Nude photos on wall at work

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Thomas1987, Aug 26, 2018.

Is nude photo appropriate in all-male warehouse working environment?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. dodalala

    dodalala Fapstronaut

    Finally some common sense in here, in a blue collar job people aren't going to get offended by it because of the environment but in a white collar enviroment that is looked at as professional it is going to be inappropriate because they tend to be dealing with more serious things such as law or finance.

    Op if you were in an office or something i'd agree with you but it's a warehouse mate, you're not doing something that professional.
  2. If someone is arguing to forcefully take down the posters then obviously tthat’s kinda fucked up. It’s fair play as far as anyone is concerned. They have a right to put up the posters and do as they please. I thought OP was asking personal opinions rather than “is this appropriate therefore should it be taken down”
  3. Thomas1987

    Thomas1987 Fapstronaut

    I am aware that some workers in the warehouse would take a bad attitude to me if I were either to complain about the photographs or if I were to take them down myself.

    I find the photographs alluring, and even though I haven't looked at pornography/nudes in over 300 days by my own choice, I still feel a little tempted by these photographs.

    For me personally, this would be like a person who hasn't smoked in nearly a year going into work to find a carton of cigarettes laid out in the canteen for whoever wants them.

    With regard to appropriateness and whether something should be considered offensive at work, I think you need to take into account the culture within the working environment, I mean the guys in my warehouse joke about murder and paedophilia all day long.
  4. TheodoreCleaver

    TheodoreCleaver Fapstronaut

    That's hilarious.
  5. dodalala

    dodalala Fapstronaut

    is this your first time in a blue collar working enviroment? the majority of them are very politically incorrect with banter and jokes. Most of the guys aren't how should i put this politely, intellectually gifted? so you're going to see more abrasive or crude humored guys. Don't get me wrong i've heard some plain abhorrent comments made by guys in the trades but i just got over it.

    If the posters are bothering you this much then go work in a nice air conditioned office or something and not with a bunch of guys who probably spend their friday nights down the bar getting wasted and watching the game on a sunday, lad culture if you will.

    ok i'm done.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Thomas1987

    Thomas1987 Fapstronaut

    You get dickheads working in offices too. I've known guys with PhD's and Post-Docs whose morals are in the sewer.
    Hitto and Deleted Account like this.
  7. It´s nothing uncommon in that evironment. If you report, complain or snitch about it, you just prove, you´re not one of them. Don´t make a drama because of some nudes, if you want to keep the job. Else go for something else. It´s always a check up and testing, if a new member enters a male only group. Are you one of us - or them... doesn´t mean that you should laugh also about every silly joke, you think is shitty, but it´s working men environment, not fragile snowflake reservate. Most of them are honest and rough, but good natured by heart. With the one or two assholes, who usally claim an undeserved alpha role, either avoid/ignore them or make a stand, if you are not willing to submit. The real alpha usally is also very competent in his job.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2018
  8. Thomas1987

    Thomas1987 Fapstronaut

    Any more thoughts on this at all?
  9. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    It's a bit old school these days. Something that would be commonplace in the 1970s and 80s. Pretty inappropriate I'd say. It's a strange thing for someone to do, when you think about it, isn't it? "Sharing" imagery the find attractive/arousing?
  10. Not a man here, but in my opinion:

    a) the male brain is hardwired to view a naked woman in terms of her ability to make babies aka as a sex object, which also translates to sexual arousal
    b) the only reason this seems to pass as "just nice to look at" is because our society is so sexualized that for most men seeing a picture of a naked woman in suggestive poses is releasing an amount of dopamine that they will have already built a tolerance for, unless they are a 13-year old boy who sees that stuff for the first time.

    I could be wrong, just my personal opinion.
  11. Well said, I completely agree, there was a time when seeing a women's ankle was considered inappropriate and a turn on, but over time everything has become so sexual and available (and with it the loss of good old fashioned morals) that having naked women plastered all over the walls is just a normal 'guy' thing. Long story short, i think its common but definitely uncool and even unprofessional. Still, i don't think there's anything you (you being the OP) can do about it unless you feel comfortable confronting your coworkers about it.
  12. Tina123

    Tina123 Banned

    It is an interesting!
  13. dodalala

    dodalala Fapstronaut

    Can i just ask why you posted this on a porn addiction recovery website where the majority of people would tell you it's bad because they view porn as a negative thing? personally i think you wanted confirmation bias on your own opinion so asked a bunch of people you fully knew would agree with you so you feel your moral outrage at work is justified.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. It is a bit backwards. I've worked in warehouses and I'm pretty certain with the companies I worked for you'd get fired or at the very least suspended for doing such a thing.

    Anyway @Thomas1987 I hope this is a temporary job since there's not much of future in such industries.
    JoePineapples likes this.
  15. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    No not really there’s a time and place for everything lol you can be a man without having to lust after women constantly you can appreciate a woman’s body without it being naked I think we all have just brainwashed to think so that’s just my opinion at least
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Although it may be in poor taste, not allowed in many places of work these days and challenging for some of us, things like this are part of our world we live in. Not making excuses just stating reality.
    We do have to get to the point where things like this don't affect us so much, where we can just see it and brush it off. That time does come.
  17. Fausterity

    Fausterity Fapstronaut

    There's a box full of playboys at my work bathroom. I already looked at all of them so i'm not tempted by their novelty.
  18. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    That's weird. It's like they are encouraging you to have a wank...
    Saskia Simone and Hitto like this.
  19. Fausterity

    Fausterity Fapstronaut

    They're pretty easy to ignore as long as they stay in their box. Playboys are really tame compared to internet porn, it's like comparing marijuana to heroin.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. All I can say is that's what got me started jerking off in the first place over 55 years ago.