Journaling - probably the best way to heal

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by properWood, Aug 12, 2019.

  1. properWood

    properWood Fapstronaut

    I've never knew how to keep a journal. I'd sometimes pour thoughts on paper for a day or two, just what pissed me off, then forget about it for weeks!

    I'd sometimes write extremely disturbing and negative thoughts, that made me feel ashamed of even thinking them. I burnt all my past journal pages from fear that they will be read by someone. I was never taught how to keep a journal, what to journal about and... how to actually journal.

    By far, journaling is one of the safest and most powerful forms of therapy, if done correctly. And yet, no one teaches us how to do it. Google it, they all tell you what type of paper to use! And they're mostly gals telling you to add rainbows and colours...

    But journaling as therapy is different. Men are not generally, in today's society, taught to share emotional states, to experience emotions. It's unmanly to be vulnerable, but that's exactly what brought many of us to PMO: the lack of emotional self-care, the lack of emotional expression, the suppression of emotions. Emotions are hard, they give us pain, and we escape through addictions and compulsions.

    But entertain the idea just for a moment that you can tell someone, a friend, everything you feel without being worried that they'll judge you, that they'll tell you that you are stupid, unworthy, rather they just nod and say "i see" and "go on" every now and then. And if you cry, they'll be understanding and allow you the time to get your act together, will not rush you and will not call you "a puss", will not say "come on, I have anther client" or "mate, I have to go work tomorrow". At the end, they'll say "hey, let's meet again tomorrow!"

    I have to say that I'd love such a friend and recently I've found this friend in a small notebook, my journal. We meet up every evening for about one hour currently, and I share everything that bothers me and that leaves an impression on me.

    I'm curious to know, if you journal, what your approach is. And if you don't journal, why do you believe it's not helpful.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2019
  2. thank you for writing this, I wish I knew this a few years ago. I am trying to journal now that I have lost everything I loved and it seems to be the only thing that doesn't judge me. Good luck in your journey.
  3. TheGambler

    TheGambler Fapstronaut

    Yea I think you're definitely hitting on the emotional component being key to seeing through what a compulsion really is. Because we're not really powerless like those idiotic 12 step people want us to believe, so they can have someone else to use as a narcissistic food source.

    I've done a lot of writing and I don't think there's a wrong way. Just getting out the real stuff on paper is usually helpful. As usual its the discipline that is lacking in my case.
  4. Sinbad

    Sinbad Fapstronaut

    I'm starting to think that, journaling is helping me manifest thoughts and dreams into reality.
    If I just let go of control, let the words flow, come out by themselves, beautiful things come out. Desires, memories, wishes.
    Things I've been writing about a month ago, people I miss, regrets I have, it's all coming together now.

    Sincere expressions on paper are driving me into taking action.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2019
  5. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

    How do i get the journal to link to my profile summary on posts?
  6. Sinbad

    Sinbad Fapstronaut

    Go to:
    Your Account > Personal Details
    Scroll down where you can change your avatar.
    Journal thread link:
    "This link appears near your username while posting on the forum. Enter the full URL of a thread on that you have started to keep track of your progress."
    DerSchütze likes this.
  7. DerSchütze

    DerSchütze Fapstronaut

  8. that's great to hear journaling is very helpful
  9. KaiserWilhelm II

    KaiserWilhelm II Fapstronaut

    wath a video of alan watts on youtube saying" let go off control" and :)
    Sinbad likes this.