Sleep with earbuds or not

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by humanfirst, Dec 27, 2018.

  1. humanfirst

    humanfirst Fapstronaut

    Hello guys, as a part of my self-improvement regime I regularly listen to lectures, positive affirmations, helpful tips and anything you can think of of that kind.Listening to them at night is said to be very effective because even asleep you still register every noise on a subconscious level (and repetiton can ultimately 'reprogram' your way of thinking) If any of you for whatever purpose do listen to something at night, do you use your earbuds or not? I've noticed that I can't stand them at any volume, I lost at least 40% of my sleep twice, and that's why I tend to keep them away.I generally fall asleep much faster. I admit I'm not used to sleep experimenting.However,I wonder if the whole process is made more effective with earbuds on instead of just relying on my phone entirely.My question maybe answers itself but you get what I mean.I welcome any responses of personal experiences, especially such that ''cast light'' on whether sleeping with earbuds is better than sleeping without them or it's the same.
    2525 likes this.
  2. humanfirst

    humanfirst Fapstronaut

    Good strategy!
    2525 likes this.
  3. I don't know much about the validity of that method, our subconscious is fascinating, but I know that wearing earbuds for a whole night is really unhealthy for your ears. Please, don't risk getting hearing problems or ear infections by doing that.
  4. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    You guys don't think it may effect your sleep quality? For me i cut out all TV and screens an hour or so before bed as i know i get better rest. Since im still rebooting i think that sleep is the most important thing out of everything.
  5. humanfirst

    humanfirst Fapstronaut

    It does affect mine but only when I use my earbuds.It's mostly fine when I leave a recording on at a very low volume but high enough to differentiate words.It's designed to be harmless and suitable for sleep, or so they say :D