Cold showers don't do well with bass guitar

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. My joints and fingertips freeze and it takes hours to get them to a normal temperature. Cold showers help with gym workout though.
  2. How cold is cold? Like no involvement of the hot tap whatsoever? Is there a point at which the coldness of a cold shower has further bad outcomes than temporary dexterity loss?
  3. I dont use hot water at all. Losing desterity is crucial when it comes to playing music.
  4. Oooft. That’s huge. Man I do that at the peak of summer but somehow I get the feeling you are doing this through winter? Yikes. Do you know any good links or threads to the whole cold shower thing? I’m trying to figure out if it’s real or not.
  5. do them for yourself and see how it feels