Replacing PMO with StarCraft2

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by VanillaMochi, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    Adjoint, you brought a tear to my eye
  2. MTK

    MTK Fapstronaut

    On the subject of pickup, be careful... some of that stuff is super dark and weird. I have a few friends that can get whatever girl they want and these guys don't use pickup artist tactics to do it. They do it by being cool, genuinely good dudes. The most important thing (and the reason why pickup stuff can actually work) is just putting yourself out there. So many guys - myself included - are so socially paralyzed with women that a nice conversation and a few laughs is actually kind of a big deal.
  3. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    It's kind of hard when you have no car, and no money because you've gambled it all and you work a full-time job. Maybe I can try to "get a life" after these 90 days are up. I really doubt learning to play well at a video game for a three month period is going to have any real negative consequences to my life.

    My original plan was to go 1-year without gambling and that's why I invested $2,000 in to this computer so that I could use it to play StarCraft and not poker. When me and my EX broke up I went back to gambling, smoking, and porn. I don't care if you think I post too much, a lot of my posts are responding to people who need help. I've been welcoming people to the forum and offering my support and advice. I use to be a NoFap Moderator here but I resigned to focus on my recovery.

    This is my recovery. This is the method that I'm using to recover. I've barely gone a day and you already want to stomp on my dreams. What if it works? What if this helps me quit PMO, smoking, and gambling for 90-days? Who the fuck are you to come in to my journal and tell me to go out and get a life?

    Thanks for spelling out dopamine for me though. Like I'm some kind of sad monkey that needs it to be enunciated to me by an even superior sad monkey. I really do appreciate your ability to type in all caps and how you used the minus signs to spell out the one word that everyone on this website A-L-R-E-A-D-Y knows about. That was really classy.

    You didn't even offer an alternative. Not a single tip, or anything. All you did was bash on video games, social media, and excessive internet use. Way to call the kettle black buddy. Posting on the internet about being addicted to the internet. And I have no social media accounts by the way. This is the only form of "social media" I have. This NoFap forum where I post in a journal and write down my personal thoughts. I obviously need to be using this site or I wouldn't be on it. I'm here to get help. I'm dedicated to reaching a full reboot.

    I don't know if this will work but I'm willing to give it a shot as long as I'm still in the green. Thank you for motivating me even more to not want to relapse and prove how great of a reboot idea this was. At least you've got that going for you.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2014
  4. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    When I say I want to practice pick-up all I mean is I want to get good at approaching girls. I'm not going to use any tricks or techniques. All I'm going to do is meet woman and try to make a connection with them. Whenever I do approach a girl I'm always genuine and myself. I don't try to impress her. I am who I am. They usually respond to that anyway. I agree a lot of PUA are dark and somewhat narcissistic. I believe they're addicts too.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2014
  5. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    Day 1

    Got my ass kicked at work. My boss actually burned me with oil today. Fun stuff. I've got a quarter and a penny sized burn on my arm. He wasn't even on the clock.

    I asked a girl at work for a cigarette but I've already told everyone there not to give me any about a month ago. So she said she was out. Which I think was a lie, but good for her.

    It feels good to get one day of clean time.

    Anyway, back to the fun stuff. I practiced a build order for about two hours before work. It's a pretty basic one. I wrote down the build in a notebook, which I will be using a lot. I still need to pick two more build orders for the other two races I'll encounter throughout these 90-days.

    I have about an hour and a half so I'm going to practice the build a little more and maybe watch a podcast or something.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2014
  6. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    I almost didn't get up today because of your post Adjoint. Very discouraging.

    Alright, I work at 10:30am so I'm going to get some practice in before work. An hour of practicing builds, going to pick two more and use them. Then 2-3 hours of actual game play using those builds.

    After work I'm going to read a bit and then watch a few videos/podcasts.
  7. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Adjoint! What gives you the right to launch into a fucking rant at VanillaMochi? :mad:

    Most of the posts you vilify him for, he has used to help and encouraging others. He does not deserve a bollocking! :mad:
  8. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    Uh, oh. You made the owl mad now. :rolleyes:

    Thanks IGY.

    That's a good word for what that was. A rant. I did feel like I was being attacked a little.

    Well good news is I haven't gone back to bed yet. I'm still up. Bad news is I lost to a computer again, lol. I know why I lost and I'll make adjustments. Just when I thought I had this build order down something pops up that hasn't happened yet. I love this game. :)
  9. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Honestly, by Adjoint's logic, any hobby that you enjoy is bad. I'm sure lifting releases dopamine. I think getting good at something, even a video games, is cool. It requires discipline and the ability to stick to something. Especially with a game like StarCraft. It's much more like chess then really any other game I can think of. It's not like WoW or something that's just grinding all day and addictive.
  10. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    It's exactly like chess, just a lot more action and different pieces to play with.
  11. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    Replacing an addiction with an addiction is never a good idea. Any addiction specialist would not approve of such a 'recovery plan'.

