10 Months NoFap/No PMO, but I still have wet dreams every 2-3 days; what am I doing wrong?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by helpmeobiwan2, Aug 29, 2019.

  1. helpmeobiwan2

    helpmeobiwan2 Fapstronaut

    Firstly, I know I'm improving. I have my dream job in security consulting and I'm doing well (still on probation and one of my bosses dislikes me but I think they recognise I'm good at my job).

    My first streak was 3 years ago, I only had 3 wet dreams in 3 months back then. Those were the best three months of my life.

    For the past 10 months of my 4th streak, my longest streak, I have meditated, taken cold showers, done a billion things to stop wet dreams (and stopped most of them because they weren't working). But I still get wet dreams every 2-3 days.

    So I thought I'd just check in here to see if there is anything I'm doing wrong. I know many people have said they stop after 1 year of NoFap, but I recently asked a similar question and one person said frequent wet dreams may continue.

    I don't have a problem with wet dreams every 30 days, but every 2-3 days? It's killing me. I'm at a better place materially, I have my dream job, but no friends, almost 26 and still a virgin (yeah I know its not a big deal, please don't post about that, I don't care) and still suicidal occassionally.

    Honestly, sometimes I wonder why I even try. Most people won't even look at this thread or they'll just give me some advice I've already tried or tell me to stop freaking out about wet dreams. I really, really do wonder why I even bother trying.

  2. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    Have you tried sleeping on empty stomach? No water/shower near sleep? The shaoling pose where you sleep on the side, one leg straight the other bend 90 degrees at the knee? Try doing some light workout before sleep, intense not neccesarily long. Speak to yourself before sleeping. You gotta be serious, set your intention. What is your WILL?
    Have you tried icing your testicles? It's usually done by people to increase libido and maybe fertility or hardness. It WORKS!. Theres an FB group subzero called if I remember well. Something like 15-20min a day if good for beginners. Just don't ice the skin, you can wear your pants and maybe have a towel between the ice as well. Just the testicles, not the thights, stomach, etc.. My idea would be, more power = more control!

    Where you from? Are you religius? I can recommend some yogas if you want... :)
  3. That's an insane frequency. Definitely not rookie numbers.

    Try the ice but my bet is it'll be counter-productive.
  4. romlel

    romlel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Grey is colourless and Captain! like this.
  5. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    In my case it is, what I am thinking about the whole day. I stopped watching media where always a sex message is hidden. Instagram, youtube, comics, Mangas. And then I filled my mind with good clean media. That what helped me to get the wet dreams away.
    KaiserWilhelm II and Captain! like this.

    GABALDO Fapstronaut

    These are my two cents. I have to be honest, I still have wet dreams, but I don't always ejaculate, and if I am going to ejaculate, I wake up or have an orgasm without ejaculation. But the point is, that is still kind of pointless because what I want to be is clean, that simple.

    My recommendations:
    Stretches, in general, like yoga, but for the kidneys specifically
    Physical exercices everyday, not too much
    Positive affirmations, about what you feel about your wet dreams, and why you are interested on stopping them
    No fantasizing with the women you see on the street. Don't judge if they are pretty, don't look at them to see that, and if you meet with pretty girls, try to slow down as much as possible the point where you are happy and relaxed about it

    If you are very serious, try Qigong, microcosmic orbit, the horse stance, and the moving of ying yang.

    With all of these you have more than enough work. In my experience, wet dreams are in the subconcious and are hard to get rid of, it requires time, but we can't give up, we must life to work for what is good even if wet dreams still occur, because we are the ones who created wet dreams in the first place and we have to fix that
  7. helpmeobiwan2

    helpmeobiwan2 Fapstronaut

    Yoga has nothing to do with religion. I have tried most of the things you mentioned except the Will thing and icing my balls. I've been told "do you have the will" look man my will is to retain to get the benefits of retention so I can fix my life. Also I'd like to sleep with a whole bunch of women. I wanted this during my first streak and I didn't have wet dreams unless 30 days had gone past. So I doubt that they'll suddenly stop if I choose to become celibate (which I don't want).

    I think during my first streak I met a girl with whom I had a strong connection with and I felt like I didn't want to sleep with anyone else except for her. But that was 3 years ago and she's not in my life anymore. I haven't met anyone like her since, possibly because I keep getting wd's = no charisma = no emotional connection = hence carnal desires over meaningful ones. This is possible. But does it matter? I still wanted to bag like crazy and had porn binges during my first streak, yet the results of my first streak were 50 times better. Now, I meditate, I used to do cold showers (stopped because I hate getting into them and end up spending 30 minutes walking around in the bathroom trying to get into a cold shower, just do hot showers now because whatever, cold showers didn't give me any benefits anyway), and a million other things. Still no results. So I don't know what you mean when you say "DO YOU HAVE THE WILL" like ffs yeah I have the fucking will to retain but I still get wd's so I don't know what to tell you man.

