Is advocating permanent abstinence from PMO "unscientific"?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by vycyx, Jan 13, 2019.

  1. vycyx

    vycyx Fapstronaut

    Hi there,

    I've been somewhat of a long time lurker, but never posted on here, because I haven't had an account up until now. I've now created one, because I'd like to get something clarified or rather discuss it with you guys, the community.

    Ok, so here's my question: Is advocating permanent abstinence from PMO unscientific?

    Let me clarify: I absolutely agree and I'm convinced that porn addiction is real and I personally do suffer from it (which is why I'm currently rebooting by the way). There's clear evidence that supports this claim, there's a lot of information on the web, scientific data, etc.

    However, and this is my issue, on this forum, the subreddit and other places, whenever NoFap is being discussed, I see a lot of people chime in and make bold claims that either M or O or both are dangerous to your health, unnatural or whatever without backing up their claims with scientific data.

    I do get that abstaining from M and O during a Reboot is the recommended way to go, but ultimately, the goal is to defeat porn addiction and not demonise masturbation, at least that's what I thought. But a lot of these discussions I see take a weird turn really quickly and people just spurt out whatever they think is good or bad.

    One of the most common ones I read and the one that makes me really mad is that fantasising is just as bad for your as watching porn and should be avoided at all times. Claiming that an external visual stimulus (porn) will trigger exactly the same chemical response in your brain and will affect the exact same regions in your brain as fantasising will is just plain stupid. Anyone who has at least a basic understanding of how the brain works can easily debunk this.

    TL;DR porn is bad. Period.
    But is there any actual scientific data, studies or proof of any kind that would support the claim that either M or O (without a partner) are bad for you? Because there is data that would support the opposite, that M and O (in moderation) are actually healthy or at least not unhealthy.
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  2. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    It doesn't matter to me if it's healthy to masturbate. I didn't quit masturbation because of health reasons. I quit it because it is a meaningless and life-wasting act. Many use the idea that masturbation is healthy to defend their habit. The only logic to this issue I need is that I know personally what masturbating is like, no matter what science says. And also the fact that humans don't need masturbating, we invented it for self pleasure. It's like humans naturally have body hair, it isn't natural to shave it off. But we do it and it can even have health benefits, but it still isn't required. So if we don't need to masturbate, and it only makes us feel lesser, are you still going to do it because it has some health benefits? And all the health benefits masturbation has, sex definitely also has them. I think it's best that people should stop masturbating and seek to have sex. People can do whatever they wan't and I have 0 care if someone masturbates, but I know they're not striving to be the person they actually are.

  3. This guy's well established, and he makes some points about M and O.

    Anyway, you said that P is not the same as M, same how P is not binge-YT, or P is not binge-Netflix, or P is not drugs and smoking. But, we'd always find people trying to stop binging, not because of porn-like reward, in fact the reward-rush obtained is less, but because it's a quick fix. You'd depend on it when emotional and stressed out. Chronic procrastinators, like me understand this very well. I have nothing against O, since it's with a partner, thus qualifies as quality time. But, M doesn't only potentially lead to procrastination and overdependence, but also eventually P due to fantasizing, which in my opinion, makes M worse than binge-YT or Netflix or those other stuff I mentioned, couples with the fact that orgasms are stronger than any video on earth.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2019
    Buddhabro likes this.
  4. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

  5. I think you're missing the point. Fantasizing is exactly what makes porn so powerful because without it there wouldn't be a porn industry to begin with.
    Porn is just fantasy materialized. It's true though that porn is more powerful since it's more realistic and suggestive, but fantasy is the driving force in both the case of MO and PMO.

    What has to be said though, is that without porn, fantasy will involve people met in one's own life, and that I think is somewhat healthier than jacking off to sex scenario's which have no connection with personal experiences. In other words, your brain can't rationalize porn the way it can rationalize its own fantasies. Therefore it's pretty obvious that MO is the lesser evil.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  6. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    There is no data to prove masturbation is healthy or natural/normal in the first place.

    The best argument against masturbation is that there are tribes where humans don't know how to masturbate and don't have a word for the act itself. Yet they have sex all night long. If masturbation was truly something natural or healthy, that tribe should not have existed. it should've wiped itself out. More so, if we look at the animal kingdom, masturbation is virtually unexistent there. The thing is the statistical normality of masturbation is massively overstated due to sampling and bias.

