Deepest dream and illusion people live in

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by QuittingPMOforever, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. QuittingPMOforever

    QuittingPMOforever Fapstronaut

    Most of people are thinking they are special while they see others as average, they are not aware others are thinking same for themselves and seeing others as average, if you think you are much smarter then others or superior in any way that means you have very strong ego, if 1 is special everyone is special, if 1 is average everyone is average, "You are Special, others are Average" is the joke that god whispered to everyone's ear when they are born "you are something special on this world while others are average"

    How to stop having desire to be something special?

    You are already special and you have a soul that no one else has have, every soul is special, unique, god creates everything what is special, god doesnt believe in copies, no 2 souls are same, seeing yourself as special and others as average happened becouse you was thinking 1 about yourself and other about others, whatever you thought about yourself start thinking same about others and ego will dissapear

    I know this is uncomfortable to listen but this is the only way to raise awareness, dropping that ego will raise awareness by 50%, then you can continue raising awareness by meditation

    Most average thing that exists on the world is thinking you are special while others are average, becouse it is what is most happening and everyone is doing that, it is ok to think you are special but only if you will see others as special, that is true that everyone is special but if you will be special while others are "average" you are average too, this is biggest dream and Illusions people live in, if you want to live in reality and not in dreams drop off this ego

    Osho - Book Of Ego
    goodnice 2.0 and Robinthehood like this.
  2. Yes its hard to calm our egos.
    One example in real life is when u care so much about ur appearance and what people will think about you, but if eveyone is thinking that way no one cares about you :confused:
    Kurohyou and Robinthehood like this.

  3. You are already special for being on this planet. High class celebrities, Sport star's, and rich all have ego's no matter what. They are to struck in with society to realize the big picture and outside the box. Yes they have more power, but we're all in the same. One thing I can't stand is people with huge ego's. You know good for you, you went out today, but you don't have to brag on social media. Have 500 people you don't know like you're post on twitter, Instagram. That feeds the ego even from what I've noticed.
  4. I think people with healthy egos are special. Most people I find are down on themselves and depressed. They think they are average or below. I have a healthy ego and believe that I am superior to most people. Superior in what sense? Smarter perhaps, social skills definitely. The issue I find is do you care for other people? Do you have empathy for them?
  5. QuittingPMOforever

    QuittingPMOforever Fapstronaut

    What Osho was actually saying is not to be average, but ordinary, not special, but ordinary

    There is a difference between ego and high self esteem, i honestly have high self esteem

    He was saying that whatever can be achieved in this world is ordinary and there is no anyting special in it, any skill, being professional, that is all ordinary becouse other people can also learn it
    Randy and Mr. McMarty like this.
  6. No matter how "famous" you think you are; there is some village in Africa where NOBODY knows your face and you will get robbed.
  7. QuittingPMOforever

    QuittingPMOforever Fapstronaut

    Some people understand me wrong when i talk about those things what ive read in book of this guru, or they acting that way becouse this is uncomfortable to listen

    I knew it would be uncomfortable, but i didnt knew it will be this much uncomfortable, i dont even want to think how would they feel if theyve read all his books, especially whole book about ego

    Introverts, extroverts, proud people, opposite of that, high self esteem, low self esteem they all have this ego and they all think they are something special sent from heaven while others are ordinary

    Everyone is special, no one is ordinary and what is there so hard to hear, why you cant see others as special too, why only you have to be special while others are ordinary, that is ego, illusion and dream

    You are born as special, your soul is special becouse everyones soul is special, the more you try to become something special out of it the more you will be ordinary
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2019
    Empty Red Cloud and Mr. McMarty like this.
  8. Yes!
    Ego is insecure. Ego comes from a sense of separation. Ego desperately tries to prove that it is better than others.

    Self love is a sense of unity. When you love yourself, you love the universe.
    QuittingPMOforever likes this.
  9. QuittingPMOforever

    QuittingPMOforever Fapstronaut

    High self esteem is loving yourself and loving others too, seeing yourself as special and others as special

    Ego is seeing yourself as special and others as ordinary
    Mr. McMarty and Randy like this.