    However I would have to argue that playing SC2 in moderation, say no more than 2 hours per day, would not be so harmful.

    To use the internet or any digital medium for enjoyment for more than 2 hours a day is not recommended. I suppose there is no 'standard' for how much one should spend in front of a screen for pleasure, but for instance I just installed RescueTime after discovering it through Adjoint. The default setting for 'wasting time' is 2 hours. For children the health administrations all recommend no more than 2 hours of screen time, I don't think it's really healthy to be spending that much time in front of a screen.

    And if you are doing work on a computer, you might want to find other hobbies because you would be spending even more time in front a screen. It drains you.

    I just installed Civilization Beyond Earth. I wanted to start playing a strategy game because I was looking into increasing my fluid intelligence. However I am setting a limit one hour a day max of playtime and not everyday. Like 5 days a week at most. Or else who knows an addiction to games could start forming.

    The other hour I will set aside for leisure browsing, checking up on my favorite blogs. But if I start working on a computer I am going to cut down my screentime less than 2 hours of 'recreational', and this site is included on my 'unproductive' list.

    Moderation is the key. You need to figure how to moderate it VM if you are going to utilize SC2 in this way.
  12. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    Most professional SC players spend at least 12 hours a day practicing. I'm spending half that amount of time. Like I said, I work a full-time job 30+ hours a week which takes up a huge chunk. I happen to work in a kitchen and I'm able to be somewhat social there and interact with a variety of people. So I'm not spending 6 hours here in front of a computer, then 8 hours there in front of a computer. I'm cooking food and building relationships with my team members.

    As far as replacing an addiction with an addiction I would agree with you. This is only for 90 days. After that I'll play in moderation if not at all. I probably won't have the time after these 90 days are up to be honest. Using video games to escape your problems is something that I am completely against. I do believe they only provide temporary relief just as PMO would or watching movies/netflix excessively. Playing a game and learning a game are two completely different things entirely. Anyone can play a game. Not everyone can master one.

    Also, if you're thinking that maybe I'll get addicted in these 90-days you should probably know that I've been playing this game all day every day off and on for over 10 years. Only taking breaks to have sex, eat and PMO. There's a really good chance that I am already addicted.

    I'm going to spend one day a week doing something cool and social. :cool: I'll be going out to play pool or read and journal at a coffee shop. Ride my bike to the river, experience nature etc. While I am out I will be approaching girls whenever I have the chance, as usual.

    Other than that...

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2014
  13. Ghost.

    Ghost. Fapstronaut

    Heh, I'm currently Platinum in SC2. Used to be high diamond before Heart of the Swarm came out. Started playing again a few weeks ago.

    My schedule only allows me to play on weekends :p.
  14. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    What did you do to get to high diamond? Did you practice build orders or just wing it?
  15. Ghost.

    Ghost. Fapstronaut

    I was just inherently good from the Brood War days. The only practice I ever did was vs real opponents in ranked games.
  16. eldish

    eldish Fapstronaut

    VM, I think that playing StarCraft for 90 days and then weaning off of video games after that is fine as long as it works for you.

    Anything is better than smoking cancer sticks, obsessively watching porn, and blowing all your money on gambling games that you'll always loose more money than you make.

    Keep up the good work.
  17. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    Thank you edlish. Glad to see you doing good as well. :)
  18. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    I have a pretty high APM. I just don't really know what to do. I use to have a good feel for the game but I think I've sort of lost it.
  19. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi VanillaMochi

    I think Adjoint may have meant well, but the way he worded it came off as very rude and unhelpful.

    While it's great that you're using your time to invest in something healthier and more useful than porn, smoking or gambling I'd just say: be careful. I have tried to distract myself from my issues by using other artificial stimuli. It hasn't really worked for me. I've either crashed and gone back to porn or I've built a habit of the things I wanted to distract me.

    For example I now think I spend too much time on this forum. Yes, most of the time I'm trying to help others and communicate with people but at the end of the day, I've still spent 2+ hours sitting down at the computer and not doing what I believe to be a more constructive use of my time.

    I have a friend who is really into video games. Video games have been his distraction from life, much like porn has been the distraction from mine. Over the last few years he has become very lazy and overweight. I'm not saying that video games have made him lazy and overweight, but I believe that more natural stimulation could be more beneficial for him than sitting in front of a computer screen. For example: I've suggested meeting with him face to face instead of using skype.

    I've never really got into that realm of gaming, but I'm much more a fan of physical games like sport, cards or something like Magic the Gathering than online gaming.

    I'd just say, anything's better than porn, smoking and gambling, but be careful that gaming doesn't get out of control either.

    All the best
  20. purity

    purity Fapstronaut

    Well in that case I feel like a monk for limiting myself to 1 hour haha! I also might join you sometime, I still have a account. Although I only have Wings of Liberty and don't see myself investing anymore money into Blizzard lol. So maybe not :(
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2014