Dealing with strong urges.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by AC Chak, Apr 17, 2019.

  1. AC Chak

    AC Chak Fapstronaut

    Currently I'm on a streak of 20 days. It's been amazing for the last few days.i was feeling much more energetic, high motivation and desire to perform. But today I'm having quite strong urges.i don't know why. I think this is the part of our nofap journey. Isn't it??
    I'm trying to hold myself doing some breathing practices. But urges still coming to my mind. What should I do? Plz suggest me.
    free0fight and TheFlash123 like this.
  2. Listen to music or go for a walk. Take a cold shower or do jumping jacks as fast as you can. Run on the spot as fast as you can
  3. Get out of your house, close your technology and put it away, put a block on your technology, call a friend, read a book.
    Deleted Account and AC Chak like this.
  4. digitaldraft

    digitaldraft Fapstronaut

    When ever you get an urge pop on some headphones and meditate. Clear that urge out of your mind.
    Butterfly1988 and AC Chak like this.
  5. RoadToRecoveryy

    RoadToRecoveryy Fapstronaut

    Remember the reason why you’re doing this and realize that it’s not worth it to ruin your progress. Go to the gym go to sleep watch a movie whatever you need to do just don’t give in to the urge
    Butterfly1988 and AC Chak like this.
  6. free0fight

    free0fight Fapstronaut

    These past few weeks have been rough.
    Work has been really busy and stressful, and I find porn the way to escape and "relax". I have been edging for days, can't help myself.
    I don't know how to stop.
    It's so frustrating.