4th of July

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. 2C8ABB33-4F79-410E-82D8-8C9492474AFD-14304-0000040ADEB57E58.jpeg

    So why should Americans obey the law when their country was founded upon lawlessness?
  2. Cause they don't wan't to go to jail and get but raped. I agree with your point cause I see our founding fathers as the murderous, low life, genocide committing rapist they were.
  3. EthanW.

    EthanW. Fapstronaut

    The chains of Statism, and imposed monarchism, upon the free will of individual sovereignty is the greatest restriction of freedom there is. Laws are relative, and their definitions subjective. There is a perspective that freedom is only achieved by placing the individual as the foremost decider in the fate of his life, actions and property; that is what the principles of independence represent, in the context of a new nation of free people.

    I mean, "illegal gun ownership"? Come on.
  4. EthanW.

    EthanW. Fapstronaut

    There were raping, murdering, genocidal people in your own ancestral lineage. It's easy to judge the past on the moral axioms of the present social norms, but it is neither fair nor very productive to do so. The world was what it was.
  5. It doesn't change historical fact does it? I'm stating what anyone who is remotely familiar with history knows to be true. You're the one getting all but hurt. What does my historical lineage have to do with the founding fathers and the 4th of July?
  6. EthanW.

    EthanW. Fapstronaut

    I didn't claim to change anything. But, the "but hurt" comment is what I mean by unproductive: if you feel like judging the past by present standards, you are making assumptions about individuals and groups of people that are unrealistic, and will leave you with a moralistic nausea that serves only to embitter you.

    People put forward a desire to live in a more free country than they did, and today I am descended from other people who thought this was a good opportunity for a flourishing life. I understand that rape, murder and even genocide can occur in human cultures, so I don't offend myself by believing the founders could (or should) have done anything different. Furthermore, I am grateful for the sacrifice the Europeans made in forming the country, and I have pride that I can practice freedom in ways other people around the world might not be able to.

    That is why I celebrate the Fourth of July, and the Independence of the colonial people in their preference not to be ruled by the kings of centuries past.
  7. 1) As I said, I was stating irrefuateble historical fact and this clearly upset you. You are butthurt and you need to get a hold of your emotions and stop acting like a kid.

    2) Then you say "There were raping, murdering, genocidal people in your own ancestral lineage. " as if I don't understand my own history and I'm claiming moral high ground. This also has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation.

    I don't give a fuck why you celebrate the 4th of July because I dont know you. No need to justify your values to me. I'm sorry the truth makes you so uncomfortable but attacking me for it is just as unproductive, lol.
  8. EthanW.

    EthanW. Fapstronaut


    Well, you brought up how you "see our founding fathers as the murderous, low life, genocide committing rapist they were." The question in the picture was "What do Americans really celebrate on the 4th of July?" You seem to be saying that we celebrate the legacy of "murderous, low life, genocide committing rapists," no? I was merely observing that your own genes are the legacy of murder, rape and possibly genocide, if that was what you were implying in your first post. You even said you "agree with the point." So, yeah, you look like you are moralizing.

    Didn't attack you. Don't know what you are talking about. But, I think discussing values is productive for the understanding behind such questions as those that pertain to the foundational principles of national independence, and what it might mean for future inhabitants of such a nation. The picture is expressing a narrative meant to incite skepticism and questions about our past, and my analysis of values is my contribution to that incitement.
  9. Were not discussing the picture. Were discussing the OPs question.

    So why should Americans obey the law when their country was founded upon lawlessness?

    No wonder you sound so confused.
  10. The country wasn't formed on lawlessness. Leaving one country and their laws to start your own country with your own set of laws is not lawlessness. You're just seperating & creating your own laws.

    It's exactly in the name. Independence day. Declaring independence and making your own laws.

    Side note: I think you made some harsh comments about the founding fathers. I'm sure they all weren't rapist and certainly weren't commiting genocide. It's a definite possibility some (or dare I say a good amount) of people back then we're just chilling living their life.
  11. Taxation is theft. King George was a tyrant. We also won. If England got to keep their colony the founding fathers would have hung as traitors. Winners write the history books.
  12. SanSolo

    SanSolo Fapstronaut

    At the risk of being called a traitor...

    The Crown of England incurred some sizeable expenses in fighting the French and Indian War. A war that primarily benefited the colonists. The taxes that the colonists found so objectionable were levied with the intent to recover some of that expense for the Crown. Maybe not an entirely unreasonable position for the Crown to take.

    Anyway...nice one Wave Surfer. Thanks for the laugh.
  13. Everything I said was true. When you "discover" a continent that is already inhabited the only way to take control of it is to dispose of the people who are already there. This is historical fact. Do you think the Indians exterminated themselves? Who do you think brought slaves to the United states. They may not have gotten their hands dirty directly but orchestrating the rape and pillage of a nation is worse from where I stand. The atrocities they committed are the book definition of lawless.
  14. Well said
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. EthanW.

    EthanW. Fapstronaut

    I guess you will have to clarify what you mean by "founding fathers," because there are literal centuries between the time America is colonized to the time popular figures in colonial culture rallied together to declare independence and put forward a manifest to their political destinies. Benjamin Franklin never exterminated anyone, for instance.

    Maybe you're right: it's possible someone in this thread is confused. :emoji_point_right: @The Unfadeable
  16. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. The extermination of the native Americans didn't occur over night. Benjamin Franklin was a major contributor to the establishment of a government which accelerated the displacement and extermination of the native Americans in addition to being a slave owner. Don't hurt yourself thinking to hard Ethan. This stuff is all common knowledge to anyone who isnt a retard but keep making ignorant statements and I'll keep shooting holes in them. I've included some direct quotes from the writings of your founding fathers below.

    Benjamin Franklin, from his autobiography, 1750s

    “If it be the design of Providence to extirpate these Savages in order to make room for cultivators of the Earth, it seems not improbable that rum may be the appointed means.”

    Orders of George Washington to General John Sullivan, May 31, 1779

    “The immediate objectives are the total destruction and devastation of their settlements and the capture of as many prisoners of every age and sex as possible. It will be essential to ruin their crops in the ground and prevent their planting more.”

    Governor William Henry Harrison, of the Indiana Territory (1800-1812) while defending displacement of the Indians

    “Is one of the fairest portions of the globe to remain in a state of nature, the haunt of a few wretched savages, when it seems destined by the Creator to give support to a large population and to be the seat of civilization?”

    President Thomas Jefferson, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, December 29, 1813

    “This unfortunate race, whom we had been taking so much pains to save and to civilize, have by their unexpected desertion and ferocious barbarities justified extermination and now await our decision on their fate.”

    James Monroe, in a letter to Andrew Jackson, October 5, 1817

    “The hunter or savage state requires a greater extent of territory to sustain it, than is compatible with the progress and just claims of civilized life, and must yield to it. Nothing is more certain, than, if the Indian tribes do not abandon that state, and become civilized, that they will decline, and become extinct. The hunter state, tho maintain’d by warlike spirits, presents but a feeble resistance to the more dense, compact, and powerful population of civilized man.”
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2018
  18. I've also included various articles about Thomas Jefferson who is a know rapist that fathered multiple children with young female slaves that did not have the option to say no.