    All things considered, masturbation just makes 0 sense.

    No, you don't like this because it would mean you'd have to let go of self sexual stimulation, which is a big part of your life. My life used to literally revolve around self sex stimulation. Porn was the easy thing to let go of. Sex fantasizing was the hard one. The thing is, you get relatively the same physiological reaction from sex fantasizing, the mind just creates the scenario for you. I could get more intense scenes in my mind than porn could've provided. If you want an easy example for this, remembering a scary event in one's life will trigger a physiological reaction similar to the actual event or the sight of that event (on a video).
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
    Buddhabro likes this.
  7. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    I don’t think masturbation in moderation is bad or evil. If however you masturbate so much real sex becomes impossible then yes it’s a problem. Porn to me is different. It has negative impacts across the board.
    Buddhabro likes this.
  8. Science, as known to the Western World (Europe, America's etc.) is revolved around what? Statistics & numbers right? Many published studies, even though they are reporting hard facts, receive their funding for the study from companies or other agendas trying to subtly hint at one thing or another, and many times have direct conflict of interest with the field they are funding the study in.- Therefore they will skew sample bases and demographics to favorably show what the funder, or individual bias, wants to "prove". <This isn't always the case but it happens alot. example: In the 1930's western doctor's "science" recommended cigarettes as healthy. Or today how the USDA's dietary guidelines directly reflect the wishes of their biggest funders, not whats best for people's diet.
    -What am i getting at? There is alot of biased tiny sample sizes that are blown out of proportion and suggest something like this "Porn and masturbation reduce domestic violence." The thing is, many of these categories are non-linear, or perhaps don't have direct correlation, but one is made regardless by omitting various factors; to favorably suggest that "porn is good" or "masturbation is healthy."
    -Going beyond what statistical evidence can show. Critical thinking and self examination can be one's only truth when it comes to something like this. And many times our overthinking wraps a shroud around something that can be easily verified by individual experience. Without going into "unproven science", lets ask some critical questions to come to a conclusion.
    Is masturbation necessary for survival?
    Does masturbation provide an evolutionary advantage over those who don't?

    Does masturbation effect one's health? *** This is the hot button issue and the reason there isn't a clear scientific article to prove yes or no is because masturbation alone isn't enough to quantify measurable amounts of health difference in an individual, and it's extremely hard to single it out as the 1 variable if it does. It is coupled with multiple factors that are near impossible to separate. (There is no control group) < Even if you found a control group confirmation bias plays out based on diet, social status, age, region, religion and more.
    -Let's break this down now to what we can confirm for ourselves
    Do you feel energized and pumped up after masturbation, does it help you physically become stronger or say, quicker mentally? no
    After masturbating do you suddenly have more sexual options or partners to pass along your genes? nope
    Is non masturbating fatal to the human existence? Nope, everyone in the world could stop tomorrow and we would all be just fine.
    Is there a multi-billion dollar a year industry revolved around keeping people masturbating? yes sir

    I'm not making a moral stance here, you get to judge for yourself just like everyone else. But in MY experience it has been a colossal waste of time, energy, and in other people cases, financial resources. It provides nothing of long term benefit and only a quick pleasure rush that is mere moments. It kills my libido, it weakens my immune system and more important than all of that is it throws away my time. We know we can produce more semen or make more money. But damn.. we can never ever get the time back. What we have is what we have and when it's gone and i look back on my life i'm not going to cherish all the moments i f***ed my hand. lol, i'm just not. i know that already.

    So "officially" there is no scientific evidence showing masturbation is bad for you. But unofficially i think,
    "Well who decides what is 'bad' for me?" -i do
    And there is plenty of evidence then that P or M is bad for me, personally.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2019
    WanderTruth, Jennica, Nubile and 2 others like this.
  9. Clarke

    Clarke Fapstronaut

    There's a lot of people here who fetishize nofap. If your p m or o habits are preventing you from having satisfying sex with a partner, you should stop. Otherwise, there's only psudosyllogistic arguments from people that have never studied formal logic trying to justify their preconceived religious beliefs or because they hate themselves and want to put themselves in a position where they're at war with their body over something that's quite natural.
  10. vycyx

    vycyx Fapstronaut

    First of all, I'd like to thank everyone participating in this discussion.

    My intentions, if they weren't clear from my original post, were NOT to convince anyone of anything. Quite the opposite actually.

