127 days PMO Free Hard Mode

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by PornFreedomFighter, Nov 7, 2018.

  1. PornFreedomFighter

    PornFreedomFighter Fapstronaut

    Woah it's hard to believe it's been 127 days since I last fapped. This hard mode challenge has been very difficult. But its been so worth it. I changed my strategy from all previous attempts. I went kind of extreme this time. One thing I did was eliminate all female pixels. No dating apps, no Instagram, no pictures. This seemed to really help, and kept triggers to a low. Not masterbating or having sex has also kept triggers to a minimum. I guess you could say I went into monk mode lol. I remember over 4 months ago, I would always carry around immense shame. A sense of hiding a part of myself from the world. I seem to be more open now when I'm around people. I'm also more okay with being imperfect and my perfectionist nature has subsided greatly. I feel more at peace and I feel proud. I feel grateful for people like Alexander Rhodes and Gary Wilson. Bless them. The world needs more people like them. Courageous and pioneering in a space no one initially wanted to talk about. I'm just so happy to have come across their teachings. My life will never be the same. And i never thought I could do it. I failed countless times before. Each time I failed, I resolved to learn more - about triggers and strategies and the own inner working workings of my mind. Until one day 14 years after the beginning of porn and 6 years after learning about nofap, I began to feel I had a pretty good handle on it. And this isn't it. There is more to learn and more improvement to be made. Who knows, I may make a mistake and PMO once again, but my resolve is that I will continue my course. PMO on hard mode. For a year perhaps. How many people would be able to say they did that?! Quite cool if you ask me. Total monk mode, and for a good cause. If I can live a less shameful life, as Nofap has allowed to do, then I can shine more of my own light onto others and make a difference. That is what I truly want in this life. To make a positive impact. There's so much more to say, but I'll end on this... I'm eternally grateful for NoFap and feel blessed. I wish you all the best on your journey and remember - YOU CAN DO THIS. NEVER GIVE UP. And also, I'd like to help you if I can, so get in touch if you have any questions. Goodnight!
    New_born, lolman123, Vansire and 22 others like this.
  2. titkata92

    titkata92 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations Bro. Keep it up an the same rhythm!
  3. Thanks man, and good work.
    I know what you mean about the shame, plus also feeling so damn timid.
    Monk mode is required for some of us.
    PornFreedomFighter likes this.
  4. I am happy to find that with NoFap you changed your behaviour in a good way! I hope you continue your journey without major problems! Congrats :)
    PornFreedomFighter likes this.
  5. adish5678

    adish5678 Fapstronaut


    Great Man , keep it up !!! , you inspired me to achieve No PMO. :)
    PornFreedomFighter likes this.
  6. EnglishTosser

    EnglishTosser Fapstronaut

    Congratulations man. Your post has inspired me.
  7. Btai

    Btai Fapstronaut

    Thank u for your post it was very inspirational
    PornFreedomFighter likes this.
  8. Bread1

    Bread1 Fapstronaut

    Glad to see another person changing their life around. When you get urges what do you do to get out of it ?
    PornFreedomFighter likes this.
  9. Tryingto

    Tryingto Fapstronaut

    Many congrats on your success to date! Incredibly inspiring!

    I really liked reading about you altering the strategies this time around. The hard mode noted above might seem extreme, but I too find it so helpful. Time and time again I have found that just one female pixel - to borrow your term - can set off a chain reaction that ends nowhere good. Thanks for the reminder.
    PornFreedomFighter likes this.
  10. Coolyorky

    Coolyorky Fapstronaut

    Great post man! Very inspirational

    Did you ever suffer pied?
    PornFreedomFighter likes this.
  11. hantyumi

    hantyumi Fapstronaut

    Nice! Congratulation! Keep on going!
    PornFreedomFighter likes this.
  12. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    congrats on your achievment,keep going pal
    PornFreedomFighter likes this.
  13. PornFreedomFighter

    PornFreedomFighter Fapstronaut

    Thank you all so much for reading and for the positive comments! I'm glad you found it inspirational :) You can all do the same as I have, and I see some of you have had even longer streaks. Had some urges today, but still going strong. I do some online marketing to earn money, and this voice inside my head was telling me to promote porn sites to earn money. What a trickster! It would not feel good to do that at all. That porn voice is still whispering in my ear, but I choose not to listen. My gosh that voice is such a trickster! It's nice to have a higher level of awareness than I did before. And forward we march! Let's keep it going. 1 Year porn & PMO free here we come.
    cranks175 likes this.
  14. PornFreedomFighter

    PornFreedomFighter Fapstronaut

    When I get urges, I first try to notice what has triggered me. Perhaps it's sitting down at my computer in my underwear perhaps. Or hearing the door slam shut when I'm the last person in the house. Or a girl I see in public just looking really hot. First I try to identify the trigger. Then I imagine a little boy version of me trying to use that trigger against me, whispering temptations in my ear. Then I try to laugh at this absurd scene from my imagination. That usually does the trick. But if it doesn't I get as far away as I can from all devices. Just power down, and walk away. Hope that helps! :)
    Bread1 and Butterfly1988 like this.
  15. PornFreedomFighter

    PornFreedomFighter Fapstronaut

    Yes, I have in the past. Multiple times actually. It was one of the main reasons I searched for a community like noFap. It was so emotionally painful man. It really sucked. One time I was with a girl I knew for a while, so it was extra embarrassing, and she knew everyone I knew and word got around. So so painful. But it gave me the motivation I needed to change. During that period of my life I'd have to drink so much to have sex. It was the only way to forget about my pied inhibitions. It only worked somewhat. It was such an unhealthy period of my life. So glad that I resolved to go hard mode and fix this shit. Recently I had sex sober, and it was really great. No alcohol needed, and I was confident in my performance. Over 90 days, that's so awesome - Great work so far! YOU CAN DO THIS !!!! :)
    Coolyorky and Butterfly1988 like this.
  16. PornFreedomFighter

    PornFreedomFighter Fapstronaut

    I try not to gawk at women or any sexy imagery in public. I like to just recognize it's there and appreciate beauty for what it is. But I don't prolong the moment. I tend to just recognize it and move my eyes somewhere else. I don't like to think of seeing sexy girls and images in public as an inherently bad thing out to trigger me (that tends to make me feel negative), and I don't swerve my head quickly away like a knee jerk reaction. I Just recognize it's existence and move my eyes elsewhere to carry on with my day. This one's a tricky one so let me know if you have further questions. Hope that helps! :)
    Captain!, over50, Coolyorky and 3 others like this.
  17. Bread1

    Bread1 Fapstronaut

    It does thanks for the encouragement :)
  18. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    What was your benefits?
  19. Soccer14

    Soccer14 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your post, PornFreedomFighter. I have also found the same approach to be very helpful. I call it, "No digital women"! It's great to see other people have found this useful. Best of luck at reaching one year! You're halfway there!