Smashing through the walls of PMO Addiction

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Arkady, Mar 12, 2019.

  1. Arkady

    Arkady Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    I am new to NoFap forum.

    I am aware of NoFap as a concept and have been lurking around the forums and YBOP for a long time. I have tried to give up my PMO addiction many times in the past and I'm still struggling to this day. I decided to create an account and be part of this community and share my thoughts and progress with all NoFappers as a way of motivating myself and maybe trying to help someone else along the way if I make it far enough.

    I am 30 years old and been a PMO addict since 19. Much like many others, this took place since we got fast internet access at home and a lot of free time on my hands. Unfortunately this addiction has taken over my life gradually and very subtlety that I don't even know how I got myself into this mess in the first place. I noticed the red flags when my erections become weaker and weaker and eventually I developed ED. I have also experienced many other health problems as a result of excessive PMO which I might share later and reflect upon in a more comprehensive post.

    All and all, I don't want to be a PMO addict anymore.

    I think I have ruined my life enough.

    I don't wan't to go back to my old sh!tty PMO habits.

    It's time to put an end to this.

    I have already told PMO that we are through 4 days and 20 hours ago and PMO can get the f#ck out of my life. (Sorry about the language, I am filled with rage)

    I Just want to say that I am 100% committed to NoFap from this point forward and will do whatever it takes to succeed and try to make the best of it.
    SirErnest and nvd997 like this.
  2. nvd997

    nvd997 Fapstronaut

    me too nice to meet u
    Arkady likes this.
  3. Arkady

    Arkady Fapstronaut

    Nice to meet you too Bro
    Stay Strong and Stay Vigilant
  4. Link468

    Link468 Fapstronaut

    Good for you, @Arkady! Welcome to the community. This is a great place to find support, encouragement, and motivation. Don’t apologize for your rage. You are entitled to your emotions. We’ve all be there. PMO addiction sucks. I wish you all the best as you move towards freedom. Don’t lose hope. You can do this, man!
  5. nvd997

    nvd997 Fapstronaut
