I am in BIG problem ,,,

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by XosamaX, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. XosamaX

    XosamaX Fapstronaut

    in 1\1\2016 i stopped pmo for 8 months ,, and in these months , I was very lazy and i did not do anything .. just stopped pmo ... but before that i was very addicted to porn , and i had dream for my life to become more beautiful and strong ,,but after these months i relapse . and i still suffered Anxiety and depression and tired .
    after that I stopped pmo intermittently ... 5 months nofap .. 4 months nofap .. 3 months nofap ... and i still didn't know why i cannot stop pmo forever , and Every time I come back , the last return is much worse than before.
    today i am so sad , i get bored ,, i was thinking alot of what is the real problem is .. but i still did not know ..
    today i become more addicted ,, and i live alone ,, no friends ,, no love ,, but i believe that i am a very special person , and i have alot to do in this life ,, but i cannot move because pmo ..
    in this year i fast more than 4 months ,, and i wrote many plans to stop this addiction ,,
    but i still in the problem
    sorry for bad English
    i hope you can help me
    4DCreator likes this.
  2. IWantToChange:')

    IWantToChange:') Fapstronaut

  3. 4DCreator

    4DCreator Fapstronaut

    I am sorry to hear that you struggling. I will give you some advice from my heart.

    You are a special person and you can make a difference in this world. Every each of us can. We just need to believe it and do it. You have an addiction pattern in your head probably from some emotional traumatic experience in your childhood. Eventually from emotional deprivation from missing love of one of your parent or maybe parent being toxic.

    There is a difference in being alone and feeling lonely. People who have an emotional deprivation from childhood feel lonely and they have a huge black hole in them. Usually, there is a missing self-love, self-acceptance, self-importance, and self-esteem. This huge black hole and feeling of loneliness make us find a quick fix - drugs, alcohol, porn+masturbation. The body will get used to and feels reasonable "good". But the inner problem is not solved and this quick fix is damaging our vital life energy. You must start to love yourself and appreciate yourself. It is a long and difficult process.

    You must replace porn with other activities and you must handle withdrawal syndromes of your brain crying after porn and fapping. You must, nobody else will do it for you. But you can do it. You are missing friends, human touch (not a sexual one) connection with yourself and other people. Touch is releasing oxytocin which makes you feel good and connected. You missing something important in your life that would make you genuinely happy and important for yourself. You need to build this, find it, go for it. It is a difficult process as porn is in your way. Try to get rid of porn and start to connect with people, a lot. Find friends, hug them, have a laugh, smile, go for adventures, travel, go to nature, become a successful entrepreneur and be proud of yourself. Make a difference.

    You will be always addicted until you solve your loneliness/connection/self-love problems. You must connect to people, find them, make new deep friends. You must connect to yourself. You can make it. We can all make it. I wish you a happy life. You are special, you are right. Don't let porn to be damaging you any longer my friend. Say no and replace it with amazing things and people in your life.
  4. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Awesome advice, my friend! I wish there was a bookmark feature in this site which lets me bookmark certain comments or posts! Keep up the good work, man!
    4DCreator likes this.
  5. Nalex25p

    Nalex25p Fapstronaut

    Do you have any other addictions that you use to replace pmo like: video games, excess tv, sugary food, drugs, or any excessive dopamine stimulators? Those could be the problem, and be causing you to not fully recover and feel happy and motivated with your life.
  6. XosamaX

    XosamaX Fapstronaut

    I only have porn and masturbation addiction , i do not smoke or drink
  7. yugowolf1991

    yugowolf1991 Fapstronaut

    Amazing post mate truly!! Your so right ive noticed this on my journey also
    4DCreator likes this.