What to do with the time in my head

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Maconbaple, Aug 5, 2019.

  1. Maconbaple

    Maconbaple Fapstronaut

    Since i finally came clean to my wife (again) about my pron usage (almost a month ago) she has basically wanted nothing to do with me, so i find myself with a lot of idle time that I spend almost exclusively with my own thoughts. Well ive found my thoughts growing darker (self hate/depression/etc). I used to turn to pmo to give myself a temporary distraction but I am truly trying to find a better way put of That cycle. Ive been trying to spend time on here but it doesnt always leave me in the most positive of mind sets about myself. How do you guys cope with/occupy your brain space in the quiet?
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  2. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    I can't keep my mind inactive for long. My record with practice is 8 seconds. Then, it acts like a pc infected by virus. The media player will start playing a random song. I will shut it down. Then, it will open a random image that I don't know if it even exists. I will close the window. Then, it will play a random nonsense video and so on. I believe it's related to introversion and depression...
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  3. If you're busy enough with work, relationships, investing time in others in actuality..like family, and errands and hobbies..and making plans with friends, listening to audio books/podcasts, or reading a book..then you will have enough to think about. you can think about what might happen in your book when you have a break at work..and what to cook or eat afterwards...chores..down time.
    fg4795 likes this.
  4. Maconbaple

    Maconbaple Fapstronaut

    Glad to know I'm not the only one whos brain wont shut up. Its hard to not fall into the telling myself "youre a piece of trash and deserve to be alone, how could anyone ever love someone as detestable as you, etc?" Trap.
    fg4795 likes this.
  5. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    Sounds like schizophrenia...
  6. Maconbaple

    Maconbaple Fapstronaut

    Thats very true. I have been meaning to start reading again... I usually have About 1.5-2 hours between when my kids go to bed and when I have to go to bed to be up for work (i stay up later on the weekends) that I used to spend with my wife but she hasnt wanted to interact with me (i understand she is hurting and needs her time to heal) so I'm trying to find healthy ways of filling that time (tv and video games have been my go to but I still have my brain going 10000 miles a minute)
    fg4795 likes this.
  7. Maconbaple

    Maconbaple Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I needed to hear I'm crazy...
  8. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    I didn't say you're crazy. I'm not a doctor, I don't know you. I said that this is one thing that people with schizophrenia deal with. They hear voices that tell them that they are losers, they are in danger, etc. No bad intentions.
  9. Great, should start then.. video games and tv are good ideas as well. My brother often listens to audio books while in the dark laying in bed.. I know you need to keep one ear open for the kids..just pop an ear bud off and try it..you can fall asleep listening to it and turn it off when you finally wake up or set a timer for when it turns off.

    Btw, I'm sorry she's upset with you..look on the brighter side though atleast she is still with you.. and time usually helps things..also communication.

    I think you're just feeling bad for whatevers going on..
    fg4795 likes this.
  10. Theres a different between actually hearing a voice that isnt your own in your head that tells you to do dangerous stuff sometimes..than having low self esteem or feeling bad about oneself and thinking to oneself (which can also be telling oneself) that they are a loser or piece of trash...
    fg4795 likes this.
  11. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    This is what I understood.
  12. Maconbaple

    Maconbaple Fapstronaut

    First off, allow me to apologise for my initial response. I understand youre trying to help and not to judge or whatever.
    Second, it's definitely my voice either in my head or out loud saying bad things about me.
    hardowner likes this.
  13. Maconbaple

    Maconbaple Fapstronaut

    I havent thought about audio books. Its hard for me to fall asleep with something covering or in my ears but i might give jt a try. I have a few books/manga I've been meaning to read as well. Thanks for the advice.

    Im greatful my wife hasnt left me, although most of the time it feels like she has in every way but physically mocing out. Hopefully in time we can start communicating again
  14. hardowner

    hardowner Fapstronaut

    My bad.

    Coffee Candy likes this.
  15. properWood

    properWood Fapstronaut

    I'd probably one day build like a no-PMO activity prescription

    - No TV, ditch the cable; no games unless they are board games or family games (Mario stuff); no Netflix
    - Delete ALL social media; no ifs, no buts! You don't need it.
    - Go read in the park, not at home; take your bicycle with you and use it
    - Go for long walks in parks, towns or nature alone
    - Take the kids with you for walks and talk to them as with adults, talk about life with them (how old are your kids, roughy, if I may?)
    - Once you feel more confident (after walks and cycling for a while), go to the gym and pump some iron - barbells are your best friends there
    - Don't use the gym for aerobic exercise, nature does wonders for you when it comes to aerobic exercise (I read and cycle on river sides and in forests)

    In a nutshell, get your ass and brain out of any couch and any screen.
  16. all the things that used to please you before PMO, Idk for example reading, writing, watching documentaries or films. Do something which give you pleasure bc you need it since you're avoiding PMO that used to be your source of pleasure.
    And since I've been dealing with low-esteem too, my advice is to do something that will make you feel worthy, for me it works. I've been always dealing with problems with my aspect so I started working out in the free time and got some result, this motivated me to workout harder and I got even better results, by now I do nearly a professional workout and I want to keep on improving since I built a positive circle of habits. I think you should build yours, Idk maybe you can take an online course to improve your position at work, and that will lead you to feel proud that will lead your wife to feel proud of you, that can help you to overcome your problem with her that will lead to finally be happy and proud of yourself

    Most important remember to never give up my friend, a champion is only a loser that got up one time more
    allitnam likes this.
  17. allitnam

    allitnam Fapstronaut

    Try to learn something new, something you might have wanted in the past and that you considerer too old to learn... That helps me a lot. A new language, a new way of art, new sport, or even perfectionate something you already knew. Keeping yourself motivated is the best thing you can do.