Help needed please!

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Deleted Account, Apr 14, 2019.

  1. I have been doing nofap for a while now and I feel great when I reach a 30 day streak... then, I have sex with someone I like and it feels great for 24 hours..then depression. everyone on here says sex with a partner Is a good thing but it ruins me every time. Any advice is appreciated thank you
  2. 1dayattatime

    1dayattatime Fapstronaut

    Sounds like chaser effect. But there could be more to it. Hard to know without more details. Are you in relationships with these people? Do you have any opportunity for community. Sex is one of the most vulnerable/intimate things we can do. If you are isolated right afterwards i could see that being depressing. Your body may not know what do with those chemicals.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. What is chaser effect?? It is only one girl and I consider her my partner yes. We are getting close. Also, I do spent the day alone right afterward as we have different schedules and that is when it hits. 1 day at a time, I find your reply to be very helpful thank you
    1dayattatime likes this.
  4. 1dayattatime

    1dayattatime Fapstronaut

    Ya dude! Glad i can be of help. Keep engaging with these difficult things and you will make the changes you desire in your life.

    At the top of the screen there is a link to the glossary of commonly used terms on nofap. Check it out.

    Here is the definition for chaser effect
    • Chaser Effect: The super-charged desire to masturbate that sometimes hits 1-3 days after sexual acts. Especially powerful early on in a reboot
    Ok so possibly not chaser effect by this definition. But it is helpful to know what your normal feelings will be and plan accordingly. Knowing is half that battle
  5. Thank you. I guess what my question is then is.. where do I go from here? I’m super happy and more full of life than ever when I’m basically a nun. Should I just forget about sex forever? It’s kind of a catch 22. I look and feel so good these days.. all of a sudden I literally can’t keep women off of me. My confidence is rediculous. I ran in to an old friend a month ago and he just stopped still in his tracks and said “rich, you are absolutely glowing”. Superpowers level expert.. but when I connect with my s.o and have sex, I can t even move for 4 days. It’s 4 days every time. Any more ideas? Thank you friends
  6. When you say keep engaging these things, what do you mean exactly? Thank you. I just got to work and I have a huge day. I can’t get it together ugh. Please help
  7. I think what my friend @1dayattatime was saying is that you must continue to look for ways to deal with this issue until you come up with the solution. Sometimes what works for one person does not work for someone else.
    I relapsed last Tuesday from a chaser. I know that I must be careful after having sex for a couple of days afterward.

    Some things that you might consider looking into:

    1. Frequency of sex - maybe if you are only doing it every once in a while your mind is having a hard time coming off that dopamine high.
    2. Length of intercourse - maybe if it takes a longer time to finish your brain could be overdosing on dopamine and thus you have to deal with the depression afterward.

    These are just ideas - I’m not an expert but I agree with @1dayattatime in that you must keep searching and engaging until you come up with the solution that works for you. Best of luck to you on your journey.
    1dayattatime likes this.
  8. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    How is the sex itself? Loving? Fulfilling? Is there a deep connection? When I have relapsed and Med to P I feel shitty afterwards, because I have made a bad decision and had a lonely, empty experience. It is possible for partnered sex to feel lonely and empty if there is no trye connection. You may also feel guilty if you are using her in the way that you used P. One last possibility is that you are overwhelmed by the prospect of a long wait for another similar experience if the sex you have is infrequent.

    Going back to the possibility that the sex is not enotionally connected or fulfilling: you mention that you consider her to be your partner. Is this how she feels about you? Are you official? Are you committed? Is the negative emotion just you worrying about these things?

    A lover is not just a sexual partner, and we have emotional needs that are met in loving relationships and loving sexual experiences. If the sex you are having feels lonely or empty, then considet whether you can better connect with your partner.

    If none of the above theories sound like they fit, then just kbow that early in your reboot your body chemistry is undergoing guge changes due to the changes in your sexual behaviours. It will take a while for your dopamine receptors and hormone balances to find a new, healthier equilibrium. This could also be behind the drop in mood after sex and orgasm.

    The good news is that you are feeling these emotions, not numbing or dulling them by distracting yourself with PMO.

    Keep at it.
    1dayattatime likes this.
  9. Thank you guys so much. Such a great help. Much love
    1dayattatime likes this.
  10. 1dayattatime

    1dayattatime Fapstronaut

    That is exactly what i was saying:)
    Jefe Rojo likes this.