying to understand their own fear and feelings of inadequacy. In reaction you can only be a victim. To act genuinely, takes self reflection and development of character.
    BestVersionToday likes this.
  8. I changed my mind not based on your post but i dont agree in neither having a massive ego or destroying the ego completely.

    It depends how you define ego, most people have got it wrong, ego is just your self esteem and its your importance but nobody is really important. Your boss is important at work because he calls the big shots and thats it.
  9. Birdie

    Birdie Fapstronaut

    Good work brother!
    Today I had a similar kind of a situation(Trigger warning). I was traveling in a bus. I was feeling good about myself. Suddenly a boy and girl came and sat beside me. After a while I started to edge slightly. All kinds of fantasy thoughts came to me. I thought where will the boys hand be, where will the girls hand be, will they be kissing, is he pressing her tits. I had been clean of PMO for the last 20 days even without edging. I tried to affirm myself but sadly none of that helped. I was testing my willpower by trying to think other things. I knew if I edge now, I could start this PMO loop all over again. My heart started beating, I tried to close my eyes and become peaceful still the tension existed. (Remember they might not doing any of these things)

    Then finally I did the best thing possible, I changed my seat and got into the front row and then hit the panic button and there comes a beautiful motivational video. I felt so elated and victories. I didn't give up to the urges. On a normal scenario I might sat there testing my willpower, giving up to the urges and finally when I reach home I would have faped. I would have hesitated thinking what would they think of me, can't I handle a couple. I would have said "Fuck no, I can't, not at this point, no hard feelings". After this experience I felt victorious. I know I did what was right.

    If you ever get caught up in such a situation
    You're will power is too precious.
    Hitto likes this.
  10. Marcarita

    Marcarita Fapstronaut

    Hah, I agree. Actually, that bullshit originated from the west itself then the concept of attaining spirituality or enlightenment became commercialized afterwards. Nothing here in the east suggests that you should connect meditation with anything and that includes love, empathy or even morality in general. Even our history is silent about it. What I'm certain is that such stoic or contemplative practices have been used during times of war.

    I do tons of meditation myself with plenty of success even more than extended periods of celibacy (but combine both anndddd). Nonetheless, I do think that the ego should only be subdued up to the extent that it would not be a hindrance to our objectivity in perceiving things. i.e, We should never let our hearts led us astray. Connect it with anything and you're already missing its essence. It's goal is for a person to attain the highest degree of objectivity imaginable, hence enlightenment, hence ego death and clinging for dear life into some subjective concept like morality won't certainly help you reach that kind of objectivity. Instead of ego death, you'll get some nasty dunning-kruger instead. Total selflessness and altruism is unnecessary or even downright delusional because these things doesn't really exist (according to some study: can't post links yet) This world as a whole is, as unfortunate as this may sound, a place where displays of aberrant behavior or gestures like that won't simply be permitted without it accompanied by great suffering. Sure, to each his own but if efficiency and productivity is of paramount concern to you, you should lean more in being a-moral.

    P.S: Nietzsche's quote about stoics: You desire to LIVE "according to Nature"? Oh, you noble Stoics, what fraud of words! Imagine to yourselves a being like Nature, boundlessly extravagant, boundlessly indifferent, without purpose or consideration, without pity or justice, at once fruitful and barren and uncertain: imagine to yourselves INDIFFERENCE as a power—how COULD you live in accordance with such indifference? To live—is not that just endeavouring to be otherwise than this Nature? Is not living valuing, preferring, being unjust, being limited, endeavouring to be different? And granted that your imperative, "living according to Nature," means actually the same as "living according to life"—how could you do DIFFERENTLY? Why should you make a principle out of what you yourselves are, and must be? In reality, however, it is quite otherwise with you: while you pretend to read with rapture the canon of your law in Nature, you want something quite the contrary, you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders! In your pride you wish to dictate your morals and ideals to Nature, to Nature herself, and to incorporate them therein; you insist that it shall be Nature "according to the Stoa," and would like everything to be made after your own image, as a vast, eternal glorification and generalism of Stoicism! With all your love for truth, you have forced yourselves so long, so persistently, and with such hypnotic rigidity to see Nature FALSELY, that is to say, Stoically, that you are no longer able to see it otherwise—and to crown all, some unfathomable superciliousness gives you the Bedlamite hope that BECAUSE you are able to tyrannize over yourselves—Stoicism is self-tyranny—Nature will also allow herself to be tyrannized over: is not the Stoic a PART of Nature?... But this is an old and everlasting story: what happened in old times with the Stoics still happens today, as soon as ever a philosophy begins to believe in itself. It always creates the world in its own image; it cannot do otherwise; philosophy is this tyrannical impulse itself, the most spiritual Will to Power, the will to "creation of the world," the will to the causa prima.

    You can be a little less brash than this couldn't you? lol
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
  11. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    I think the point is to have a healthy ego... not to mention a healthy libido. Healthy in the sense of not over-inflated, one that is moderated. A healthy ego recognizes limits, and readily submits to realities outside of it. An unhealthy one is.... egoism.

