Gender vs genitalia

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Hand Jive, Jan 6, 2019.

  1. I'll just leave these videos as a parting word. This woman is always super brutally honest about what it's like to be trans and have dysphoria, and I trust her opinion, because she doesnt have any political stakes in the game. Sorry, but I dont really trust the word of people who are so invested in their liberal politics that they want to put on a face and project things that arent necessarily true to further their political agenda. I dont agree with this woman about a lot of her politics, but I do think she has opened my eyes to a lot of education on transgenderism.

    This does not look fun, and if we could find a cure that would prevent people from having to go through this, I'm all for that.

    This is also an informative video, and yes, I'm aware gender dysphoria was removed from the DSM, and I think that was an entirely politically motivated move, because it makes absolutely no sense. But if you disagree, which I'm assuming you do, that's fine, we dont need to get into it. Neither one of us is going to change our minds on that.

    In this one she talks about some of the dangers of transition, which again, I would rather people not have to deal with if they dont want to and would rather have a solution that makes them happy with the body they already have instead of needing to change it and face all these risks.

    And if anybody wants to watch some really fascinating longer debates, these are all pretty interesting:
  2. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    If someone is trans that's their life. I'm fine with that as long as my tax dollars aren't paying for it. What I'm not fine with are other "genders". In order for a gender to exist it must have it's own reproductive organs.
    jwitcher likes this.
  3. I'm with Ben Shapiro on this issue
    Christian Fox and brilliantidiot like this.
  4. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

  5. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    Wouldn't that just make you bi-sexual? or does pan-sexual also include transgender folks?
  6. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I think being a Jackalopesexual would be more brilliant.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  7. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    brilliantidiot likes this.
  8. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    LOL who do you think pays for all these "free" things. The funds definitely don't fall out of our maple trees
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  9. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    face palming
  10. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Thanks for actually reading it unlike some other unnamed people in this thread :D
    Christian Fox likes this.
  11. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    Thank you! for sharing an article that isn't laced with leftist ideology and propaganda
    Christian Fox and brilliantidiot like this.
  12. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    no problem bro. They are difficult to find nowadays
  13. Pan also includes trans people, and it's more focused on personality. Like gender and appearance are less important, which isnt necessarily true for bi people. It's a small distinction, but they're slightly different.
  14. Im okay with people being whatever they want to be ... if you feel like feminine scramble egg, sure do your thing. None of my business. However, if you force me and condemn me for not submitting to your ideology or principles and you shove it down my throat, this is where we are going to have a problem.

    Its funny how this gender stuff was completely non existent about 10 years ago, the way i see it people who are into this gender ideology are just being confused by the system that is going to exploit their insecurities later on in life.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  15. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    That's exactly the agenda, theyre forcing hormones on children. Did you see the thread I had Desmond the child transgendered person they had stripping for adults? Don't think that this agenda has anything about sanity or rational thought. Its about cultural marxism wanting to destroy society. They don't care if it causes thousands of suicides as a consequence, leftism is a mental disorder amd disease.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  16. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    so true you can't start forcing this crap on the kids. They are infecting them with a suicidal illness
    Ra's Al Ghul likes this.
  17. It includes transgender people and non binary, it wouldn't make sense for two words to mean the same thing.

    We still have preference in terms of appearance like anybody else, but our attraction is more based on personality and not their sex or gender.
  18. Nah, did not see your thread ... however i have seen some short clips on youtube about one kid dancing in some gay pride show or whatever it is, and some "drag queen" 11 year old kid being constantly put on my recommendation list on youtube.

    Well this "cultural marxism" is just one of tools being forced onto people. Such Agenda has more deeper meaning than people think. You can obviously see something is terribly wrong with western society.
    People are being divided by race, gender, class, religion etc. And in past few years this problem has only been growing.

    I dont think leftism is a mental disorder. Radical leftists are results of what happens when you get raised in unstable household or environment.
    You can see that for the past 30 years moral is declining rapidly. You have weakening of religion, destroying spiritual values through materialism, shaming manhood and feminity, feminism - which had #1 purpose of having more women into paying taxes and ripping families apart.
    All, or maybe some of those combined result in fathers and mothers without character, responsibilities, emotional intelligence etc. So children of such people are being easily manipulated and exploited later on. Pure example of that are massive protests by leftists - Ironic thing is they do not know what are they actually protesting. And all of them resemble onto same typical answers and accusations.
  19. And thank God for that!
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.