Is porn and kink all bad?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. Phoenix234

    Phoenix234 Fapstronaut

    Sarah. I don’t think really she is the one to be laughed at. She has to me for example very valid very good points! Quite so,e of them are what I share or state too.
    You refer to science. I did in my posts too and explained it. You need to learn to instead project your own negativity as the evil porn and turn your eyes inside yourself and look for your own problems and what the true causes are. I think this is basically also what she states. Quite well put I would say. And yes if one continues to project the own negativity into other things instead of getting rid of it yes it’s hindering the healing.
  2. Phoenix234

    Phoenix234 Fapstronaut

    How hilarious you funny guy. Advise to you. Look deeper closer and open your mind that something can get in and help you doing way better! Maybe then eben you are able to recognize true points instead of blindly ridiculing them on zero base and with no point!
  3. Phoenix234

    Phoenix234 Fapstronaut

    Yes same as with alcohol. The comparison still fits as most people use it. That’s a fact. Just as much as your boss in your company. Your father your brother your uncles and your priest in church Obama and bill gates and other high respected people highly most likely will react with arousal when put on a sex polygraph and presented a girl getting tied up. It’s a scientific fact. 95% do react.

    But yes they do go back to porn as they do to alcohol. People like it. And if you don’t have a other condition you won’t have a problem. If you have a condition you become a addict. If it’s porn or alc. same thing. Getting off alcohol is just as hard.
  4. Phoenix234

    Phoenix234 Fapstronaut

    i know how bad it can work. I mysekf got into edging which is even way worse than just porn watching and masturbation as I could hold myself in this extremely pleasurable state for a very long time. I agree that it’s very difficult to get off. I am a victim mysekf.

    But I also worked my way out or am abou. I had some very important realizations about it which I strongly believe is the key to realize ones own points deeply and clearly so the cause for the addiction gets removed and then the addiction can be erased much much better. Thiscis 100% true for me. The judgement actuslly I had mysekf and thinking its bad mysekf ahs even thinking I have to live monk mode and all these things root in deep moral patterns planted in one through personal history society collective view (like found here too and the one that I fight age that brings these strong reactions) through church religions parents... This fundamentally wrong believe in my eyes hasto be corrected as one root point to heal oneself. There has to be a total yes to the sex force. Otherwise you go against life itsself. That does not mean you should go and watch porn. This is not how you solve the addiction. But the rejection and condemnation and the negativity put on it is deeply wrong and hindering the liberation. On this sense!!!! I agree porn addiction is way worse then drugs as the moral impact cuts way deep into your being.
  5. Phoenix234

    Phoenix234 Fapstronaut

    just see this now. I hope you come back here. I wish I would have come in earlier. Me too am not here too often. Keep it up please!
  6. Phoenix234

    Phoenix234 Fapstronaut

    Well put! I sent you a PM. I also quoted and replied on various points posts and comments of yours.
  7. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    You are also really funny.. lol. You just like porn, dont you?
    Yea, porn is going nowhere near me i can tell you that.. lol. Porn is bad, alchohol is bad, fuck it.
  8. I hope you're not the same person on a different account, I mean really you're massaging her ego a little much and essentially repeating the same things don't you think?

    You're not understanding what I'm saying at all... Porn is essentially designed in nature to be highly stimulating exploiting our primal system, where on any study with alcohol have you read that the first drink spirals them into addiction?

    I could say it's closer to smoking because of the addictive nicotine factor but that would still be wrong, nicotine is a artificial chemical that induces dependancy through use while with porn the only chemical released is naturally in the brain which is dopamine, but unfortunately it's in excessively high amounts which is far worse because of the natural reward system.

    Anything and everything can become an addiction if you let it but some things are too strong and can easily turn to addiction, I already explained that but you decided to just skim that I guess. The difference again is the dopamine released on any of those activities including alcohol has been proven to be far less than what porn showed on results, so on normal activities you'd require way more dopamine before getting addicted unlike porn. While there are many factors to an addiction and how they can be formed, they all share the main key ingredient, dopamine!

    Have you missed all these articles and studies or what? Surely you should be aware of everything that has been said about it.

    Either way yours and her logic are a bloody dogs dinner mate, why don't you just go back to watching porn then and snort some coke while you're at it? After all if these addictions are just in your mind then you should be able to go back to them with a "healthy" new outlook and amount with her logic right? ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2018
  9. Very well said, but i doubt you'll get any where with it. Posting on this thread is like talking to a wall.
  10. Yeah bloody hell it's like talking to my old gaffer, he was definitely a few sandwiches short of a picnic...
  11. Consider my hands raised
  12. Pm me those screenshots mate, because I have questions that need answering!
    tweeby likes this.
  13. Bhara

    Bhara Fapstronaut

    You read my mind!
  14. What does the OP means here ?
  15. Bhara

    Bhara Fapstronaut

    I think it's "other person"
  16. She's not the op
  17. Op stands for original poster.
    Deleted Account and Roady like this.
  18. You mean when @tweeby said OP? Because OP in a forum means original poster, so the person that created the thread.
  19. SI fighter

    SI fighter Fapstronaut

    When it becomes addiction, it goes wrong.
  20. I don't think it's so widespread but it does happen. It should also be said it's easy to take this thread at face value if you're a new user.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2018