Beaware of pmo backlash!.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Infinite spirit, Feb 24, 2019.

  1. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    A common theme i always realize in my nofap streaks attempts that the longest the streak ..the worst the relapse ! Unexpected hah?..i hope you take care of this from now on.
    So the way it works is basically like that..its like elastic motion in physics ..when you suppress the spring so tight in one direction and then you let it go it just burst with full potential to the the opposite way. The same with nofap streaks and pmo..if you go for 1 or few weeks and you relapse it's usually few relapses and you come back again. But when you go for almost a year let's say..and then you relapse you fall even deeper than ever and your situation gets even worse than ever and that's because there is so much suppressed urges inside of you and they all just take the opportunity to explode since you let the spring go .
    Its like "every action has a reaction ..equal in the quantity ..opposite in direction"
    ..beaware of this .thanks.

    Ps: physics classes wasn't for nothing after all.:D
  2. tryhardvibes20

    tryhardvibes20 Fapstronaut

    I believe if you have a healthy habit or replacement activity you won’t have this happen. If you have PMO to cope but find a healthy way to cope then you’ll still with that without having the urges anymore. You’re not wrong tho happened to me but trying to find a new way to replace this horrible thing.
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  3. safa61947

    safa61947 Fapstronaut

    As someone who reached 95 days and then relapsed, I claim this is a thing.
    Infinite spirit likes this.
  4. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Now that we are aware of this trap we can overcome it int he future.
  5. crazycats

    crazycats Fapstronaut

    Hmm I relapse. But instead of thinking it as a negative way, you need to accept it as consequence.

    That's why the nofap itself recommend 90 days, not a whole year or lifetime without PMO.

    My fellow mates say, once you regain control of yourself (including CONFIDENCE and HEALTHY lifestyle), you may quit the whole "NoFap" stuffs and enjoy your normal life, incl the fapping and sex BUT NOT porn. You have to impose a strict limit on yourself. No Porn till the day you die, limit yourself to once a week masturbation, and try not to be hypersex with your girlfriend because if you broke up with her, all hell breaks loose. Make sure you still have the Rewards and Punishment system, because as a human we might not succeed without it.