NoFap's Emergency Relapse Prevention Tool

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Moderation Team, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. adcgre

    adcgre New Fapstronaut

    Cilicio likes this.
  2. r_trento

    r_trento New Fapstronaut

    Olá bom dia, tenho o problema do vicio com a pornografia já tem alguns anos, sou casado e isso prejudica meu relacionamento, não consigo ter relações com ela devido ao fato de não conseguir ter uma ereção longa e ejacular cedo, peço ajuda para esse meu problema, estou precisando de algumas orientações para poder vencer esse mal
  3. NikNakZombieWhack

    NikNakZombieWhack Fapstronaut

    Haven't needed to use th emergency tool yet, but it looks good and easy. It's also good to have more than one emergency coping mechanism. When I quit smoking, I started treating myself when I had an urge to get high again. It took my mind off the feeling and instead made me refocus on eating some snack or candy or whatever. Then when I gave up drugs, another thing I learned was to make a phone call or put myself in a social situation. Granted, the last one is a little easier to explain when you randomly call someone or show up than trying to avoid porn and cranking it lol.

    There's also classics like walking and working out, chewing gum or sunflower seeds, and pinching yourself. Video games also work pretty well for me, but obviously content is an important thing to be aware of here.

    Furthermore, I'm having to nip triggers in the bud proactively. For example, one of my favorite YouTube channels is Funhaus. They have two shows called Wheelhaus and Demo Disk, both of which feature rule 34 porn browsing for comedy in the last 1-3 minutes, give or take. Learned the hard way today that those segments are triggers for me. Sure you don't get to see anything because YouTube and censorship, but it's knowing that it's right there, and seeing the very familiar website and it's colors, et cetera. So, I'm having to not watch those shows for awhile, until I have worked up enough self control and gotten through the major withdrawal period.

    You know yourself better than anyone. You know your triggers, you know your reward systems, and you know not only what will and won't work, but that you'll have to make a very conscious effort to make anything work in the first place.

    We are not our addictions. Don't let them tell you otherwise.
    Agent Willmore and Cilicio like this.
  4. it doesn't work on android mobile browser
  5. NikNakZombieWhack

    NikNakZombieWhack Fapstronaut

    Works on mine. What browser?
  6. Jae98

    Jae98 Fapstronaut

    Bro same
  7. where was i last night!!!! should have watched that.. but am still thankful, now i know what to do, thanks!!!
  8. Panshyagampya

    Panshyagampya Fapstronaut

    Hey people..Need suggestions..I need to be strong. I caved in to relapsing twice in last 15 days. Though NoP since almost 34 days! It was just me fantasising my girl. How do I control my urge not to fap?
  9. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    What causes you to relapse?
  10. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    You have to change your routine. Whenever I felt an urge to fap I would do 20 push-ups and jump straight into a cold shower. This helped me reach 100 days. When I stopped this routine I ended up relapsing. But I'm back on my NoFap journey.
  11. setpopa

    setpopa New Fapstronaut

    [QUOTE = "Brandon0000, post: 1046997, člen: 162702"] Vyhněte se spouštěčům a myslím tím vážně cokoli, že jakmile to uvidíte, budete se cítit vzrušení, nadržení a cítíte ohromnou potřebu fap. Vyhněte se tomu za každou cenu. Nevěřte sami sobě, je to zábava a hry si myslíme, že je v pořádku, když se krátce podíváte na obrázek dívky v jejích bikinách, dokud se neprobudíte s péro v rukou a neuplynuly dvě hodiny, a vy se zase budete stydět znovu . Byl jsem tam příliš mnoho zasraných časů, než abych spočítal, vím, jak moc to naštve, můžete to udělat. [/ QUOTE]
    1000x Thanks :)
  12. Oneeb Awania

    Oneeb Awania New Fapstronaut

    Informative forum i am also facing with this problem so kindly suggest me some tips.
  13. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    Tip number 1: believe that you can overcome pmo.
  14. Oneeb Awania

    Oneeb Awania New Fapstronaut

    Yes but relapse is the main problem that affects me and i want to change my routine of life.
  15. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    I've had a relapse recently. I felt and looked like crap. Whenever I feel the urge to relapse I am myself "is it really worth with? A few moments of pleasure for days and weeks of regretting it and feeling like crap?" This immediately stops me from pmo.
    The mindset is the most important part in overcoming an addiction.
    Example: i come from an area where 1 of 5 males are on drugs( the cape flats) gangsterism and drugs are rife. I have this cousin who was addicted to meth for more than 5 years. He stole from me and my family members just to feed his habit. He was in an out of rehab but still continued using drugs. One day he just completely stopped. Like without rehab or any help he just stopped. Today his almost 10 years clean. I asked him how he just stopped his addiction and he told me he was mentally fighting his urges. He wanted to live a worthwhile life. Today his happily married and has a 3 year old son.
    If you can control your thoughts anything is possible.
    Panshyagampya likes this.
  16. montebeta

    montebeta Fapstronaut

    I am in pretty bad situation, I relapsed three times between 5 days and 3 times in one day, the reason for this I think is that I don't use nofap daily. So, please help me also let me know any app which I can download from playstore through which porn websites can be blocked
    quit@porn likes this.
  17. montebeta

    montebeta Fapstronaut

    I can't control, I always think let me watch porn but I will not masturbate but when I watch porn I can't control? How to control it? I want to be nofap 30 days channel how can I achieve it?
  18. Panshyagampya

    Panshyagampya Fapstronaut

    Playing with my dick
  19. Gracias_aDios

    Gracias_aDios New Fapstronaut

    Hola he caído después de varios meses y ahora no puedo pasar de dos días sin caer otra vez siempre sucede así no logro mantenerme libre por completo... pido a Dios su fuerza.
  20. quit@porn

    quit@porn Fapstronaut

    There are some app that helps to blocks website but they seem to be intrutive since they ask many permission.. . You can google it and find the one which suits u.. . ..

    I would suggest to try reboot app.. . . It's doesn't block app but give ready avail able material to ponder and an counter .. . . It's free for 28 days.. . ..

    But i personally found it better to read nofap that those app and blocking sites.. . .
    Atajon likes this.