Is Productivity > rising by nofap or is it < declining?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Jinkazama, Aug 2, 2018.

  1. Jinkazama

    Jinkazama Banned

    Hey guys.

    I wondered, whether your productivity went up during nofap, or did it go down?

    Cause sometimes I feel the thought of PMOing is getting in the ways distracting my thoughts. then I can't think of anything till I do it, I do it, relapse, depressed.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Quitting PMO itself won't raise or decrease productivity. Productivity depends on your own effort and drive. It's entirely possible to quit PMO yet be less productive.
  3. GratifiedSlave

    GratifiedSlave Fapstronaut

    PMO-free life obviously increased my productivity; gave me much more time to do the work worth doing rather than wasting time on PMO
    kropo82 likes this.
  4. Jinkazama

    Jinkazama Banned

    Thats right.

    Own effort is Key
    Nofap gives us the 24 hours in a day Back

    Last Time i was at day 10
    Girls smiled at me
    I felt i got so much more time left
    Mood was good but then Lust was too big to hold Back.

    After 3 days nofap, my productivity is again lowered... Porn has a short Term effect.
    But in the Long Term i think willpower is the better productivity giver.

    Short Term porn productivity plus
    But long Term porn productivity lowered cause Depression, brain fog, social anxiety etc.
  5. renrev nimof

    renrev nimof Fapstronaut

    I've Just completed The seventh day. I feel more productive
  6. Jinkazama

    Jinkazama Banned

    How Come?
  7. MadFarmer

    MadFarmer Fapstronaut

    I think it makes me more confident which in turn gives me more energy. When I'm PMOing every day I am way more social anxious and would rather run from my problems than confront them so I'd say I'm more productive when I'm staying clean.

    FGHTFRLF Fapstronaut

    Honestly, it’s sort of yes and no;
    Once your brain rewires from quitting your addiction, you begin to feel normal desires and pleasures (from doing activies) more. This in turn makes many people much more productive due to them now realizing that their actions mean value to them. Watch the TEDxtalk on the great experiment of porn to know more about the rewiring.
  9. zadvanceppa

    zadvanceppa Fapstronaut

    I struggle for a month or 2. I concentrate on nofap and probably suffer in my business. I get some nofap time under my belt and then productivity increases. Confidence builds after 45-60 days off M'ing. Everybody is different though.
  10. for me it has certainly gone UP UP UP...because i am doing other things and not spending all the time on the screen PMO'ing...there's also the increased energy thing.
  11. Jinkazama

    Jinkazama Banned

    But what if you start to only think About porn and fapping when you are on day 14 or so??? Then you relapse and feel bad, of Course...
    But productivity in short term would again rise, if you don't do chaser effects.

    Maybe the key to PMO is Moderation, rather than total quitting?
    If you say, I only fap my dick off like a Maniac every 14 days, it would be WAY better than most People, but still getting some self Control Benefits - if you can follow to that rule…

    On the other Hand (pun not intended), every porn we watch burns itself into our Brains, doing Damage to the way we view ourselves and women… fapping also makes us feel like total losers (cause we are)

    Maybe NoFap works, but like our brain Always working very slow, changes taking a lot of time etc?
    We just have to learn to rewire ourselves, and only after years and years of struggle, some Benefits might arise?

    What Things have you started? I hang around in this Forum way too Long and often. I got Holidays.
    What Kind of increased Energy? I wanna know.
  12. Jinkazama

    Jinkazama Banned

    I don't know man... some guy, they masturbate, but are really extrovert beside it... they even get women… it's not the fapping primarily I think.

    You Always gotta see the big Picture of sociological uprising, youth, About life circumstances etc... there are so many variables. So we Control our fapping behavior, but our socialisation, the School, the parents, relatives and all the People that left their mark on our Souls... Ain't that a lot stronger as a factor than fapping to porn?
    I can't tell… On the other Hand, if one manages to totally quit porn for years, he must become a very controlled and happy Person, Right?

    I read that often, that Problems that arise are only confronted well if People don't fap to porn…. it gives us some room /mental space? Motivation and might have to do with our reward System, making us more resilient...

    on the other Hand, some People fap every day… function like machines, have great Jobs and lives… and even got women.
  13. Joined a Gym, focusing on promoting my business more, hanging out with friends, fixing the stuff around the house ive been meaning to do for ages. there is always things to do away from PMO. Always
    Male sperm energy, or mojo, is incredibly powerful to use in chasing other creative outlets...its up to you find what you like doing most, for me it is working and giving body therapy to clients. You can use your mojo to power you through it. Transmutation it is, and works. All the best.
  14. Jinkazama

    Jinkazama Banned

    "there is Always Things to do away from PMO"

    This is so right and IT feels that way.
    I Hope I never Return to porn to fix my Life.
    I could use some creative energy for becoming an author.

    We are Like Oidipus. The guilt and mistake is ours. We are the ones who killed Our father and fucked Our mothers.

    We, the PMO fappers are 21st century oidipuses and onans.