Gay Fapstronauts – thoughts on "jerking it out" ?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Seminario, Nov 9, 2018.

  1. Seminario

    Seminario New Fapstronaut

    I am a gay guy who is starting to experiment with a NoFap journey. 9 days into NoFap November, I've already noticed some insights that are a lot to chew on.

    I have a theory that my fap addiction started, in my teenage years, as a coping mechanism to make myself more socially adept and comfortable in the platonic male world. If I jerk out my horniness, I am less likely to fantasize about my friends, or stare at someone in the locker room a bit too long. I am more able to dive into things like sports with enthusiasm for the activity itself, without being distracted by its potentially sexualizable nature, or getting nervous around the yoked jock who's just trying to give me a tip on my throw.

    What's more, I have realized that by focusing on porn (specifically, a few fetishes on which I heavily lean in my porn habits), I can compartmentalize my sexuality. My friends, peers, and the other guys I interact with every day are not likely to inadvertently remind me of porn stars, or casually enact an extreme kink situation similar to my fetishes. But all kinds of everyday behaviors set off alarm bells (read: boners) in someone with a healthier and more conventional sexuality.

    I'm exploring fapstinence because I can recognize that this is an addictive behavior, because it's not healthy to get such a regular load of endorphins from screens, and yes, because I think porn affects my sexual experience and performance. But in my case (and the case of many gay guys, I'd imagine), the benefits we're chasing are much more about principles, and much less tangible. The reality is, I live in a 20,000-person town in North Carolina. My newfound sexual drive and proactive energy is probably not going to lead to me walking over to that hottie at the bar and getting it on with some witty banter. On the contrary, having the self-control to NOT flirt with guys or get erections in the locker room is a skill that brings me social capital. I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it's the way it is.

    I have no self-hatred as a gay man, or even about my kinky preferences. But I am curious how these issues have played into the journeys of other gay fapstronauts. In what ways do y'all think we stand to gain the same benefits as the general population, and in what ways do you think our situation is different? And if this resonates for you – that fapping for you was, or is, partially tied to a "jerk it out and be able to think about something goddamn else" benefit – how has taking that away affected your life? Did you eventually get used to it? Any tips or strategies on how to control your fantasies in other ways? Or do you learn to just live with them, and not tell your buddy what exactly he was doing in your dream?

    Anyone with any thoughts, your answers are welcome..... go!
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
  2. Great concepts! In general, I think pouring yourself into other things instead of fap can be a benefit, if not a more fulfilling replacement.
  3. Tom30

    Tom30 Fapstronaut

    I think for me it started as a young teenager too as a way to explore my sexuality and being gay when everyone else my age i knew was straight. in those days it was dial up internet and porn was mostly static images that took ages to load. Then when i was 16 an older guy i met encouraged me to join a gay dating site and that really kicked off my chat room addiction. This coincided with the arrival of high speed internet and streaming porn vids.

    I dont want to achieve that ability others talk about of suddenly being more attractive to people in bars. I have a wonderful partner of nearly 10 years and things between us need to improve, ive never been able to fully perform sexually and think this is porn/chat room related.
  4. Coolyorky

    Coolyorky Fapstronaut

    Probably pied, me too
  5. Taxx Emmer

    Taxx Emmer Fapstronaut

    I read this and couldn't help but think I have had exactly the same experiences! This is my first time writing a reply here but I had to since this applied to me so much as well. I have realized recently that porn has had incredibly negative effects on my life, and am now trying to quit.
    Porn was definitely a coping mechanism as well, and especially the fetishes have helped me to disconnect from reality, since I would never do these types of things with anyone. I'd jerk it out to these fetishes to get rid of my horniness, then go back to reality as if that private side of me didn't exist. Looking back, I understand that this did have unconscious, negative side effects on my self-confidence, and it became a spiral, where I'd avoid people to feel better, jerk it out to that same porn that was damaging me, get rid of the horniness, and then go back to reality. The cycle repeated constantly.
    I agree with you regarding the self-control; one aspect of NoFap which i've realized from abstaining in the past was the self-control I gained, and consequently the self-confidence. Once i quit, after a certain number of days i suddenly didn't get a boner when a guy got close to me; that is a great feeling (and also so such less awkward;)
    Definitely have experienced the same as you, where in the past i jerked it out just to get it off my mind, but i now recognize the triggers which lead me to PMO, and i know what i can do to avoid them and get my mind off of the horniness; namely, exercise, and avoidance of idleness. Another big one is just being social, and surrounding myself with good friends and family, having conversations. This makes me feel more responsible, and to be a better person.
    Glad to see someone with similar experiences. I wish you luck with NoFap. I am desperate to get past my personal best of 2 weeks now. Your response is welcome as well. :)

    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Yeah man I was a very self-hating and in denial gay kid for most my teen years. I had deep crushes on some guys at my school that were super straight, and it made me severely depressed to know that I would never have a shot with the guys I liked. I've never had any issues getting girls to like me, I've had a strange amount of girls actually ask me out in high school. I felt like I wasn't ready to come out yet and I moved in insecurity through most of high school. At 18 I moved away and finally decided to go out with someone in college, which is when I discovered I had PIED and was numb to real life interactions. In high school, I was (potentially in love) with some close male friends of mine and I just wanted to be able to socialize with them without feeling how I felt. I remember nights of binge drinking excessively thinking about them and it hurt me a lot. Porn was a great way to "express my feelings" about homophobic guys I've had crushes on ever since I was 12. Now trying to figure out how to like gay guys who act like gay guys, stay away from porn, etc. all feels like it isn't really worth it, because I feel like I'll ultimately never have a relationship with one of the guys I genuinely like. I hate what I did to myself with porn, but I also understand it. I was trying to keep myself nice and safe in the closet. Now I'm out and I feel so numb. I've had multiple boyfriends since I came out in the summer at 19, but none of the relationships really meant anything to me. I even began recovering my PIED and started to be able to have sex, but I relapsed and binged on porn. It was all self-hate stuff too. Sissy porn, transgendered person porn, torture, domination etc. It felt more real than any of my relationships had. I have no problem getting gay guys and girls to like me, yet I still feel very alone because of what you're talking about. My entire sexuality has been dedicated to serving straight guys I like, and degrading myself so I can compartmentalize my sexuality and not have to deal with it. Now it's all I can think about and it's ruining my life. Ironic.
    Taxx Emmer and Deleted Account like this.
  7. Tom30

    Tom30 Fapstronaut

    I also developed fetishes around straight men and being dedicated to serving them although for me this developed over time fuelled by chat room roleplays with "straight" men and some tumblr trawling. Was never into sissy or transgendered person stuff but some pretty extreme dom/sub stuff.

    I never felt really comfortable with it though, for me i knew id damaged myself with cyber sex and porn
  8. Yeah man it's ultimately made it hard for me to connect with others. Like the only connection that feels real is my connection with a dom straight guy
  9. kweeny

    kweeny New Fapstronaut

    I really love gays :) I've so many gay friends and we're so very happy when we have each other..