Wet dreams are a nightmare!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Stefan0987, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. Stefan0987

    Stefan0987 Fapstronaut


    Im 19 years old, I am experiencing wet dreams since 14 years old, I recently stopped masturbation because on the negative effects that it had on my life, it's been almost 2 months since I haven't masturbated once but I keep having wet dreams once a week (even if I masturbate or not, wet dreams pushed me into the world of masturbation, because of urges), it sucks the whole energy out of me, I start having headaches, foggy mind, depression and I can't focus, the only thing I can do is to sleep till I recover. Recently the wet dreams negative effects increased. I am desperate to find a solution to wet dreams, I already tried the exercises hands reaching feet, reached 2 weeks without any wet dream than again, I experienced one, tried peeing before sleep, not eating 3 hours before sleep, sleeping on the back, left side, right side, none of this seemed to help. I want to give it one more shot before I go to and talk to a doctor, it has a huge impact on my life.

    What do you guys think?
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  2. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    A few thoughts come to mind:
    A. Going to a doctor won't necessarily help. Doctors aren't wizards (sadly).
    B. I agree with you. I also get a lot of wet dreams and hate them too.
    C. Have you tried drinking green tea before you go to sleep? It's helped me somewhat.
    D. Lastly, don't forget that until you get older (say, 40s-50s) you'll still experience wet dreams every now and then. Wet dreams at a low rate are considered natural, annoying as they may be.
    Deleted Account and Stefan0987 like this.
  3. This is an interesting situation and I wish I could help more. Do you watch a lot of porn without fapping? Are these wet dreams a result of the activity in your dream, like getting intimate with someone in your dream? Wet dreams are typically normal for someone that goes 3-4 weeks without PMO. Do you find yourself longing for a relationship? Your real life situation can shed light on to why you have these types of dreams if they are dream related. Is there a special someone in your life that you want to be with that can't? Stuff like that can be the cause. I hear cold showers help with no fapping, maybe it can help you with your wet dreams too..
  4. Stefan0987

    Stefan0987 Fapstronaut

    I was thinking to start going to gym, maybe this would help me somehow, consuming my energy there, see if it changes something, have you tried that during your nofap journey?

    The biggest problem for me are the symptoms after a wet dream, I can't tell you how bad I'm feeling in the morning.

    I can't understand how other people at my age are not getting any wet dreams, I'm felling very upset about dealing with this situation, instead of enjoying the life and its day by day activites I get a low motivation level about doing anything I am planning.
  5. Stefan0987

    Stefan0987 Fapstronaut

    I used to watch porn without masturbating in the past, this was a result of me abstaing from the real effects of masturbation. (I was trying to stop my urges, but actually I think I was doing more bad than good)

    I have almost 2 months of no masturbation, wet dreams encounter in the morning mostly, like 2-3 hours before I wake up.

    Very rare times I have erotic dreams but there are days when I don't dream anything at all, just wake up wet.

    Few dreams are about me being in a rush with something, like driving for example, this type of dreams usually triggers me being wet again, very strange feeling.
  6. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    I don't go to the gym but I do exercise a lot on my own. Although lately not so much because of a knee injury. In any case, I haven't found that exercising helps in terms of wet dreams (in terms of the reboot in general, it helps a lot).
    Yeah, I get that. Just tell yourself there's nothing you could've done (besides any techniques you usually use + controlling your thoughts) and get on with your life. Keep moving forward.
    The reason could go in either direction: either guys you know lead healthy, PMO-free lives and as such have perfectly clean minds and bodies, therefore rarely getting wet dreams, or, unfortunately, more likely: they PMO so much that their body has basically gone dry during their sleep. That's mostly how it was for me for a year and a half before I started rebooting.
    Deleted Account and Stefan0987 like this.
  7. The more your desire is to PMO or be in a relationship the more likely you will have a wet dream. If you were watching porn and not fapping then that could be the cause because that means you are feening for the feeling that P gives you, you are training your brain that you desire it and then your subconscious brain is acting out on it at night. Something to note about the morning time, your testosterone level are at its peak in the morning so that can be why they happen then. Also, working out reduces the desire for sex and redirects your energy into something positive. I do it 3 times a week at least. That can help. Try waking up before you usually have the occurrences for say a week and see if that helps.
    Stefan0987 likes this.
  8. Stefan0987

    Stefan0987 Fapstronaut

    So you still get wet dreams after 1 year of nofap?

    In addition to that, I'm very curious about something, a normal man can't live without masturbating or having wet dreams? I mean at some point , during puberty or after, we all start experiencing this? I don't think so..
  9. Yes a normal man can live without wet dreams and nofap. Look for the other thread for people that have never had wet dreams and go without PMO

  10. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Haven't reached a year yet (I still have about a hundred days), so I guess I'll get back to you on that. But yeah, right now it seems to be the direction that's going in. Been clean for over 250 days and I still get a lot of wet dreams. Once or twice a week on average. A normal person gets them once every 1-3 months...
    Stefan0987 likes this.
  11. Stefan0987

    Stefan0987 Fapstronaut

    I will try going to gym starting with the next week, time to get in shape again, and maybe wake up at 6 instead of 8-9, but may I ask how the desire of being in a relationship impacts on wet dreams? I mean wanting a real girl in your life, someone that you can share your thoughts to, or laugh with, should be a good thing right? I read somewhere that having a soul mate redirects your emotions in another way , so wet dreams would not encounter again.

    I would also like to know how can I rewire my brain, how to solve all the bad things I done all this time. I know discipline helps a lot but I need a plan to rewire my desires, so my subconc would stop acting like this, leading me to wd.
  12. I will take the relationship part back and say the desire for sex or pleasure
    Stefan0987 likes this.
  13. Rewiring the brain takes 63 days according to Caroline Leaf, Neuroscientist.

    the way I have been doing it is feeding myself as much information as I can on NoFap. Why is it beneficial to not watch porn, to not masturbate, for semen retention. Why is it bad to release your life force, bad to watch porn. Watch enough of these and feed your subconscious something else. I started a thread for videos that are helpful to watch. If you find good videos, please post :)

    Stefan0987 likes this.
  14. Stefan0987

    Stefan0987 Fapstronaut

    Alright, will do, thank you!
    So you're good now? No wd at all? Your subconscious is not playing anymore with you?
  15. I wouldn't say I am good because I have urges on the regular but so far it has been working and this time has been different. I feel much different then the other times I have tried to stop. I would have very crazy dreams with hardcore scenes etc but I don't have those anymore. The urges have been strong but not as strong as in the past, mostly because I try to shut them down. I go to this forum a lot and write down my struggle. I have learned more about myself, gained more confidence and my life is more balanced than ever. All in 17 days since joining nofap, so grateful!
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