Does porn determine your sexuality?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by 19m, Jul 7, 2018.

  1. 19m

    19m Fapstronaut

    does porn determine your sexuality ?
    Deleted Account and STAR DUST like this.
  2. ClaudeDuval

    ClaudeDuval Fapstronaut

    No, porn is a cesspool of lies. Porn warps your mind... Like a heroin addict, you have to keep upping the dose to "get off" so you end up getting into things you normally wouldn't enjoy. People will watch transgendered person porn, BDSM, violent stuff, all sorts of things that they normally wouldn't be interested in.
  3. 19m

    19m Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the boost of confidence!
  4. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    No. I've watched homosexual pornography a few times and I didn't turn into a homosexual.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

    No only because of escalation
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    I would like to share my experience
    How this addiction changes fetishes for me each time
    hot songs YouTube<fantasising about my classmates<anal porn<vanilla sex<cuckold<interracial<old man young girl
    In real life I am nothing like that
    It was just high amount of dopamine I want each time
    But I never got aroused by homosexual porn
  7. In my early days of watching porn it started off as a casual glance at homoerotic porn which I remember at that stage seeing men penetrate each other almost disgusted me. Fast forward a few years and I was watching only gay porn as I didn't make me feel as guilty as watching women as I am married. I definitely had some deeper homosexual curiosities growing up which I am only starting to admit now. I remember reading about it as a teen and the encyclopedia said that almost all males have these feelings as a teen so I dismissed the feelings at that stage and kept going with my Irish Catholic values. I now have a wife and four kids but the same sex attraction is getting stronger as I get older and am having less sex with my wife.
    But to try and answer your question I don't really know. A lot of guys seem to say on here that watching gay porn when straight is common but I'd like to know what a qualified professional thinks.
    Sorry I can't be of more help!

    Salada likes this.
  8. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I feel like porn takes what would normally be just human curiosity and gives it an unhealthy outlet. I imagine a lot of people have at least thought about certain sex acts with certain people that they would never do in real life, in much the same way that I imagine many of us fantasise about non sex related things. The difference is that the sexual curiosity can now be fed with porn, which is fundamentally unhealthy. Where once you might have thought to yourself "huh, men sleeping with each other sounds weird" and then never think of it again, now you can have the thought and feed it with porn, which may start as honest to goodness curiosity but then lead on to other things. While I dont think porn itself changes your sexuality, it can put you on the path to certain things you would otherwise never even think of.
  9. Interesting thought Atomic, this is reassuring for me. I suppose it makes that 'thought' okay as you can watch other people acting it out which in a subconscious way makes it acceptable.
  10. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Curiosity in and of itself is pretty harmless, its what you do with it that determines the problem. I imagine most people with jobs they hate are curious about cursing their boss out and quitting, but they wouldn't actually do it because in general we are rational enough to not be that stupid (unless you win the lottery or something in which case go ahead haha). Being addicted to something breaks down that rationality and makes it hard to distinguish between our own thoughts and feelings and the thoughts and feelings of our addicted brains.
  11. Thanks Atomic, are you only 21? Wise beyond your years!
    I want to ask about then length of your streaks but I maybe pm you as I don't want to hijack someone elses post.

  12. 19m

    19m Fapstronaut

    Why am I so afraid of being bi? I know my the reason why I watched cd/ transgendered person porn is because of escalation and then went to like femboy porn . But why do I keep feeling that I’m in denial even tho I KNOW I’m not because when I think about it with my mind I really don’t get hard at all to that stuff
    STAR DUST likes this.
  13. 19m

    19m Fapstronaut

    Is that hocd?

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

    Maybe you are and it’s something worth exploring. Just be safe and use protection. Sexuality is now being social accepted in this country. Be true to your self. If you are bi be ready for the kick back if your family and friends aren’t accepting but
    Deleted Account likes this.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

    Yes for me personally every thing I watched til this day I would love to try . I never watched gay porn with men because it turns me way off, how ever lesbian play rn turns me on and I would love to be with multiple women at one time so I don’t know. When I watched it I watched things I want in real life I won’t go in to detail but all women all races all body types. I just love women. If my wife were to say let’s open our relationship I would do it in a second. That’s just me I have always appreciated beautiful sexual women.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

    I have my first response according to what I heard from Gary Wilson and my second response from my personal experience so maybe you are gay bi explore and find out just use protection or if straight try pegging with your girlfriend
  17. 19m

    19m Fapstronaut

    Well I wouldn’t want to have sex with men when I think about it in my mind it doesn’t turn me on at all. Plus before porn I always knew what I liked and that was women only . If I was bi I’d accept it but I know I’m not . Because months and months I watched straight and lesbian porn then I went to transsexual /femboy porn and that’s that. I don’t like those two last one nor do I like seeing a mans dick it’s a turn off as well as masculinity
  18. 19m

    19m Fapstronaut

    Thank you I totally agree with you!
  19. I think at first it should be you that defines your porn
  20. Maybe because there isn't a "homosexual" type of person, simply a "homosexual" desire. Historically, gays only started to exist 100 years ago - before that there was no distinction.

    "There is no such thing as a homosexual or a heterosexual person. ... Most people are a mixture of impulses if not practices." (Gore Vidal)