    I want each and everyone to be able to choose their personal lifestyle as they wish. I'm just trying to bring the science back into the NoFap discussions a little, so that people can make these lifestyle choices even easier and based on facts, not on the opinion of some dude in a forum.

    I get it and it does make a lot of sense to me. However, at the same time you're very close to proving my point. You're saying it's a "meaningless and life-wasting act" and say people "defend it" implying it's a FACT that it's bad. And this is what I have an issue with. You're claiming that not adopting your lifestyle is unhealthy.

    The reason why I have an issue with this is that claims like that in the forums or on reddit will actually keep people away from NoFap, because they are, to quote the thread title, "unscientific". I personally am an example for this. I felt that NoFap does make a lot of sense and there's science to back it up. However, and this is what's kept me away from NoFap for a very long time, whenever people discuss it, there are a few people who make bold claims like that and say M or O is just bad. Period.

    Again, neither am I criticising your personal lifestyle nor am I saying it's unhealthy. All I'm saying is that it's just that: a lifestyle choice. Nothing more and nothing less. And your personal choice doesn't make other people's choices (M & O, but no P) bad or unhealthy. Unless, and this is the entire point of this post, you can back it up with some real data.

    Thanks dude, I'll check it out.

    I get what you're saying, but I disagree. I am on board when you say that porn is fantasy materialized. That's true. However, and this was my point, from a biological standpoint, the two are very different. Porn is an external stimulus and has a much different effect on the body, than phantasizing does. I'm not saying that if your personal lifestyle choice is to cut out both then you're stupid. Quite the opposite - if you're feeling better now, because you've stopped phantasizing, then you've made the right choice and are, per definition, living more healthily than before.

    But, and I've already mentioned in this in my very first reply, I'm having a very hard time discussing or reading up on NoFap when people just propagate their own opinions as facts and unfortunately this does happen a lot. And when it happens it almost always feels like people are debating faith. No facts, just what they believe to be true.

    You make a good point, but a again, I disagree. I've actually heard that there are tribes out there who've never heard of masturbation, but that doesn't automatically mean that it's unnatural, wrong or even unhealthy. Correlation does not imply causation. The tribe's survival depended on boning 24/7, but what if we took that away? What it survival wasn't an issue anymore for that tribe? Would they still not have developed the habit of masturbating in 10 or 20 generations?

    Also, you said that "if we look at the animal kingdom, masturbation is virtually unexistent there" which is just plain false. It's actually the opposite. Masturbation is very common in the animal kingdom. Most do it a lot differently than we do, because they don't have thumbs, but they do it.

    Sorry, but this is EXACTLY what my original post was about. You have an opinion, which you're absolutely entitled to and you've chosen a lifestyle. But then you try to pass of your opinion as a fact and potentially turn people away from NoFap, who were looking for help, because they think it has nothing to do with scientific facts or data and that it's just a bunch of people arguing why fapping is evil.

    I'm not here to defend sexual self-stimulation no matter what, but I am going to defend it, if people say it's bad just because they say "All things considered, masturbation just makes 0 sense."

    I fully agree. If masturbation, sex or any other stimulating behaviour becomes so dominant that you neglect other parts in your life then we're talking about an addiction.

    Loving this. I think we're basically making the same point. I am in no way shape or form telling anyone what's healthy or what isn't and if your personal lifestyle choice does make you feel a lot better then do it!

    All I'm saying is that just because we can not prove that it is healthy or necessary (masturbation for example) it doesn't automatically mean the opposite, that it's unhealthy or bad for you. And unless there's some hard evidence (I know... what qualifies as evidence and the conflict of interest these medical studies often face is probably a whole new discussion in itself) that suggests otherwise, I refuse to jump on the "M and O is evil" train, just because people think it is.

    Again, if abstaining from M and O does make you personally feel a lot better, then good on you! Keep it up! But if I feel a lot better with M and O then why is my lifestyle choice unhealthy?

