Dramatic Fight

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by de severn, Nov 28, 2018.

  1. de severn

    de severn Moderator Assistant

    So I’m cooking dinner with my boyfriend after furniture shopping and I’m ecstatic about everything. I’m happy to be living together, I’m happy to be so many days strong with my nofap lifestyle, and I’m happy to be hanging out in the kitchen having a drink and being with my boyfriend...

    But then things came crashing down, of course. I was talking about all my nofap findings and I was happy to be guilt free.

    ——Quick background——-

    He PMO’d before he knew me. He claims he hasn’t for the whole 5 years. I have the PMO problem but I haven’t told him 100% of my extent of the problem. However, my PMO issues make me distrustful of him although he claims to be clean. At this point, I’m changing my life so I can stop projecting my guilt onto him and so I can live my life in a proud, clean, and meaningful way.

    ———Back to the topic——-

    We were happy in the kitchen and then I brought up nofap. I was expressing how much information I’ve been learning about how porn ruins the brain and ruins relationships. I was speaking very informatively and not dropping any hints or insinuating anything and out of nowhere he snaps at me and says with frustration, “OKAY... WHAT’S THE POINT?”

    I was so disturbed and confused by how abruptly he cut me off that I turned the stove off and asked him if he has something to feel guilty about after I asked him why he has to get upset over “nothing”. He denied everything and proceeded to rant about how I always bring up negative stuff and the topic goes nowhere. I teared up and shouted at him and told him that I was tired of not being able to express how deeply I feel about the subject. He claims that he lets me “go on for hours” and that it “goes nowhere”.

    I feel very stifled and smashed. I refuse to let him shut me up so I stormed out and told him that I need to walk out for air and that I’ll return to cook whether he eats or not. I’m really, really astonished that he interrupted me like that.

    All I wanted to do was express myself and refer to what I’ve been finding on this forum. I’m actually writing this from down the street from where I live. I’m so worked up and irritated. I don’t know what to do when I walk back in. I’m most likely going to ignore him and cook. I’ll bring this up tomorrow when he’s more levelheaded and less likely to control my mouth.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2018
  2. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    Ya know I could see this play out in my head the way you describe it and I very well could be off the mark but I think you nailed it, he’s feeling guilty and ashamed for something. This sounds like a classic avoidance technique to shut you down so he doesn’t have to hear or be part of a conversation that they don’t want to have for whatever reason. there could be many different reasons and those would be pure speculation at this point. At least that is how I would/have felt about it.

    A personal example with my daughter (17 at the time) from when I had quit smoking. She was pissed at me, went off on me for it. The reason was she was mad was that we (my husband and I )had quit and she was smoking cigarettes. She wanted us to continue smoking because she could no longer use us an excuse, “you can’t tell me not to when you do”.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2018
    Numb, Queen_Of_Hearts_13 and Kenzi like this.
  3. de severn

    de severn Moderator Assistant

    I’ll be careful not to jump the gun and attack him based on this but I’m so shook up over this right now. At the moment, I’m home eating alone. I told him in a pissed tone that I’ll come back and continue cooking for myself whether he wants to eat or not. I don’t feel like talking to him because I’m too upset and I don’t know how to process this.

    When I came back from my pissed off walk, he tried to corner me with, “I just want you to know that I’m willing to be with you and I’m willing to listen to you but I have frustrations. I’m sorry if I’m coming off in a way that you don’t like. I’m willing to be with you and love you along with whatever comes with it...”

    I don’t know but I feel like he’s trying to talk to me like I’m the one that did something wrong. I got annoyed and told him that I’m not going to take that from him. I don’t want to feel like I did something wrong. All I was doing was talking. When I told him that he’s obviously spelling himself out, he got annoyed but held himself back the second time and just told me that “this is why” he gets frustrated at me because of the accusations that follow.

    I know people react differently but when I was at my PMO worst, I didn’t react like him. I never denied anything but then again I’m not happy about my PMO. I actually want an intimate relationship. So maybe my reaction shouldn’t be viewed as a universal reaction? @Jennica I don’t know what to think.
    Nugget9 likes this.
  4. de severn

    de severn Moderator Assistant

    Another thing to note for history on him is that in the past when we first met, he had a slight case of PIED. He was mostly performance shy and he claims to have been overthinking my past sexual experiences. He would get disturbed and distracted imagining me with previous partners. (I’m his first girlfriend).

    He also told me that he decided not to watch P or M because he read about PIED and decided that it wouldn’t help our situation. He also described himself as “desensitized” which he later (years later) clarified and said that he had trouble concentrating and that he didn’t have any issue with PIED. According to him, he “didn’t know how to have sex”.
  5. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    I know very well what you are talking about I have been there myself. It is very confusing. Take the break/time you need to process what you are feeling.

