I always relapse around 30 days, need help

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Addict22, Nov 6, 2018.

  1. Addict22

    Addict22 Fapstronaut

    Hallo everyone who’s fighting the fight,

    my problem is, that can’t go longer than about 30 days. I relapsed so often now, for so long and i really need some help here.
    The first couple of weeks are mostly going quite well (I think about porn very little or not at all and avoid every triggering thing), but when I’m getting close to the 1 month mark, heavy urges are starting to happen and are getting stronger by the day until i fail and relapse.
    Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
    First urges - then it gets easier?
    I think my body/brain got used to crave dopamin after a 30 days break.

    Any tips on how to break this pattern/habit?

    if it helps, the shit I’m addicted to is hentai and the rule34 stuff.

    Best to you all
  2. The_Grand_Nagus

    The_Grand_Nagus Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on the progress you've made, you've come a long way and it probably doesn't even feel like you're "addicted" anymore, since you spend the great majority of your time without porn.

    I know what it's like hitting a plateau, it's frustrating because you would think it would be easy once you came this far. It just doesn't work that way though. Over time we develop deep neural pathways that associate porn with the "reward" of an orgasm - and all the feel-good brain chemicals that get released in the process.

    If it took years to develop, it's not going to go away too quickly either. But it can be done.

    I'm not sure what method you used to quit initially, but I used a method that may help you to break through this plateau.

    First thing is you need a goal. Since you are consistently relaspsing after about a month, I recommend 2 months to be the goal. Write it on the wall. Keep it close to you. Re-write it every morning. By doing that you are actually developing a neural pathway related to the goal.

    Then you can use a method called CBT to figure out what is triggering you, and you can remove the triggers. You may already be familiar with that method. If you screw up and get triggered, I use something called the Wim Hoff method (breathing technique) to get my mind off porn. It works! You might already be familiar with both of these

    If not, and you care to know more, I'm starting a weekly group that will meet face-to-face (in a virtual meeting) to learn these techniques and also be accountability partners.

    That might work well for you, since you will have to break it down only a week at a time.

    If you're interested PM me for details.
    Addict22 likes this.
  3. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    What are you telling yourself around the 30 mark? Your self-talk and limiting beliefs need to come out into the open.
    Addict22 likes this.
  4. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    How specifically is your craving for dopamine at the 30 day mark any different than at any other time? You are your body/brain, it's not something that overrides your free-will. You have a internal wall that you need to knock down - it's especially important to focus on what you are doing around that time and double-down commitment.
    Addict22 likes this.
  5. Sparta1971

    Sparta1971 New Fapstronaut

    Concentrate on how to recognize your triggers then build an offensive strategy to fight it off with mental exercises and the exercises consist of training your mind on how to switch your desires into activities like taking a walk going to the library or call a friend or loved one to fracture your urges and meditate and pray daily so you can develop new ideas.on how to successfully combat your addictions. Stay on a positive attitude and eventually you will be triumphant.
    Addict22 likes this.
  6. Addict22

    Addict22 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your long anwser and your good advices. I did hear about the Whim Hoff method and I‘ll look up the other one aswell.
    I‘ll contact you if I need any more help, thank you for that.
    Best to you
  7. Addict22

    Addict22 Fapstronaut

    When I‘m starting my streak, my „defensive wall“ and mental will against porn is quite strong. I‘d say so strong, that I don‘t think about porn at all for days/weeks. It‘s really a good time where I get my head free and light. But as the time goes by, my defensive wall fades slowley and my guard goes down a little, simply because I don‘t think about porn and all my defense stuff at all. And when I see something triggering at this point, it hits me like a rock, and then gets worse everyday.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2018
  8. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    You need to be prepared to set aside some time and energy to rebuilding your wall and strengthening your resolve before the storm hits. Reboot your reboot so to speak. Double down on your commitment. Think about weakening your triggers. When you turn away from them and say no you will get stronger and the triggers will get weaker.
    Tryingto and Addict22 like this.
  9. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    I would say every 30 days you need to reboot your reboot and really stop and take inventory - examine yourself, look at what your thought processes are, root out any limiting beliefs because different one will emerge at different points. You have a series of bad thought processes that must inevitably be eliminated if you are going to succeed. States of anger are my biggest ones, because they put me in a place where I don't care about anything.
    Addict22 likes this.
  10. Addict22

    Addict22 Fapstronaut

    Thanks everyone for your good advice, I‘ll try my best ;)

    Best to you all