She refused me...

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Starset, Oct 8, 2018.

  1. Starset

    Starset Fapstronaut

    Hello !

    Let me introduce myself, I am 17 years old teenager, I live pretty good life and have a bunch of friends, also I am an excellent student.
    I am writing this because I disappointed in a love yesterday. What happened ? Well, I was crushed on one girl for more than a year and finally I confessed her and she told me that she already has a boyfriend and she doesn't feel anything for me... :oops::(
    The feeling in that moment was horrible, I started crying then and I was so miserable at the rest of the day. Even I told my mother about that situation and she told me that I need to be strong and forget her but it is easier said than done. :(
    I'm not sure I'll get over it... it's 2:41 AM at my clock now and I can's fall asleep.

    If someone has an advice or something that could help me, I will hear him.
    (sorry if there are some mistakes, english is my second language)
    Atlanticus and Nugget9 like this.
  2. ProtestPMO

    ProtestPMO Fapstronaut

    Hey man,

    Been there plenty of times, so I understand your pain.

    It's not easy putting yourself out there and confessing your love for someone. But good for you! At least you tried. If she doesn't want you, that's her loss. Take it from me, you'll meet the right girl one day.

    It doesn't mean, "man up and forget about her"
    You obviously care about this girl, so feel the pain now, own it, accept it. In all honesty, it won't be your last heart break, but its a learning experience.

    One day you'll meet a girl even better than this one who broke your heart.

    Keep your head up kid, life is full of amazing experiences and people.

    Also, don't start with PMO, it's dark path to take.

  3. Atlanticus

    Atlanticus Moderator Assistant
    NoFap Defender

    Timing's a big factor in relationship success...a very big factor...!

    You were not ready yet this time. Get ready for the next... but.... how do you do that...?

    R E B O O T!!!

    Good luck, guy!
    Starset likes this.
  4. If you get something special by your choice it is good. But if you get by god's choice it is best. Perhaps you deserve better. So focused on your rebooting first and there is you career waiting for you. Good luck
    Starset likes this.
  5. torrace

    torrace Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear that @Starset

    First thing we need you to do: feel all the hurt and pain. Accept that she has rejected you and that there can be no romantic relationship. Talk to a friend, write a diary of your thoughts, hopes and dreams. Also be comforted that at least you told her how you felt which I must admit took courage.

    Secondly, when you are ready, go out with friends. Go do the things (within your budget, and is realistic) that you wanted to do with her, but instead do it with your friends. Make good memories with your friends.

    You will get over this hurt. Stay strong!
    ProtestPMO and Starset like this.
  6. I think all of us have been in your situation one time or another it sucks but its called learning I learned to give up the crush game long ago but I have done the exact same thing you did at 17 myself so I have been there. It hurts you think about someone so long and it doesn't work out hurts its not easy to get over but you will at your own pace and time especily at your age. I think you need to see the positive in this which is you had the courage to tell her how you felt, that is great now next time instead of putting it off just tell the next girl you want to date so you don't waste your time thnking about them a long time. You will get threw this
    Starset likes this.