    He said he gets frustrated but he didn’t not say what was making him frustrated and that’s not communication.

    For me personally I would feel the comment that he’s sorry he’s “coming off in a way you don’t like” (feels like it’s you that have the problem) as not a real apology. The difference between I’m sorry I hurt you versus I’m sorry you feel that way. That in of its self would cause confusion for me and leave the feeling that I did something wrong.
  6. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    Don’t let your progress fall, you are strong and doing what you need to be a better person for yourself.

    Something to think about when communication is always lead with I feel, do what you can to not let healthy complaints sound like and attack. There is nothing wrong with stating I feel hurt when XYZ, I feel loved when XYZ.
    If either of you are flooding it’s time to take a break.
    Trappist likes this.
  7. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    You probably already did this, but if you haven't, I'd suggest telling him that you're interested in learning more about nofap and that its something you both need to be involved in given your pasts. (I'd highly recommend telling him completely about yourself as well.) Because if you bring up the topic, he should know that you're not trying to insinuate anything about him, you're just discussing a topic that you should both be trying to learn more about. I'd also suggest telling him that you'd like him to learn about it and discuss what each of you read about to have a better connection and understanding about everything.
  8. de severn

    de severn Moderator Assistant

    The fight continued and it got ugly. I wasn’t in the mood to talk because I wanted to sort myself out. I ate alone but when he came over to me, I told him I needed time. He decided to grab an alcoholic drink that he poured strong and he stomped off to our room alone.

    From there it got ugly. I felt disrespected, belittled, and totally shrugged off. He looked so indignant and childish sitting in bed with such an entitled pout. I immediately told him that I felt he was being disrespectful. Here I am feeling like crap and he gets to sit there looking smug and nonchalant. We were not in a good spot at all. We both flooded with insults and he kept talking over me. Never let me get a word in. We both swore at each other and mocked each others’ gestures. All respect was thrown out the window. We were not having an adult argument at all. I don’t want to seem like I’m superior but his towering and trash talking made me feel so sour that I gave in and blew up in a fashion just like his so I stooped to his level. I regret it now but I was so emotional.

    At one point he took my threat of breaking up and threw it at me. He told me that he hopes I find someone “man” enough to just agree with everything I say—someone who will be subservient and be able to “put up” with me. Somehow the tables turned and I started pathetically backing down to hear what he had to say. He let out a lot of repressed stuff that he never comments on. He brought up how much he pays for “our” car even though it’s in his name. He brought up how I never show him gratitude. He also accused me of cheating on him and he claims that he “thinks about it everyday”. Not once has he ever said anything to me in our calm, day to day lives. His breakthrough expressing made me want to hear more so I kept cowering toward him to hear what he had to say. I really wanted connection and he wanted to be left alone to drink and watch YouTube videos to spite me and ignore me.

    Right now we’re both exhausted. There was no peacemaking. We both snapped and snapped, bickered and bickered until we eventually shut up. Now we’re sleeping on opposite sides of the bed.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
  9. de severn

    de severn Moderator Assistant

    Part of me feels like this is major abuse. I think I should break things off when our lease contact runs out. The other part of me wants to keep getting through this despite all this mayhem. Another impulsive part of me wants to die so hopefully he would feel a little sorry. (I’m only being expressive).
  10. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    His response and how he behaved in the argument is shitty. But..

    He knows you have a PMO problem (to some extent). He doesn't use P or M (he says. The only reason you don't believe him is because you want assume he is like you).

    When I was PMOing I used the assumption that my wife probably masturbated as a way of justifying my own behaviour. She doesn't. I was bettaying her and crossing boundaries she thought were in place in the relationship. This could well be how he feels about your PMO use and being on nofap. That you are less committed or invested in the relationship. Reacting emotionally to information you find devastating is a common response, and makes sense.

    So there are two options: he does not PMO and is hurt by your behaviour and is scared to hear how deep it goes. OR, he does pmo and does not want to bring that behaviour to the light and share about it, and is gaslighting. You don't get to decide which one is true. One of them is (or something similar). If you want honesty and trust, then you need to be honest and trust your bf with the full story about your problem. He may feel like tou are bringing up these topics because you are convinced that he has a pmo problem and you are searching for proof of this. If you are focused on your own recovery, then you should complete your disclosure.

    Obviously, not having been there, I have no objective idea of how ugly the argument got and who did and said what. It is possible that if the twoof you cannot communicate calmly, or that there were threats of violence etc, that the relationship is not worth saving. I have had some pretty ugly arguments with my wife at times, because emotions can run high, but it is always about wanting to be heard and understood, not about wanting to hurt each other (whether physically or emotionally). Only you can really figure out if the relationship and thenway you communicate is toxic.

