A better me

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by NeoStar123, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. NeoStar123

    NeoStar123 Fapstronaut

    Hello guys and gals, I'm here today on nofap, to finally stop my masturbation and porn addiction. I'm currently 21 years old and in college. I've looked up ways to stop but I always seem to fail. I guess trying it by myself didn't work, so I thought I try it with working with other people. If anybody reading this can give me some advice and some tips I would really appreciate it. I hope this forum will help me finally beat my addiction.
    zayyn likes this.
  2. Welcome to the community.
    You can beat this thing.
    Read, learn and ask questions here. The is a lot of experience and people willing to help. Start making your plan after you read.
    zayyn likes this.
  3. zayyn

    zayyn New Fapstronaut

    I would suggest joining your local gym; making a weekly routine. It really does help.
    Since i started going gym ive come down from masterbating everyday to once every two weeks.
    If you are at home dont just stay in your room, as it will be easy to watch porn/masterbate when you get the urge. Chill in the living room or around a family member and if you are tired go stright to sleep.
    Hope this helps....good luck mate
  4. NeoStar123

    NeoStar123 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice man I really appreciate it, I will try out the things you just told me.