It's getting tough

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by koe06f, Nov 14, 2018.

  1. koe06f

    koe06f Fapstronaut

    I just hit day 13 or so and the temptation is starting to get bigger.

    I'm getting weird dreams about people I never thought about sexually.

    Just posting here, as I think letting it out will help me stay strong.

    Holding on.
  2. Hang in there. About a week to a month after starting there is a time of very intense urges along with increased sensitivity, which makes it even more difficult. This will pass. Stick with your plan.
  3. horny nerd

    horny nerd Fapstronaut

    I also have those dreams. All you can do is either enjoy them, since fapping I barely get any dreams anyway. There is nothing wrong with dreams like those. It is just your brain trying to make you go back to day 0.
    koe06f likes this.
  4. Zezheng Guo

    Zezheng Guo New Fapstronaut

    nothing wrong with the dream but don't let it stop you
    koe06f likes this.
  5. Dudes_manrod

    Dudes_manrod Fapstronaut

    The NoFap equivalent of a loud stomach growl in class, or maybe a sore muscle would be a better illustration..?

    Someone creative fill in the blanks. Either way I likewise have CRAZY vivid dreams, and unexplained primal feelings of attraction during extended recovery periods. But these feelings do tend to level out as time goes on.

    Personally, I think you can see these events as a good omen in the short-term!

    These situations wouldn't happen if you were still feeding yourself the artificial, routine stimulation from the pRon you're used to. As jarring as it may be, its at least some proof you're making enough effort in your self-improvement to have an effect even on your subconscious. Also some evidence of just how ingrained this addiction really is into our impulses and desires
    koe06f and horny nerd like this.
  6. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    The only way for this to get easier is to say no until the temptation goes away. You will get a season of relief and will be tempted again. Everytime you say no it gets easier. Don't give in or you will have to face the same powerful desires all over again.
  7. talontron

    talontron Fapstronaut

    get out of the house, and be aware of your triggers. What are the conditions when your trigger hits? Are you at home alone, bored, with internet access? If yes then get out of the house as much as you can. Go to the library, or a friends house, get around people. Week 1-3 are the hardest because your addiction and triggers are sending powerful signals. You have to be aware when the urges hits and when all the conditions hit. Avoid those conditions and environment in the time being. Meditate and grow your awareness, it will help you to be aware of the urges and not really be apart or attached to it. You can see it separate from yourself basically and remember why you are doing nofap in the first place.
    koe06f and Dudes_manrod like this.
  8. NIKHIL_123

    NIKHIL_123 Fapstronaut


    Hold on man...first make a plan for your rest of life and follow it ..if you sit idle you will only think of have clear cut idea and follow it...
    koe06f likes this.
  9. Slick Willie

    Slick Willie Fapstronaut

    Im on day 8 and im actually looking forward to some of these side effects i hear so much about here.
    koe06f likes this.
  10. Keep hanging on in there. The reset phase, especially around this time is very turbulent, and the temptation will usually hit quite hard. I'm on day 18 at the moment, and things have gotten easier compared to a few days ago. Keep persisting, it will get better.
    koe06f and NIKHIL_123 like this.
  11. koe06f

    koe06f Fapstronaut

    Thanks all for the encouragement!

    I reset this morning, but I don't feel bad about it. I didn't use porn, rather was going with my emotions.

    I reconsidered my goals and decided that for me the only thing that's important is breaking away from porn and artificial stimuli (including spiraling desire). But I feel masturbation can be positive too, when it is not compulsive.

    So I changed my reboot goal to just not using porn for 90 days and reset the counter. Let's see how far I get :)
  12. Skyfall1125

    Skyfall1125 Fapstronaut

    I think you should reconsider. I know exactly what you are doing right now. You are trying to justify something that happened, and now are completely changing your goals because your brain has convinced you that it's okay. You're wrong buddy. Do the 90 day reboot, and if you feel the same way after 90 days, then go back to it. Orgasm is meant to be shared by two people that love each other. Not alone in bed on the weekend or every other week. The brain is powerful and right now it does not want you to break away from your addiction. I strongly urge you to reconsider.
  13. Circleinthesquare

    Circleinthesquare Fapstronaut

    On day 7 but very close to using - the sexual energy seems to be bottled up in me. Any advice? I'm alone at home tomorrow morning as well, which is always a difficult situation....Help!!!
  14. Wild Wolf

    Wild Wolf Fapstronaut

    Totally agree with you on this. IMO mastubation is not natural, our body has its own natural ways to transfer or release the build up energy/semen.
    koe06f and Skyfall1125 like this.
  15. Man08

    Man08 Fapstronaut

    Go outside, try new things, just stay away from your triggers until you relax more and more and the urge goes away.I am close to day 7 but until now no urge, my mindset can't be changed, this is it, I stopped and hasta la vista baby :)) :)) no more M and P.
    Circleinthesquare likes this.
  16. koe06f

    koe06f Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the point of view! It's great to see that there are people that care enough to discuss these issues.
    Circleinthesquare likes this.