How do you feel about technology these days?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jun 23, 2018.

  1. I believe today's technology fucked people up and made people not being creative anymore. It's not good to brain at all. This is perfect example why we are getting so many remastered video games and movie remakes/reboots today and people still keep buying them. This is LAZINESS!!!
  2. Without it, this thread wouldn't exist.
  3. Lazy? No. I know you have this weird problem with them but it's also personal choice as to why people buy them, and I don't see how that makes a company lazy. If something I love is being remade why wouldn't I consider buying it? There's always new stuff even with the whole remastered thing going on as well, there's no point in constantly getting upset and complaining about as you literally don't have to buy anything you don't want to.

    "Today's technology" had nothing to do with that aspect and more towards industries realising there's a profitable market there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2018
    Deleted Account and Moon Shot like this.
  4. Moon Shot

    Moon Shot Fapstronaut

    Technology has its ups and downs. Like @Wave Surfer said, this thread wouldn't exist without technology, or more specifically, the internet. Neither would you be able to list all those music artists under your signature. It's rather scary to think where we would be without it. It helps feed billions, spread knowledge, connect the masses, save lives and...

    I do agree with some aspects of your frustration. People are spending too much time on the internet (an aspect of technology, which I think has significant, perhaps the most, impact on us), and that detracts from other facets of life. Enjoying nature, engaging our creative side, communicating and spending time with loved ones and friends... It can help with exactly those too, though... Nevertheless, the internet is entirely responsible for the high-speed, at-your-click-service pornography, and indirectly, though not entirely responsible for, broken and neglected lives. Society has been pornified with the help technology. But I wouldn't say technology is responsible for the global PMO addiction, laziness or any other failing of us humans. We are. We are responsible for our addiction or laziness or whatever, and without taking responsibility, changing is next to impossible. Sure, environmental factors have a hand, but in the end, we need to accept that we can only change with our consent.

    The internet is a tool which is being misused. Can we blame the tool entirely for misuse by the handler?
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
  5. willing2change

    willing2change Fapstronaut

    I think technology definitely has it’s uses such as staying connected with friends and family on social media, being able to order things online that you can’t find in the store. The bad thing is that it causes you to have to look up things such as how to spell something, how to do basic tasks and along with social media comes the unwanted drama.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. I don't see an issue with that per sey, the internet has been invaluable and being able to quickly look up a word or how to spell it has helped me so much through out the years. If someone doesn't know something in the first place or has a problem why is it bad?
    Deleted Account and Moon Shot like this.
  7. @Taylor25 No, you're just choosing to focus on the negative. If you search for it you will find things about technology that are bad, if you search for good you can find plenty of that too.
  8. willing2change

    willing2change Fapstronaut

    Granted it’s great for words I don’t use everyday, but when it’s words I should know how to spell then I feel dumb! LOL
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. I look up words all the time on how to spell them as well as figuring out new ones, simple ones are hard for people with learning disorders such as myself so having Google as well as auto correct is so important for me.

    I think the internet in many ways has become an effective tool and a helping hand for folks especially with disabilities like anxiety and such, that's why I don't really care how it's used as long as the people on it are decent and not just straight up edgy cunts.
    Moon Shot likes this.
  10. I agree. It's bad to rely on a spell checker. I've started a spelling book where I write down words I needed the spell checker's help with and then go over the words at the begining of the day. In the past it's help me spell words correctly but it does take great discipline and if I'm honest there have days when I havn't used it. For me spelling is a great challenge since I have dysexia.
  11. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Technology is a tool, and thus it depends on how it’s used.

    Much like a hammer pounds in a nail or used in blacksmithing, technology has uses and benefits.

    Much like a hammer can crack open someone’s skull, technology can also be abused.
    Moon Shot and Deleted Account like this.