Out of a flatline, how to deal with urges

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by C12345, Jul 29, 2019.

  1. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

    When I first started NoFap i was in a flatline, no sexual desire, so porn urges were easy to shut down. Now I feel like a horny 12 year old again. I keep slipping back into my old ways of PMO. What are the best ways to quit?
    Master-Keaton likes this.

    GROXES Fapstronaut

    That's how I felt when I first started too. Especially in college when I could do anything with anybody to keep myself busy. I was extremely horny today and this post helped me:
    And after that I wrote more stuff "porn is bad for you. you can't get the girls you want if you watch porn."
    it was extremely hard for me today and I was so close from peeking (which would have indefinitely lead to a relapse) but writing as u know from my journal, has been the most helpful for my journey so far.

    and when I look back on the many times I relapsed, it is honestly just a part of the process of trying to overcome porn. its so disgusting how it wires ur brain to think about sexual urges and how u think about sex.

    another thing that has slightly helped me is having a crush on someone that probably won't workout anyway (because if it doesn't workout, it may lead to depression which will lead to PMO) but I have a pretend crush on my best friend atm. I think about her and I imagine that I am not watching porn to stay pure for her, to be charismatic and funny when I meet her. if I pmo, and become some foggy lazy idiot with a problem of objectifying women, I won't be as attractive to her. it may be weird idek. it feels like it has helped me. (I also imagine that pretty red hair girl at school as my wife. not in a bad way. but like, its hard when you're in a small town attracted to NO ONE while the prettiest girls I've ever seen are at school lol. when I see pretty girls full of character on a daily basis, it's a HUGE motivation for me. even if I don't want to date her because we wouldn't fully be a good match, I think "I want to be married to someone like that" and that there is another reason why its so easy at college
    C12345 likes this.
  3. Bucklord

    Bucklord Fapstronaut

    The best way to quit is to get up and replace it. You need to have specific actions when a trigger occurs. My triggers are very pattern based, typically if I get home and sit on the couch doing endless scrolling through FB or Reddit my mind will just go to that place you know?
    SO, I can't allow myself to go do that specific action, instead I take the dog out and I hammer on a project, or do some pull ups. "Mood follows Action" Don't forget that!
    Master-Keaton and C12345 like this.
  4. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

    My problem is that I start getting my real life attraction for girls back, but as soon as I relapse I go back into not caring about them. I know it'll happen to and don't even care, that's how much porn has fucked me up. It sucks, I feel like I did before porn, no guilt after PMOing. But I know it's wrong. I really need to do a journal, I'll have to set aside time for it.
    Master-Keaton likes this.
  5. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

    But you know that feeling that you HAVE to PMO. How do you resist that?
    Master-Keaton likes this.
  6. Bucklord

    Bucklord Fapstronaut

    IMO, that only happens if I let the thoughts accumulate. The best advice I can give is to take action before it begins to build. Keep watch on your thoughts, practice the art of meditation informally.

    Saying that, it does get to that point and there are specific actions that you can take.
    Throwing the phone is one! >.< But in all seriousness, its about being able to communicate to yourself. If you're like me, those moments where its like, "damn I have to do this", are typically when I've been sitting there doing nothing thinking about it as it builds. If you get up, which is not easy, and change your local environment, your mind will change with it. Just the simple act of walking through a doorway can have a mental impact on your presence.

    Practice just getting up from where you are. Watch your patterns of this habit, don't take your phone into those environments from which you're used to messing up.

    Like I said a lot of it is preventative care, but in the moment if you can get up and move you can affect your mood. The more that you do that, the more control you will find you actually have and always have had.
    Master-Keaton and C12345 like this.

    GROXES Fapstronaut

    He has an excellent point. When the Bible says when it comes to fornication, it says to "FLEE"

    Remember the story of Joseph being sold to slavery in Egypt?
    When he went to Egypt and that guard's wife wanted to sleep with Joseph. Joseph immediately ran away. he didn't even think about it. He even left his coat that she used against him.
    he knew if he stayed with her for another split second when she was tempting him with sex he would fall for it.
    C12345 likes this.
  8. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

    People say talking snakes are unrealistic, but that story of Joseph is way harder to believe LOL. Im just messing around but that's a good point. I have noticed that I'm not "running" from the thoughts, I let them build up and thats what ends up ruining me.
  9. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    Out of curiosity how long was your flatline?
  10. C12345

    C12345 Fapstronaut

    Started early May, ended around last weekend. It's not a miraculous change, you'll notice attraction coming back slowly, don't be like me and PMO when the attraction comes back though, you'll just fuck yourself up again.
  11. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    I’m on hard mode nopmo day 56. 1 month flatline but getting semi morning wood since last week. Hope it’s part of the recovery