how to make girlfriend

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by ghalib, Sep 15, 2018.

  1. Nice :)
    FX-05 and Becoming Jasmine like this.
  2. Becoming Jasmine

    Becoming Jasmine Fapstronaut

    Thanks and you’re welcome!

    This is actually technically the first story I’ve ever posted on the internet. Maybe I’ll try doing more of that.
  3. itsrob

    itsrob Fapstronaut

    Become attractive
    WanderTruth and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    become a Supreme Gentleman.:p
  5. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    Go outside, meet people, visit other locations, look for a new hobby... there are many possibilities getting a girlfriend!
  6. This is actually extremely accurate. Women are extremely social and they love making friends. When you're good friends with some, guess what? They'll set you up. All the previous relationships I've been in all started with getting introduced to a woman's friends. I think this is mostly because most women are scared since they have more to lose than men do in a relationship and having a female friend vouch for your ability to be kind, offer safety and guarantee security is automatically a green light for most kind, well-mannered women. MAKE LOTS OF FEMALE FRIENDS!
    WanderTruth likes this.
  7. WanderTruth

    WanderTruth Fapstronaut

    Well, great point! I haven't thought about that.
  8. Zed94

    Zed94 Fapstronaut

    1) Watch Todd V dating channel ( all other dating channel except this are bullshit !!! )
    2) Improve your style
    3) Find a cool hobby
    4) Hangout with cool peoples
  9. hope2overcome_

    hope2overcome_ Fapstronaut

    This thread just goes to show how men just do not know how to get a gf either. I am not speaking like I know, I don't. I am single. Girls are standoffish when you approach them on the streets, they never match you on tinder cuz its a huge sausage party and in events, it is fucking difficult to have the courage to talk to a girl. In most events girls do not come alone, they come with their girlfriends who they will be hanging out with for the entire event. So, as you can see, its not easy. You guys can make fun of it but the reality is quite sad for men.

    On the other hand, I get attraction from women everyday but it just doesn't seem right to make a move on them. It feels awkward. And, many times when they like you they dont smile and look you in the eye, they are covert and try to hide their attraction, they will look at you when they think you dont see them, they will lower their heads, they will avoid you, turn their face away, sigh really hard, try and move away from you because your presence makes them nervous around you.

    As you all guessed, it does all come down to courage just like in order to get past this addiction it all comes down to willpower, eventually. But, even when we have the courage/confidence and evrything, it still fucking socially feels awkward to initiate the conversation with them, sometimes feminist talking points like cat calling, street harrassment and other bullshit come to mind making you think you are bothering them, maybe they have some place to be, maybe they dont like you, maybe there is something wrong with them all while you try and downplay the whole thing by thinking that maybe you aren't actually interested in her just now and you can do better later with another girl, "it will take time".

    Here is the solution. First be a courageous and brave even if you aren't a gentlemen.

    - if you brain makes you think you are bothering her before tlaking to her, what you should think is, "hell eyah I ma
    bothering her"

    - If your braing makes you think you are harrassing her. Tell your brain, "Hell yeah I am harrassing her". Of course, in reality, you are not and are not even capable of such a nasty thing.

    - if your brain makes you think, "Well she is busy and is in a rush to get somehwere", tell your brain, "Who fucking cares, whereever she is going she can go after she meets me."

    - If your brain makes you think, "now is not the time", tell your brain "I said that 1 million times before, now is the perfect time"

    - if you brain makes you think, "I am not attractive", tell your brain, "I am perfect and good enough for her"

    Asserting the above will icnrease confidence and bravery,

    I all comes down to courage which women call confidence. But, us men, we know its courage, bravery, willpower.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. I'm going to watch every channel apart from Todd V.
  11. LOL!
    Hitto and Deleted Account like this.
  12. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    I think it is best to date a woman you have known for a while (but not enough so you have established an actual meaningful friendship - 'cause you always risk ruining that by dating, which is not a good sign) or a friend of a friend. The woman I am dating right now is the latter case.
    Yeah, of course making the move has to feel right. But mostly, it is a matter of knowing what you want. When you only see a woman on a street, it is difficult to know what you want, of course, simply because you don't even know her. Regarding the ambiguous signals, this is not always the case - the woman I am dating now switched her place just to sit next to me at a party, although she is quite shy and introverted.
    I agree with that, though. In the end, you always need to show courage and take a sort of "leap of faith". I did on said evening. I've also done it before a few times, once after having only 5 minutes of conversation at the (climbing) gym. Unless it's completely impossible, ask her out/for her number personally. Avoid texting

    Not claiming to be a date doctor, though. I wouldn't even call myself "experienced" (moreover, I don't even want to be "experienced", I just want to find love). But what I am saying now I have said before, and it worked.
  13. hope2overcome_

    hope2overcome_ Fapstronaut

    The point I am making here is that even when the girl likes you it is still difficult to make the first move. When I see a girl in the street or at a party or wherever, I definitely know what I want. Almost 100% of the time but it doesn't make making the first move easy. Which leads to the whole point of my post, making the first move has a risk, which is the fear of getting rejected. You may fear rejection over a number of reasons such as she thinking you are harassing her, she thinking u r ugly, her being busy etc. If you fear that than do it because she is busy, because u r ugly and because you want to harass her. Its a psychology trick that will give confidence.

    And, the street thing, I have had girls follow me for blocks even when i walked in dead ends, I had girls take a photo of me and when i caught them they get so scared and shy but giggly, etc. Its still fucking hard to make the first move. I attribute a bulk of my inability to do so to my porn addiction. I fry my brain with so much dopamine, I either only want sex from a girl (even then i only want porn sex) or am just not interested at all unless its in front of a screen and the girl is pixelated. That gets my blood boiling. I am hoping after a couple of day of nofap (and thats so fucking hard to do) I will implement the paragraph I have written above and see how ti goes. No tinder bullshit, no waiting to be setup with mutual friends, no female friends (I dont have any, engineering school :'( ), just being me with someone I see and like whether it be at a party, in the streets, events, etc.
  14. legendsneverdie

    legendsneverdie Fapstronaut