    (I'm going to guess that you will tell me "if you want to sleep with women meaninglessly then you don't have the will to retain hence why you get wet dreams", I've heard this one before, whatever).

    Haven't tried the icing my balls thing. Does it guarantee it will work? I'm also worried about the health stuff I mean, I don't want to freeze or numb my balls dude.

    I know I may have come across as a bit of a dick but I do still thank you for attempting to help me. I've just been scouring the internet for something that will work, only to find that nothing does and getting the same repetitive advice that seems to have worked for 100 other people but not for me so this can get frustrating after putting in 10 months of effort :(

    Yeah I figured, thanks though.

    Yeah I read this and it did not work. If anything it made it happen more often so I stopped. Also it was hard on my lower back and time consuming. thanks though.

    During my first streak I would go on a porn binge once a month and went on instagram every day. I retained for 30 days before getting a wet dream - this cycle went on for 3 months.

    Today, I meditate, have done yoga, do crossfit, eat healthy food, and my reward is wet dreams every 2-3 days.

    So I doubt this will work on me, thanks though.

    Yeah I already tried literally all of this stuff and it doesn't work for me, but thanks for trying to help though.

    Sorry if I come off as a bit of a dick, I'm just frustrating that after 10 months of huge amounts of effort I don't have much to show for it. I'm just freaking out and getting scared that the wet dreams won't stop after a year of no PMO, and I'm scared of continuing to live life in this meaningless way.
    Jonny1992 and romlel like this.
  8. romlel

    romlel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Okay, ty for your answer. I got an another exercice for you.
    Before going to bed you need to come back to your body.
    Rub your lower stomac with both hands counter clock-wise (50 -100 times) then counter clock-wise, try for 1-2 weeks to see if it helped you.
  9. romlel

    romlel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Be more with yourself, just feeling your body to know what feels the best, every body is different ;)
  10. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    Try doing trataka for 40-50minutes aday. object 1-2 meters away, eyes open all the time. Relaxed. Just see.

    I can try give you a mind transmission that might loosen you up a bit :/ if you want :|
  11. Hey helpmeobiwan2, rest asure, you are not alone and there is nothing wrong with you. At your age I had the same problem. It is -at times- a bit embarrassing. It becomes less frequent with age. I'm 46 now and it hardly ever happens. Always a good thing to quit P, makes you a much better partner. So all I can tell you is to go out there and embrace the things (and people) you love.
  12. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    I am really sorry for you. I wish you could have a solution.
    Please keep going, you will find your answer.
    And yeah, it is understandable if you sound like a dick, not because you are one, but because you suffer.
  13. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Maybe you have wet dreams because you miss the girl from 3 years back then? Sex is something, where people, who don’t want to hook up only, but love their partners, is really deep connecting. And you also had a deep connection to the girl.
  14. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    IDK!...could be physiological...maybe his nerves are fried or something.
  15. helpmeobiwan2

    helpmeobiwan2 Fapstronaut

    If I may ask, what exactly does this do?

    Yes, I'd love to experiment with a mind transmission (though I don't know what it actually is). Also, what is trataka?

    Thank you for your encouraging words. I just want them to go down in frequency to just once a month or once every 2 months (right now it's 3-4 times per week and that kills my energy and charisma). Did you have a similar experience?

    I mean I'm sure I could build a deep connection with another woman if I stopped having such frequent wet dreams but for some reason, something is wrong with my brain or my balls/dick. But yeah I get it - the lack of genuine human connection causing wds. I'd agree with this but I'm not so sure.

    This essentially means I'll get wd's until I find genuine human connection again, which I cannot build because my personality, charm and charisma is suppressed due to wds. It's a terrible cycle. I'm not convinced it's true. At some point you have to get over someone and it's been 3 years. I don't feel like I miss her at all anymore.

    Okay, can I un-fry my nerves or is that impossible?
    Jonny1992 likes this.
  16. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    Gazing meditation. Pure concentration meditation.
  17. Jonny1992

    Jonny1992 Fapstronaut

    Hey, but you are on the right way, you search for answers and asking others for help/opionian/methods. That speaks for you. Keep it up.
    Like I wrote, I hope you find a solution.
  18. KaiserWilhelm II

    KaiserWilhelm II Fapstronaut

    Hey I rlly like ur profile picture ^^ and ur challenge aswell.
    Jonny1992 likes this.
  19. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    You cannot stop wet dreams easily, those are past impressions of your old porn/sex habits/previous incarnations but they can be reduced with proper dieting, yoga of sleep and strict immaculate celibacy.

    You mentioned you still have desire to sleep with women, so I don't think it's for you

    Congrats on staying a virgin for so long, in a less degenerate world that would be considered a great virtue