Can't achieve orgasm with vanilla porn?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Burnaway, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. Burnaway

    Burnaway New Fapstronaut

    Hello there!

    I started to masturbate at a young age to some fetish porn.I am embarrassed to say that I almost exclusively watched fetish porn to masturbate and achieve orgasm.
    Lately when I finally started to watch vanilla porn,I find that it is very difficult for me to achieve an erection.After I did achieve an erection,I cant seem to achieve orgasm.
    Do anyone of you guys have similar experiences?
    Will rebooting help to rewire my brain towards 'normal' sex again?If so,how long the rebooting period should be?
  2. jwitcher

    jwitcher Fapstronaut

    Well, I've seen people who set 90 days as a target for rebooting.
    It can take longer than that for some, though. Yes, rebooting helps you get your brain back into normal sexual desires.
    Be careful though, as during the reboot, you'll have to fight urges that happen because the brain will try to rationalize your addiction to PMO.

    General tip is to avoid porn sites by blocking them and catch yourself when you want to peek at porn.
    Plus, remember your why by asking yourself everyday why did you start this journey, and try to replace the habit of watching porn and fapping with something positive, like going to the gym.

    I wish you good luck!
    kropo82 likes this.
  3. Jelarnik

    Jelarnik Fapstronaut

    Well without the anal, porn would be not porn for me. That is how much i am desensitized. I had a wet dream this morning without the wetness part and it was about me doing normal sex so that should answer you maybe? Btw if you have a certain fetish it may not go unless you are wired to some furry porn for example. Another example would be the fact that some men like ugly womans breast and some prefer their ugly ass. (I said ugly just incase you imagine it :D)
    jwitcher likes this.
  4. jwitcher

    jwitcher Fapstronaut

    Well, you should really quit porn altogether, because porn usually rewires the brain to objectify women.
    Your dick needs to function properly and get aroused by the one you actively want to pursue sex with - but as a bonding experience, not as a means to fulfill your porn-induced fantasies. Try keeping a journal, this makes you stay accountable in terms of emotion/urges/other issues induced by PMO.