New Journal, New Journey

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by LowKeeKee, Jun 22, 2018.

  1. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    WE GOT THE HOUSE! Our offer on the new house was accepted this evening, we celebrated with some wine and some Netflix, haha.
    TryingHard2Change likes this.
  2. Recovering PA

    Recovering PA Fapstronaut

    Reading your post it is heart-breaking. I successfully overcame my experiences with my SO leaving over trust issues.

    I stupidly when tired one night asked my SO who had no sex drive at the time if I could M just once. The reasoning behind it was to release pressure as testicles were uncomfortable and didn't want to make her feel like a prostitute just serving my needs. The reasoning is just a way to minimise, I did this for about 2 weeks and it didn't help. What did help was returning to good behaviours I learnt through reading 'the man of her dreams, the woman of his' the link is in my signature. It is a worthwhile read if you have the money and time. This changed my perception on life, relationship as and how I want to behave as an adult.

    What I am trying to say is that if she has not left and angry there is still hope, you need to approach in the right way but I found talking as adults, updating her as to your recovery, asking and listening about hers. The relationship may not be over yet. In these situations anger is our friend as it shows she cares. I am not saying you can save the relationship as I do not know you both personally but from my experience with the right approach it could be saved.

    All the best, hope you manage to resolve your issues.
  3. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    We enjoyed a lovely day off together, slept until like 10:30, then lounged around for a while. We eventually got up and went grocery shopping, then cleaned our house in preparation for Lovebug's parents to arrive for a visit.

    Overall we had a good day today.
  4. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    Busy day today, worked this morning, until about noon, then came home, napped for like 15 minutes. We went to an open house of the place we just signed to buy. Then had a bank appointment to go over the financing and everything. Finished the day off with a scenic drive in the valley, dinner, and a long dog walk. It was a nice day.
  5. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    It rained all day, which was a shitty deal, Lovebug's parents were in town and we wanted to take them.out for a hike. The heavy rains kind of ruined that plan. We had Korean food for lunch though, that was pretty good, then I made some delicious salmon for dinner.

    I've been reading this book about ignoring your inner critic, and mindfulness, it's pretty interesting, I'll post the name of it tomorrow.

    Things reset and recovery wise have been going well, I've been keeping up with my promises and such.
  6. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    Today I gave my official notice at my previous job, then finished the day. At the end of the day, the boss told me that since it's slow in the shop, I don't need to worry about finishing the week, and that if my new job doesn't work out for some reason, I'd be welcome back. Always a comforting feeling.

    I made some delicious soup for my Love for dinner, we watched a couple episodes of good wife, then played a board game, now it's bed time. Good night People
    TryingHard2Change likes this.
  7. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    Having a mid week day off was strange, but I managed to clean most of our house today, which felt good to accomplish.

    I emailed my new job, and they want me to start work tomorrow instead of next week, which is pretty awesome. I'm optimistic and a little nervous about it, but I know I'll do well. It's going to be good.

    We had a lovely evening this eve,we played a board game that we've had for ages but never played together, it was really fun. I made some dinner and then we did some yoga. Bed time now, big day tomorrow.
    TryingHard2Change likes this.
  8. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    What board game?

    Good luck at your new job ... I'm sure you'll do great!!
  9. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    Last night's game was Relic Runners, it's pretty awesome. We try to play a game or two every evening.

    Today was my first day at my new job, 8 hours of orientation videos, and reading safety info.

    We had a positive day today, I felt really happy, work was a little mentally exhausting, but otherwise I felt positive all day.
  10. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    Finished my orientation today around 11am. After I came home I did the dishes, started some laundry, then picked Lovebug up from work.

    I feel good in my recovery, and will keep on improving every day.
  11. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    It's been a difficult evening, and I feel awful. I made my Lovebug upset, and I'm in one of those moments where I can't seem to find the right words to help.
  12. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Sometimes silence is good...just sitting with your SO, being there / being present...and silence.

    Maybe not what you need to do .. but maybe it is.
  13. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    We had an argument this morning, I made my love feel bad last night, and then I frustrated her this morning, and completely missed the point when it came to comforting her. I got scared and anxious when she got frustrated, and when all she wanted in the world was for me to pull her in and hold her, tell her everything would be ok, I instead stood on the other side of the room and waited for her to come with me (we had an appointment to go to before I frustrated her). This was completely me misinterpreting the situation, seeing her frustration and pain, I felt like she didn't want me near her. Then when she asked me what she wanted from me to make her feel better, the one thing she always wants when she is upset, I blanked, I didn't know what to say, and I tried to talk my way through it, when all she was looking for was a hug and comfort.

    I definitely won't make this mistake again, I love my Lovebug, and I vow to always be her safe place, I always want her to feel like I'm here to comfort her and I always will.

    After we discussed this, we took our dogs for a walk, had some lunch, went out for some nachos and a drink, then had friends over to play a couple board games.
  14. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    So I've begun my first day at my new job, my word is this ever dirty work, haha.

    It's going g to be a good job though, I'm optimistic about it.

    My Lovebug and I had a lovely day today, we didn't do a whole lot, but we spent to majority of our day together, and it made my heart happy.

    She was pretty scared as I was on my way out the door for my first night shift, it's been quite some time since she had had to sleep alone, but I know she's going to be alright.
  15. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    Second night on the new job, my word is this night shift exhausting. It's a difficult transition to go from normal day shifts to nights. Only having a few hours per day to spend with my Lovebug is not cool, but of I work my buns off I'll be able to transfer to a new position on day shift after 30 shifts.
  16. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    I'm completely physically worn out from work, lots of hard work at this new job. I enjoy it, but my muscles hurt.

    Looks like I may get a long weekend this weekend, and we will likely go for a hike together which will be lovely.
  17. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    Such dirty work, my word. I'm covered in dust for 8 hours a day now :cool:

    My poor love is having such a hard time falling asleep, but I'm sure that will improve over the next week or so.

    Our house purchase is fully officially official now. We can start moving in after the 14th, I think.
  18. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    Lovebug had a very bad day, she had a fender bender in the morning on the way to work, and she was really upset all day. I hadn't woken up yet when she got home from work, which stressed her out, and we had an argument. We both started to feel better with some time, and snuggled on the couch for a while before I went to work.

    I like this new job, I'm never bored, there's always something to do, it's very rewarding.
  19. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    My love and I had a good day together, I was exhausted, and had a couple naps, night shift can be brutal. We got through it together and managed to do all of the things we had planned to do.
    It was a good day, and on the way to bed I feel happy and ready to sleep.
  20. LowKeeKee

    LowKeeKee Fapstronaut

    We had a decent Saturday together, slept in, then went grocery shopping and just chilled for the evening, I feel good afternoon today, and we are up late together playing board games out in the moonlight on the front balcony. I love our quality time together.