    I think there could also be a connection between egoism and addiction/ out of controlled libido [this may get a bit esoteric]. A healthy psychology is a balanced one. To use Freudian terms [without necessarily being a Freudian] we have the Id, the ego, and the super-ego. Where the ego goes wrong, in my opinion, is in its separation from the super-ego [I read this as culture]. The ego then becomes independent and self-contained, and so falls back on ideology. Ideology is not only separated from culture, but also from eros/Id/ passion. It finds itself in a 'no man's land' whilst under the illusion it has a 'God's eye view' on things. As Freud rightly points out it soon becomes neurotic. Society today always threatens to become a mass neurosis [mass ideology].

    The ego must find its way back to reality, through not only the life affirming energetic aspect of the Id, but also through art, culture, philosophy and religion... all forms of the super-ego... and not necessarily repressive.:)
    Achilles132 likes this.
  12. I'm interested in what your saying here. Care to elaborate?
  13. Achilles132

    Achilles132 Fapstronaut

    I am not suggesting stoicism; I did not mention it in my post. Could you explain how you understand the passage of Nietzsche's you pasted? I agree with part of what you say about Altruism. I don't think altruism is the aim nor stoicism. I see meditation as a time to let go, to create space for self-reflection so that you can take more focused action on the outer world and strengthen the character of your inner-word. It's largely based as a way to develop and essentially become a stronger action taker and become someone of character who's personality and existence have a good impact on their environment and society. This is not stoic. Is love, empathy, and morality, simply not just the ability to see someone else as yourself and recognize that you share something together simply for existing together. Are we not related in the very sense that I can affect you with my words and actions. If I couldn't then we would be completely independent of one another and have no concept or need for empathy, love, or morality at all; meditation doesn't connect you to anything, so to say (using your language) it just allows you to slow down, reflect and recognize what has been there the whole time.
    Birdie likes this.
  14. Achilles132

    Achilles132 Fapstronaut

    Existentially we are affected by each other simply because we both exists. Therefore, each action we take is either done in reaction to something done to us or from our environment or we take action in our own direction after experiencing the world. The person who uses nofap or other acts of self discipline have the frame of mind to build themselves to become strong characters, people who are not in a reactive state all the time but experience the world, all its joys and pains, and act on it from the fundamentals of their character. In this way life happens for them. The reactive type is lost and feels that they are at the mercy of the world and this makes complete sense to justify from their perspective because the have little foundation of character, their character lacks density and is easily moved by every inconsequential thing. They have no ground of character so to say to mount any worthy action upon. These people often seek temporary gratification, quite dopamine hits, etc just like PMO. The person who understands that to exists is to live and you either react to whats done to you and seek quick gratification when you can or you recognize that because you exist you have a responsibility to act (which is inherently in relation to others around you ) from character that you have build and then aim all your energy towards your purpose. You can only find the latter the more Noble approach by resting, reflecting, or meditating. In fact this is the most natural state. But peoples purpose becomes lost very easily because they are born into a world with little defense; it requires a strong spirit to maintain it against the resentful people who have lost theirs and hence want to take it from others. Notice that you have within you a great amount of energy and you have to wake up each morning and figure out something to do with it.
    Being cynical might feel good at first but it gets you nowhere
    Denying your energy and the fact that you bring value to this world just by existing causes you to act in perverted ways in order to satisfy your hunger to fulfill your purpose and grow.
    So the person who develops their character can find a purpose that will set them free, lift them up, and allow them to feel fulfilled. Maybe a professional athlete or business man.
    Here is a distinction: The drug addict is obsessed with getting drugs and getting high; his addiction kills him.
    The business man is obsessed with getting his next deal because he has a purpose that he created somewhere along the lines of helping people and building something great.Therefore, his obsession allows him to grow and flourish. And many people say that these types of people neglect their family and other things that are important for their work and that they are heartless etc... But it is possible to have both, if not all. The Idea of thinking in scarcity separates you from others and possibility. it also creates the attitude that you have to be tough to survive in this world and that whatever someone else gets automatically comes out of 'yours' so to say. if you think abundantly you realize you can have whatever you ask for.
    This is not the most clearly organized response but there is also a distinction I would like to try and be more concise about.
    Noble morality acts upon the world. The world works along with them.
    Slave morality reacts to what is done to them by the world. The world is against them.
    Its the difference between being someone who acts and reflects, and acts better and better, until they have a beautiful life or being the victim who always reacts to what is done to them and because of this their ability to take action dissolves because their character dissolves so the only identity they find solace in is that of the 'Victim.' This separates them from the greater energy in the world that allows you to grow and flourish. Notice how the victim has to other victim friends to commiserate with to perpetuate their self-image and false sense of entitlement. They live in their ego where they are the star of their own performance, they're the only one on the stage, and there is no one in the audience...
  15. lohdit

    lohdit Fapstronaut
