All porn is cuckold porn but interracial porn is even worse

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ultrafabber, Mar 5, 2019.

  1. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    I've been writing about all porn (man-woman) being cuckold porn because you basically get the exact perspective of a cuckold and you do exactly what a cuckold does - masturbating seeing the woman he is attracted to get fked by another man.

    Ok, so that is very bad. But at least there is a case to be made that the watcher tries to imagine he is the actor and he is doing the fking. He obviously isn't but there's still some half argument for it (living vicariously etc). Not that that is good.

    However, if you are white and you watch porn where the actor is NOT white, it becomes undoubtedly clear you are the cuck and only the cuck. If you are white and watch an asian male actor, there will still be a very vague resemblance, but if you are white and you watch black porn actors, you are not 99% but 200% the cuck. There is absolutely NO way to identify with or live vicariously through a black man, the same way there is absolutely NO way for a black man to identify with or live vicariously through a white man.

    You probably noticed there is a very rapidly increasing genre of "cuckold" and "blacked". It is very disturbing and it's 100% cuckold stuff.

    Do not watch porn at all, but know that not all porn is equal. A guy being from another race than you are (highest contrast is black-white or black-asian) is 200% cuckold stuff. It's cuckold porn on steroids.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2019
  2. lmfao

    But I agree. Watching IR where the male actor is not your race has no explanation other than cuckism. I'm kind of relieved that I never had any inclination to watch blacked/riced videos whatsoever.
    ultrafabber likes this.
  3. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Lucky you, I sadly did, but I was very young, there was no nofap back then and all i heard was how progressive and normal porn was. But I think I was pretty disgusted when I ever saw regular porn (cause i would never ever watch/masturbate in a room with other people fcking), then i got used to it, then i got pretty disgusted when I saw porn with black men (I'm white), then i sadly got used to it as well.

    I didn't even realize I was cucking myself, all i knew was the shame after. But I didn't have a name for it.

    The slippery slope is very real.
  4. CrispyMac

    CrispyMac Fapstronaut

    That's fucked up man. Fucked up because it's true.
  5. Dude all porn is cuckold that excatly what I thought the last 3 days. :D:D:D:D
  6. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Yeah man, that should be stickied in the banner of nofap. Instead of NoFap - get a new grip on life

    it should be

    NoFap - stop being a cuckold
  7. ProtagonistOfMyLife

    ProtagonistOfMyLife Fapstronaut

    Well, for my part I only have ever PMOd to first-person-perspective porn. I agree that watching porn from an onlookers point of view is similar to cuckoldery.
    However the same could be said for the 'voyeur' genre.

    The difference between voyeur (yes I googled that word right now) and cuckold is that the people having sex either have a relationship with the onlooker or not. If it's the gf, wife etc... then it's cuckold, if not the voyeur.

    Either way, semantics shouldn't matter, watching P will take from your ability to engage with women in real life so it will always be detrimental to your sexuality. If you feel more motivation to stop PMO by comparing watching P to cuckoldery, then why not.

    I also don't really understand why you would assume that people can not fantasize about having sex if the actor has a different skin colour?
    Seems kinda grabbed out of the air with a lot of personal flavour to me.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2019
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  8. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    I'm going to repeat what i said to the other user. This had 0 intent of shaming anyone, this is just a logical train of thought. Cuckolding is bad and depending what you watch you will get more or less cuckolding. If you are white and watch a movie with a black actor there is virtually no way to imagine you are him. You can't not be a cuckold. Watching a guy that resembles you will in a way help you identify with him and you'll be less of a cuckold. Not that it would be advised, but it would be less damaging.

    Again, this is just a logical fact. You will have more trouble identifying with a man that is increasingly different from you. A white/asian guy can't identify with a black guy. Or viceversa.

    This has nothing to do with shame.

    Because the difference makes it harder to imagine it's YOU. If you watch pov, would seeing a black dick (and assuming you're white/asian) help you with immersion or snap you out of immersion?
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2019
  9. ProtagonistOfMyLife

    ProtagonistOfMyLife Fapstronaut

    probably I would snap out of the immersion as my white penis is probably bigger than most black ones.
  10. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Ah yes, the ol penis size switcharoo.
    Re:Born likes this.
  11. If the girl has bigger bobies than mine I guess I wouldn't be able to pretend I'm her as good as if our bobbies matched in size : (( or if she has whiter teeth or if her nail shape is round and not square.. or if, she has pigtails while my hair is in a bun.. or if.. all these if's

    this is a sure sign that im a cuck for absolutely then!
    Deleted Account and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  12. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    You're being a bit of a smart ass but that's really the point of all this. The greater the difference, the less likely it is to identify with the actor. Skin color will always be the biggest difference.

    Also, for women it's not as bad to be "cuckqueens" (it's not good either) as it is for men to be cuckolds. A man seeing the woman he is attracted to get fcked by someone else is a very strong cue/suggestion he lost access to that woman and to reproduction ultimately, whereas for women, even if the man fcks another woman he can still get her pregnant as well.
  13. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    I don't get the point. [​IMG]