    But my final point: if you want open and honest communication, then provide it. Stop reporting your nofap 'findings' and your new enlightened perspective on pmo. Come out with your disclosure and explain your reasons for being interested in the site. Stop hiding away your guilt and projecting it onto your partner. If he still reacts in a childish, closed off way, then you can deal with the communication issues etc at that point. But at the moment you are being closed off yourself, and assuming your bf shares your own flaws. He might, he might not.
    de severn likes this.
  11. de severn

    de severn Moderator Assistant

    A bit more info about him:

    He grew up in an abusive and negligent family. His dad was a drug addict and alcoholic who was unreliable. His dad has been in and out of jail for years and would barely hold a job for long. His mom was emotionally absent and she had questionable issues of her own. Every time his parents split, my boyfriend would end up living outside of the country with several estranged family members. He dropped out of school and lived a life smoking lots of weed and working minimum wage jobs. This is when he PMOd the most. When we met, he quit everything on his own because he was willing to try to make something work.

    After 5 years of being with him, our fights are getting worse. This is the worst fight we’ve had. The first year he threatened suicide. This same year he quits his first career-job working as a ship welder. It was difficult work but he quit it in such a careless way. I was going through college and we both slept together in a tent in the yard of an apartment he was renting with his brother and Mom. They never spoke a word to me or cared about our relationship. They barely speak to him either. We eventually bought a car together and ended up sleeping in there. At the time I was committed to being by him. He never made me stay in those conditions but I wanted to be with him. We lived in those kind of homeless conditions throughout our relationship up until this year. We finally have our apartment and it hasn’t been easy. Some days feel like dates. We’re in love, we cook, we clean, we live. But then this stuff happens.

    Over the past few years we have broken up for days several times. The pattern never changes. Some fight ensues, I feel like nurturing myself and I leave because I feel disrespected. Days go by and then he would call me crying, show up to my house, show up to my work, or send me some sort of email or message expressing grief. I would return and feel like maybe things could work. Now that we’ve gone through this enough times, I tell him that I don’t want to have to deal with more of his abuse/call me back crying tactics and he swears that *this time* he won’t call me. He swears he’s done and wants to be alone but yet he goes back on his statements and says, “leave me alone for a whole night. I’m tired and you need to respect my space”. Normally I would back off after hearing that if it were someone else but he uses this after escalating and acting crazy. In the past and sort of recently, he would headbutt things and punch himself in the head during fights to demonstrate that I’m making him go crazy. By the time he does stuff like that, I instantly suck up to him and try to baby him. It’s when I’m in a position of consoling him that he suddenly switches modes and acts smug. He’ll pour another drink and then tune me out with his phone.

    He was doing and saying vile stuff like this all night. I felt like I was talking to a controlling son. I’m very helpless and lost. I need clarity.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
  12. de severn

    de severn Moderator Assistant

    I feel like I’ve had enough and there is no salvaging of this relationship. He mocked my anger, he raised his voice and refused to let me talk, and he’s unwilling to speak on a daily basis when we’re not fighting. He said he’s “done with people” and that he just wants peace. I read that as he wants to be left alone.

    The problem is we’re on a lease contract with our apartment that doesn’t expire until April of next year. We can’t split right away. As much as I want to leave, I can’t bear the thought of going back to my parents’ house or moving out to pay rent with roommates. I don’t have my own car. I’m 30. I do have a degree but I’m not working a job that pays what I deserve.

    Part of me wants to do something dramatic like join the military or peacecorps
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018
  13. Both of you being double winners;
    PA/SO, you’ll have both hats to wear.

    I’ve done the oblivious talk on topics without realizing the minefield of sensitivities of situations.

    Try to keep these talks to safe times with 100% focus and kindness for yourself and the other.

    And you are negotiating the new living situation. Even if you move out and break the lease, wait to move or stay together. Hopefully you can learn your best behavior for now and later?

    Hopefully that goes
    for him in response.
  14. de severn

    de severn Moderator Assistant

    Thank you all so much for your responses. I’m glad I’m here in this purgatory state and I’m not alone. After being coldly ignored and emotionally punished, he gave me a ride to work this morning with a sullen look on his face. He didn’t initiate affection but I hugged him and told him I loved him because I’m scared he’ll do something stupid if he thinks I’m still raging. He asked me what time I need to be picked up so I know I’m not stranded here. In the past before we lived in our apartment, he didn’t pick me up because he claims he was too drunk and “time playing video games” with his brother made him slip and forget about the time. (This event was the cause of another one of our many spontaneous breakups). Ever since this experience, I always felt doubtful about his reliability.

    Anyway, when I asked him if we’re going to break up, he says we’re going to talk later but knowing him he’s going to find some emotional technique to control the room. I don’t know what to say or if I’ll say anything at all.

    All I know is I felt like I did nothing wrong other than returning his immaturity. At the time I felt like if I showed him a mirror of how he was acting that he would figure out what I was doing but all it did was make him call ME the immature one.