    Yes, I absolutely agree and this was my original point. It very often feels like people are debating faith and it often has a very church-y feel to lol. "Masturbating is evil and the lord will punish you for it!"
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019
  11. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I said masturbation is bad, but I didn't say it's unhealthy. Never claimed that masturbation is unhealthy, I do believe it can have some physical health benefits. Personally, these benefits aren't enough for me to do it. And clearly, masturbation has been negatively affecting a lot of people as proven by this website. In the end, it comes down to the individual. Of course not everyone is affected badly by masturbation but you have to be absolutely honest to yourself. You know yourself if masturbation is not good for you, health benefits are irrelevant. It is hard for me to see that anyone would genuinely benefit from masturbation, based on my personal life and that of the others'. So yes, you're right that it can't be said that masturbation is bad for absolutely everybody. From now on, I'll add "personally" to when saying the habit is bad.
  12. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    It's rather amusing though, you're doing this crusade against "unscientific" affirmations, yet you have no problem writing something like "which is just plain false. It's actually the opposite. Masturbation is very common in the animal kingdom. Most do it a lot differently than we do, because they don't have thumbs, but they do it."

    Your post was exactly about your statement right here then.
  13. vycyx

    vycyx Fapstronaut

    First of all, I'm not crusading against anything. I feel very strongly about what I called "unscientific statements", yes, because this is part of what kept me away from NoFap for a long time and if I can help solve this problem even in the slightest by talking about it in this thread, then that's a win.

    Secondly, I have repeatedly used quotes when I've said "unscientific". I'm using the term a bit more liberally and don't have a clear definition of what actually is scientific or factual and what isn't in this context. It's only a word to describe whenever people try to convince others of their lifestyles and/or opinions and don't make it clear that they're just that. Opinions, not facts.

    And thirdly, you quoted me and said my statement was amusing to you, implying that I was being hypocritical, yet you haven't even told me how. It's a fact that a lot of animals do in fact masturbate, with and without a partner. If you had taken just 10 seconds to google it, you'd have found dozens of articles and websites supporting my claim. So in what way am I being a hypocrite or part of the problem I've described in my original post?

  14. vycyx

    vycyx Fapstronaut

    You're right, sorry. I actually re-wrote this paragraph a couple of times and obviously didn't check the final version thoroughly enough.

    I can't tell for sure if you're being sarcastic at the end lol, but thanks if you're not. Either way, that's the point I was trying to make or rather to discuss with the community here: if it makes you feel better to abstain from M and/or O, then good for you and keep on doing it, but please let people make their own choices based on facts.
  15. thekingfisher

    thekingfisher Fapstronaut

    You statements make complete sense. However, many of this forum are die hard PMO, calling it evil, unhealthy etc. without backing up their claims. All that most members see and read are people on this forum that strtuggle with it every day, giving them the idea that everyone must be addicted to it. I know people who also enjoy masturbating and watching porn from time to time, and don't have any issues with it, but those are the ones who don't post on this forum. There not really any point in trying to contradict people over here, they won't agree with you anyway.
  16. Ok; let's forget personal opinions for a sec; so let's take a look at your question about the almighty science...

    If you really think that science, the same science that has figured out it takes over 2 months for a sperm cell to mature yet advocates daily or weekly (p)mo to prevent prostate cancer, that science, is going to carry out a study which differentiates between fantasies involving PMO and MO to find out how they differently affect the human body, you best forget about it lmfao.

    Science likes to forget about God so it can condone sin.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2019
  17. vycyx

    vycyx Fapstronaut

    This was kind of my point. I get that a lot of people struggle with keeping M and O as part of their lifestyle, because they (and I'm including myself here) are recovering from a porn addiction. I guess it's sort of the same reason why as an alcoholic you can never drink again.

    I'm just always dumbfounded when people try to argue from an evolutionary standpoint and say "it doesn't serve a purpose, so it's useless and shouldn't be done". How is going to the movies, playing XBOX or any other kind of distraction or similar activities any different? Some things are not automatically useless or "unevolutionary" by default, because our ancestors haven't done it.

    Sorry mate, but I don't even know how to properly respond to this. Not only are you completely missing the point of my original post, but you're also generalising.

    I'll give it a shot anyway: I am very aware that the trustworthiness of scientific studies is a very complicated topic, because a lot of them are biased right from the start and the findings of a lot of them directly contradict each other. If Philip Morris International sponsored a study that was researching the health risks of smoking then yeah... these results would be complete BS. I even admitted that I have no clear definition of what is scientifically proven and what isn't, in an earlier reply.

    But you take two completely independend studies that came to contradicting results and then say ALL of science is wrong. I don't even know how to argue that, because it's so illogical.

    And then you actually brought God into the discussion, so yeah...
    0111zerozero11 likes this.