Does video games help against porn urges

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by DiegoNunez7749, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. DiegoNunez7749

    DiegoNunez7749 Fapstronaut

    I was wondering if playing games 24/7 could actually help me with rebooting because while I’m playing video games it takes my mind somewhere else. Do you guys think it’s a pretty good idea?
    C12345 likes this.
  2. LilD

    LilD Fapstronaut

    That would help you become a manchild living in your parent's basement, having no social life, job, skills, hobbies, gf, etc. Gaming addiction is an addiction, and believe me, it's a bad one. I've spent months sitting at home playing some crappy MMORPGs. Didn't help me with anything at all. Quite the opposite, it ruined my life in more severe ways than porn. (But I'm addicted to porn for longer, so total damage is probably greater for my porn addiction.)

    From your question, it sounds like you have a gaming addiction too. (It just an insane idea that spending all your time playing videogames can help with anything at all, it's 100% addictive thinking.) If you want to recover, you need to quit all your addictions. Maybe not at once, but simply replacing one with another certainly won't get you anywhere.
    llortaton likes this.
  3. DiegoNunez7749

    DiegoNunez7749 Fapstronaut

    Lmao man child
  4. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

    People on here will have you believe that video games are just as bad as PMO, and if that helps them, then good for them. But do what you want bro. I personally feel like 3-4 hours of gaming after working all day and going to the gym don't have any negetave effects on me. Put gaming after everything else, take care of yourself physically and mentally, then if you got some extra time, go ahead and relax and play some Xbox/PS4/ PC. (I don't discriminate lmao)
    DiegoNunez7749 likes this.
  5. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    Don’t overdo it on the video games but don’t feel bad about playing them either. I’m very established in life, and everyonce in awhile I break out madden or Skyrim. Tons of guys who are very successful still play video games, but they don’t let games control their lives.

    Also find other hobbies like working out, reading, and exploring the outdoors. I would make it a rule of thumb no video games between the hours of 9AM-5PM during the summer.
    DiegoNunez7749 likes this.
  6. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    DiegoNunez7749 likes this.
  7. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    Yeah and also classic SoyBoy traits also
    DiegoNunez7749 likes this.
  8. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    not 24/7 lol...

    but occasional playing can help. I used to play way too much and for sure it was an addiction, but now I don't play any at all. If you can moderate it and it helps, go for it.
    DiegoNunez7749 likes this.