14 months no porn! still no improvement

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by chazer2010, Jun 30, 2019.

  1. chazer2010

    chazer2010 Fapstronaut

    That's right. 14 months of abstaining from porn. still have a massive brain fog. barely can function in daily life. short/long term memory is almost none existent.

    A lot of people say i should be better by now or maybe the brain fog is not porn related. I've tried meditation, working out everyday, intermittent fasting, dry fasting, antidepressants, herbal supplements. Nothing worked. Is there anyone who's going through the same thing? or is it just me?

    So far, the few things that have changed since starting Nofap are the ability to have an erection to my own touch and the ability to get an erection when standing, some increment in confidence and will power.

    I cant seem to understand the direct cause to my brain fog. I've always thought it was porn. but now, im not so sure.i guess suicide is the only option i've left now.

    FYI, i went a full year without PMO and since then i have masturbated 6 times. i masturbated only to my touch, without any porn or fantasies.

    Background info

    25 years old, male. started on internet porn and been PMOing for a decade, 2-3 sessions a day.

  2. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Please don't kill yourself.
  3. I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. Rebooting has its ups and downs, just like life. We see many people experiencing ups and downs during reboot, and though it may be hard to see now, these feelings won’t last forever. It will get better with time if you’re patient and wait.

    In the meantime please seek professional help. I know the idea of calling a helpline might terrify you, but in times of crisis we often need someone there to put our life into perspective. So please contact someone that can help and don’t hang up on them.

    The international association for suicide prevention maintains a list of suicide prevention hotlines for countries all over the world.

    If you don’t feel like talking to someone on the phone, they maintain a list of online instant messaging suicide prevention resources.

    You are not alone in this. There are ways to treat depression. Please contact people that can help you. Being depressed often makes you feel like you don’t have anymore options. But that is a lie. That is just the depression talking. These feelings you have won’t last forever. We are in this with you and will be cheering for you to get through this!
  4. You're not the only one. If you search "PAWS" in this forum, you will see other people running with the same problem. If I were you, I would give up masturbation also.
    Anonymous86 and Deleted Account like this.
  5. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    Maybe your vegan ? Vegan is related to brain fog
  6. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    No...that's not why. It's clearly Porn.
  7. For some of us it is an unfortunate journey however the improvements are there albeit in small increments.

    I can relate to your experience wholeheartedly and have suffered the same and a few others on here will tell you you're not alone. You've gone over a year PMO free I'm sure you can rack some more months up there man whatever you do dont give up.

    I've recently started noticing libido and it took over 20 and a half months to start seeing signs of it.
  8. DeepParkWater

    DeepParkWater Fapstronaut

    Interesting, how would you describe the brain fog. If you have gone a year PMO free im assuming that it may be difficult to judge the difference of a clear mind per say prior vs now. If it helps try doing some research on dopamine receptors. If your diet is looking okay, then your T levels should be better, overworking yourself has a negative effect by the way (cortisol). But the brain fog is most likely due to in my opinion linked to your dopamine receptor pathways, most notably your dopamine reward system of learning. Since porn essentially teaches us to constantly seek out instant gratification, it fries our system. Maybe try something that'll increase your neuroplasticity? That may help with the rewiring, given enough dedicated mental stimulation towards learning anything honestly in a healthy manner would probily produce immense benefits
  9. Surfer760

    Surfer760 Fapstronaut

    Yo dawg, I don’t know you and you don’t know me but I just came across your shit out of nowhere. Please keep your head on straight. Relax, focus, and stay positive. Make everyday count if you like a girl go for it. If you wanna get a job go for it. Keep trying I’m not a religious man but I do believe in god and the universe is not terrible eventually you will get a bone you just have to be in touch with your surroundings and feelings. There has been 2 instances where I could’ve fucked 2 chicks and every single time I’ve failed idk why I thought they were attractive I just I started doing this because it was a last resort but I know I will never go back to porn there’s just nothing there for me and nothing there for you. You’re such much more valuable than you realize and trust me there’s a girl out there who won’t give a fuck who will make your general and two colonels feel like it belongs. Just focus we’re in this together don’t ever falter and don’t ever sing defeat my brother please.
  10. Surfer760

    Surfer760 Fapstronaut

    Watch this it helps a lot and also listen to the interstellar soundtrack from Hans zimmer
  11. ledener

    ledener Fapstronaut

    What brings the benefits like the brainfog ending is the semen retention, so, dont be surprised if you haven't even by self touch masturbation.
    Conservate with no M for as long as you can and the fog will blink
  12. preethambharadwaj94

    preethambharadwaj94 New Fapstronaut

    if you end your life...probably you won’t be able to help others with similar problem at a later stage when you struggle and recover....
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    I want to know if you have ever had a sleep test done. If you have sleep apnea you will suffer brain fog as well and does hurt T levels as well from not sleeping well at night. Now, you have been doing a lot of stuff on your own however what about talking or socializing with other people. That is also necessary in the process as well.
  14. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    Depression causes that fog stuff. And screen time doesn’t help it.
  15. Spriritofawarrior

    Spriritofawarrior Fapstronaut

    get a blood test done.
  16. Brain Fog

    Brain Fog Fapstronaut

    Your post reminds me a lot of someone else's story, OP. Do yourself a favor and read this: https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/paws-sexual-exhaustion-1-5-years.175077/#post-1499104

    He suffered the same symptoms you're describing for 14 months, which is exactly where you're at right now. He also masturbated to sensation after many months of abstinence, like you. He claims that his final breakthrough was preceded by one of the worst periods in his reboot process in terms of symptoms, and goes on to say that it's definitely not a linear process.

    Let me reiterate: you could be walking around with the most massive brain fog today, 14 months after beginning, and thinking that nothing's changed, or that it's gotten even worse, because you're just not seeing any results—but tomorrow your brain fog could suddenly begin to lift, without any warning whatsoever. That's how non-linear this process is. Your symptoms could lift any day now, or they could lift three or four months from now, but they will lift. If it's the latter, like @Big Lebowski said, you've already done the impossible, so a couple more months won't hurt.

    Seriously, don't lose hope. You're closer to success than you might think.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
  17. ironmaing

    ironmaing Fapstronaut

    I've had lows too and contemplated suicide. In life you have ups and downs. Its important to enjoy the highs and not get derailed in the lows.

    I was given a testosterone injection by my doctor and it helped with everything. My anxiety was gone. Regained confidence.

    Perhaps your have Adrenal Fatigue that means that you have too high levels of cortisol in your body killing your testosterone. Definitely get the whole blood test done to see whats happening.

    Good news is that its not normal and everything in life is fixable. Life is too precious to let it go. Go for a long walk around sea/lake under the sun, listen to some good music and relax.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  18. cartmandaz221

    cartmandaz221 Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear you are coming out of the tunnel, you may not even know my ID, but I've read so much of you comments here on the forum and they motivate me so much to keep pushing forward.
  19. Hesai

    Hesai New Fapstronaut

    Bro, there are plenty of causes for brain fog, besides masturbating, from autoimmune diseases to depression, sleep deprivation or even bug bites and bacteria. At this point I would go seek some medical advice and maybe some blood tests. Open your mind to other possibilities and go for it. Meanwhile stay positive and keep away from suicidal thoughts, don't let your mid mess up with you. Things do improve!!!
  20. bearyang

    bearyang Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry to hear that. but do you keeping exercise? exercise is a huger power to recover your bodey. and a huger power to improve your mood. try it please!
    testwarz likes this.