Workouts for better pullups and chinups

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by D.T.1989, May 25, 2019.

  1. D.T.1989

    D.T.1989 Fapstronaut

    As part of my NoFap journey, I have been working out very regularly for a full year now. It has been going well, with muscle and physical strength gains in most of my body, particularly my chest, shoulders, legs, and arms.

    However, I still struggle when it comes to doing the pullups and chinups. It seems like no matter which back exercises I do, I still have not improved on those 2 exercises. So to the guys on the forum who workout regularly and are able to do those exercises with ease, what were the things that you have done to make pullups and chinups something that can be done with ease, whether through specific exercises, or a diet that assisted the workouts as well?

    Any input appreciated :)
  2. bondong96

    bondong96 Fapstronaut

    Obviously being strong at a light body weight will help you with chinups and pullups. I was always fairly light, but had trouble with chinups and pullups, but I did them with the assist. I was also doing other back work, but it didn't really help my pullups that much. If you are able to do a couple pullups or chinups I think it is best to just do those even if its for a short amount of reps as I think the best way to get stronger on a certain exercise is to just do it. I used to be able to only do 4 or 5 chinups in a row and after doing mostly them and pullups as my only back exercises, along with barbell rows, I was able to improve quite a bit. After a couple months I was able to do 10 in a row for both chins and pullups. I've switched my style of training to a more strength based routine as well, so I've gotten a lot stronger for my bodyweight which should help as well. If you are quite heavy it will obviously be hard to do pullups and the best way to improve would be to just lose some fat. Hope I helped a bit.
  3. Reborn_

    Reborn_ Fapstronaut

    If you can do at least one rep, then you can use the GTG (Grease the groove) method. Throughout the day, or whenever you walk by your pull up bar, do one rep. Every day they will get easier and easier. You don't want to go to failure, since that might disrupt your workout and cause you to overtrain, instead just do a rep.

    If you cannot do a single rep or pull up or chin ups, you might be able to do one if you kip. Basically using your leg momentum to get over the bar. Or negatives, where you jump to the top of the bar, and then do the second half of a pull up.
  4. Grease the groove!
    If your max is say 8 reps. I would suggest doing 3-5 reps at least 5 times during the day or more. Every set should have at least 20 min rest. Increase your reps after one week, say start doing sets of 4 reps, then 5 reps etc.

    Alternatively set a timer for 15 minutes and try to get as many reps as possible within that duration. Say you get 8/6/4/2/2/2/2/1/1/1/1 reps in 15 minutes. You do this on alternate days, and try to beat your score by 1 every time.

    P.S. try to superset chinups and pushups, it may sound counterproductive but it provides the best gains.

    Watch Fitness FAQs or Austin Dunham or Calisthenic Movement for how to increase your pull up reps even further.

    Good luck! (In my opinion GTG pull ups all day long are the best ones for gains, if you are eating nicely and superset with diamond pushups!)
    Reborn_ likes this.
  5. D.T.1989

    D.T.1989 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the input guys. I will most definitely aim to lose 10 to 15 pounds, and will definitely do the "grease the groove", my goaI is to add to the 5 reps I can do. I will have to watch how much I eat so I dont keep putting on extra weight that would make these exercises harder for me.
    bondong96 and Deleted Account like this.
  6. Just replace the sugar, and junk-fat-carb items from your diet with a protein and simple carb sources. :) No need to turn your daily diet 180° around. Even if you remove 2 items daily and add 2 good ones, you will gain something in the long run.
    D.T.1989 likes this.