160 Days How Life Changes

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Apr 21, 2018.

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Poll closed Jul 5, 2018.
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  1. Thanks.
  2. I'm following your steps, I have such an enthusiasm right now, I'll need it when facing difficulties.
  3. DeludedSoul

    DeludedSoul Fapstronaut

    Great achievement....it seems you crossed 150 day Mark now. Very inspiring. I am on day 66, not experiencing too many benefits though. Perhaps a flatline period for me.
  4. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    Congrats! How old are you?
  5. Good Job.
  6. Fasting Helps.
  7. I'm 22.
  8. I never looked this much handsome in last 3-5 years!
    A lot of changes psychological and physiological I have noticed in my last 30 days.
    My contribution in my success is less than 1%.
    I believe it's all done by god. There is always bigger power above us who work for us.
    Work hard and make this world beautiful.
  9. Locust360

    Locust360 Fapstronaut

    These success stories save my ass over and over. Probably my favorite part of this forum.

    Not a religious guy, grew up Christian and have spent about the last 20 years just chewing on anything spiritual I can find in search of something without prejudice. You sparked a Hindu itch for me. Was one of those belief systems I just hadn't been able to take an interest in (partly because it's a difficult one to know where to start with). Was getting more curious after a few years digging into Buddhism but your thread has made me make a conscious decision to dig in.

    Any recommendations on where to begin? Book, website etc?
  10. DeludedSoul

    DeludedSoul Fapstronaut

    Try to read something about Swami Vivekananda and his literature and you can take it forward from there. For Fapstronauts, the book Brahmacharya by Swami Sivananda is also very good.
  11. This life is our making.
    We can either seek help from God to make it worthyful or ignore his existence as if assuming ourselves to be immortal.
    Do make a good choice which will set base for good life.
    You can never substitute hard work.
    Either you can wait for the moment or work to make the moment.
    I wish for everybody's well being.May god bless you.
  12. Cool_Bro

    Cool_Bro Fapstronaut

    Do anyone know why @Logan123 deleted his NoFap account ???
  13. Logan123

    Logan123 Fapstronaut

    I apologise,I went without informing you guys,
    I am little busy now a days and I found out that I wouldn't able to get time for this.
    I'll be back When I'll have time for this.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2018
    Cool_Bro likes this.