AMA thread, recovering from masturbation, porn, sex, wet dreams, lustful thoughts

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by gagate, Dec 25, 2018.

  1. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    I'm making this thread because I have people flooding my inbox.

    More about me, It's been a long time since I first recovered from porn + masturbation, then wet dreams, eventually lustful thoughts, I see many struggling with this so I'm making this thread.

    My take on sex addiction, like vivekananda said, man does not go from error to truth, he goes from lower truth to higher truth, I first thought masturbation, porn and spilling the semen was ok, then i realized it was not, then i thought wet dreams were natural etc I've been through it all.

    AMA and i'll do my best to fix your sexual problems
  2. Vegito UI

    Vegito UI Fapstronaut

    My mom and dad have 9 to 5 jobs and i will be alone at home. I try and stay disciplined for 3 to 4 days but i lose control on 5th day and pmo. How do i avoid this,my mind thinks like let's just watch porn for 10 minutes and study then it goes till o. Suggest me some ways to overcome these thoughts.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Do you feel the urge to do it, or it's because you are bored?
  4. Ever sought Jesus with your whole heart and experienced the HG?
    AEC Josh2415 and Fabian7 like this.
  5. Fabian7

    Fabian7 Fapstronaut

    Amen brother ;) changed my life
  6. Fabian7

    Fabian7 Fapstronaut

    You mentioned over coming lustful thoughts. So you do not get any? I’m on a journey to become lust free. I don’t know if it’s possible but I want to get as close as I can.
  7. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    No I don't get any for now, the mind does not cooperate much during the first years, over time you get a resistance, my goal is to go for 12 years in a row without any sexual thought
    I sought God with my whole heart one day and weeped for it and it appeared.
  8. Vegito UI

    Vegito UI Fapstronaut

    First I'll be bored I'll tell myself just lo look look porn for 5 mins,then urges take over and end me up with pmo. I too want to become a celibate for 12 years like you. What should i do ?
  9. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

  10. vanilla gorilla52

    vanilla gorilla52 Fapstronaut

    Hello my friend, I am also a new fapstronaut. I am know on my 19th day without pmo. The most dangerous time for me is when I’m bored. It helps me a lot to do something. Go workout, meet friends or whatever you love. Without pmo I have so much energy. But I have to invest the engery for good habits. Learn a language or read a book. Run around the block or whatever but do something else then watch porn. Of course this is a hard fight. But when you overcome a temptation then you will feel much better the next day. So you will get more confidence and more strength to win the next fight. If you relapse, start again. Don’t waste energy to make self reproach. Try to learn. Please keep fighting. I will because I want a new life with self respect.
  11. Vegito UI

    Vegito UI Fapstronaut

    But i have exam coming up in 15 days i cant go out,etc.. i would just have to study but my mind keeps wandering and end up with pmoing how can i concentrate my mind to study
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Vegito UI

    Vegito UI Fapstronaut

    i'll read the page you sent after sometime but let me ask you something about swami vivekananda's memory, you know about his tremendous memory powers right? memorizing all math books, a complete newspaper etc.. how is that possible? is that also througb brahmacharya for 12 years?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    Bhai, what is your history with PMO? Please be as specific as you can, as we would greatly appreciate it. We would like to know your story, and what your episodes were like, and if you, like us, ever had any regrets on your past habits along the way. Thank you so much for making this thread, as we all see you as a higher standard as to what we can achieve. Regards, bhai.
    Vegito UI and Deleted Account like this.
  14. vanilla gorilla52

    vanilla gorilla52 Fapstronaut

    Hello my friend,
    Ok I understand. Maybe you should masturbate but without watching porn. Then the pressure goes away. But this is a risk because porn is so near. If you don’t won’t to masturbate then You can take a very cold shower. And to something physical. Do push ups. You don’t have to go out for this. I am honest to you. You will suffer but without suffering it is not possible. Remember why you want to to this. It is better to suffer because of self discipline than to suffer because of regrets.
    Vegito UI likes this.
  15. Vegito UI

    Vegito UI Fapstronaut

    Thanks I'll definitely try it. How many days are you aiming for?
  16. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    yeah you develop the nerve of memory
  17. Vegito UI

    Vegito UI Fapstronaut

    Are there any other ones who've experienced it?
  18. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Many that have taken vow of lifetime mental celibacy
    Vegito UI likes this.
  19. vanilla gorilla52

    vanilla gorilla52 Fapstronaut

    Hello my friend, I can not suggest you how long you should do this. It’s your decision. For me I never want to do pmo again in my life. I did this 35 years. Maybe I will relapse. But then I try again. My life is so much better now. The benefits of NoFap are better than to waste time watching porn. I want to give you some advice. But it’s of course your decision. I understand that you have to do your exams and you have to study for 15 days. To do NoFap takes a lot of will power. Especially in the first days
    Maybe it’s to much for you to study and to do NoFap. Maybe it is better to concentrate to One thing. Don’t be to hard to yourself. But of course the goal is to live without porn.
    Vegito UI likes this.
  20. Why don't u do group study. It can help u if u can call ur friends at ur home.