do you like girls who wear make-up?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by astronaut prime, Jul 23, 2018.

  1. Are you suggesting that people can't be more attracted to one person over another? Idk about LiquidShoes, but I wouldn't be able to explain in words why I find one person absolutely gorgeous and another not so much. It's just a feeling and an instinct thing.
  2. I don't know, and honestly I dont really care that much. There are plenty of theories out there regarding the science of why people find certain traits attractive, but I dont believe every little thing about us can be summed up scientifically like that. There are tons of other factors. I dont think anyone can really know the answer to that question.
  3. Um... because I have certain tastes and desires? I don't understand why you asked the question. Everybody's got their own preference and opinion on whether or not a person is attractive, and more often than not, this attraction just can't be helped. I can't help if I'm attracted to one girl and not to another.

    You might as well be asking me why do I get certain songs stuck in my head.

    Why would drinking water fundamentally change a woman's appearance and make her 2 inches taller?

    As for changing my mind, I haven't changed my mind about that ever since I realized I liked women. It's hard to imagine I would.
  4. Yeah, I figured that makeup as a whole is much more of a subjective area since you're dealing with aesthetics there.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, definitely. I just don't like it when a girl becomes dependent on it.
  6. Octoling

    Octoling Fapstronaut

    I think most girls look just fine without make-up.

    My girlfriend only recently started using make-up, and I honestly haven't found her any more or less appealing. There are some days when she'll rush the job and then I can tell, but most days I just can't tell the difference, and I'm happy and she's happy :).

    Mascera and concealer generally look good in moderation, but I absolutely hate lipstick/gloss. Not only does it look bad, but if I go to kiss her, I don't want that rubbing onto my mouth!

    Of course, we're speaking only in terms of physical appearance; of course a woman's physical appearance only matters if I'm involved with her romantically.
  7. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Ok, well here's a twist...
    I wear semi-permanent makeup.
    So basically I'm wearing makeup for weeks at a time.
    (no powder or foundation or gloss or anything)
    The first time my husband saw me makeup-less was a... "what? There... Is something different about you.. Isn't there...?"
    I have friends who wear permanent makeup too.. Which means their makeup is tattooed on.
    (And that's their only tattoos.)
    They have their lips highlighted and their eye linered.
    I even have a friend with darkened, straightened eyebrows.
    So... What do you do when this is the scenario and you can't guess right away about the makeup?
    When it doesn't just 'wash off'
    Then what?
    I'm not altering something I made practically permanent for anyone else.
    This is how I like my face.
    I've worn it this way for years.
    It's who i am.
    astronaut prime likes this.
  8. Hi Castielle. Excuse me, what!? o_O You are going to have to explain that one to me. :confused: How is, what I would call body graffiti, "Pretty dang sexy"!? The body is sexy. How is permanent writing or drawing on it supposed to make it sexy? :eek:
  9. Women wearing make-up suggests insecurity. Apparently, there are women that refuse to be seen unless they have put their mask on. God only knows what they would do in an emergency fire or something during the night. I would not want a relationship with somebody that cannot simply be themselves. The wearing of make-up suggests that the individual has an elevated view of their worth in the eyes of others. So, they place undue importance on looks rather than personality IMO.

    What is more, it can look ridiculous. Like women who go for the black eyelids look. Frightful! It is so unnatural. You will seldom come across a man that wears make-up. In that respect, men are more down to earth and just get on with life. I find make-up particularly objectionable on children. Nowadays you see little tots with coloured fingernails and toenails. In my mind, this is sexualising a child. Before long, they want lipstick, later on mascara and so on. It looks grotesque IMO.
  10. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I think the body is a temple... Why not decorate the walls?
    If this is the same thought.. Why Pierce ears or paint nails or dye hair?
  11. Well said, you should write for fortune cookies lol.
  12. Thats a lot of confused and stressed out smiley faces there iggy lol. I think tattoos can be sexy under the right circumstances if done with class, but generally i agree with you in that they arent necessary. That being said, im not against them either and i can see why others like them.
  13. Yes exactly! Why indeed? It is pure vanity. Attaching bits of metal to our flesh is mega weird in my view. Women that alternate with half a dozen or more different hair colours looks ridiculous, especially when you can see the roots are something different. Men dye hair because they're in denial about getting older. Nail painting makes women look like tarts.
    wearefamily87 likes this.
  14. We are clearly not looking at the same tattoos. I have yet to see a sexy tattoo (no emojis required).
  15. Or we just have different opinions ;)
  16. Yeah, that is what a discussion is: an exchange of opinions.
  17. I agree completely, people sometimes get way to worked up about things.
  18. Well you see, theres this thing called different opinions and preferences...
  19. How do you explain why you find something sexy? It's mostly just an instinctual feeling... I'm not sure how I'm supposed to explain why that feelings comes about. It just does. I like tattoos, most of the time, and I think they're sexy a lot of the time. Depending on what they are and where they are.
  20. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    I can't stand seeing women with excessive amounts of make up. I've seen some who wore so much I wanted to go up to them and say "Excuse me, miss. You have a face on your make up."

    Not necessarily. If someone is Asian and actually understands what the writing means then I think it's fine. If you're just some frat bro with blonde hair then it's stupid.

    I like women who keep it simple as far as make up goes. If it's a special occasion or something i don't mind if she wanted to wear a little extra.