32 days No PMO, NoFap and Baselines, Feel the "edge" over others (Pun intended)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Godmode1993, Sep 13, 2019.

  1. Godmode1993

    Godmode1993 New Fapstronaut

    Hi All, I have been clean (No PMO) for 32 days as on today, i.e 13th sept 2019.

    My experience is below. I have categorised the benefits into 3 categories, i.e Physical Appearance and Voice, Mind and Energy, Erectile Health and Sexuality.

    I cover by experience with the above over 3 time points, starting from the 2.5-week mark (i.e when I first noticed benefits).

    2.5-week mark (1st Benefits!)
    1) Physical Appearance and Voice: My facial skin looked clearer and radiant. I felt like I had a certain "glow", the type you get if you have a week of abundant sleep and excellent nutrition. No marked improvements in my voice yet.

    2) Mind and Energy: Felt I was less lethargic than usual, however didn’t experience any improved cognition or focus.

    3) Erectile health and Sexuality: Experienced a sharp decline in libido, after the 7-8-day mark, no pronounced improvements during this period.

    3.5-week mark
    1) Physical Appearance and Voice: The clear and radiant skin became a new normal. This is not to say if I had a heavy night of drinking, my face would "glow" as usual the next day, it would not. But my face on average looked better on NoFap than without. Also, felt like the ROI of eating an abundance of fruit/veg was higher i.e its contribution to "facial glow" was more noticeable. My voice finally did see an improvement, maintaining a deeper voice came more naturally, however not second nature yet.

    2) Mind and Energy: The bump in energy levels finally came around week 3 mark. My focus felt more fluid, i.e it was easier to change my focus from one thing to another. Further I did experience improved mental clarity, my mind was sharper, felt like I poised to learn and absorb. This is not to say that "poor lifestyle" i.e a night of junk food/alcohol didn’t impact my mental state, it did, but I was able to rebound back to a state that was higher than my pre-NoFap one.

    3) Erectile health and Sexuality: Marginally improved libido, except did experience some random erections and short periods of extreme urges. However, whenever I spoke to women, I felt like my masculinity was more binding to her feminine energy (or vice versa). I didn’t feel like a super confident Alpha beast, but I was more aligned to her femininity. Worth mentioning that my masculinity found expression differently with different females. I was more aligned to some women, than to others! Pre-NoFap, my logic would drive me to pursue any girl who was "visually attractive". On NoFap my sensations and logic worked together! I could lose and gain attraction, logically and “with my penis” simultaneously. Although my libido was not back to full gear, I was definitely previewing the experience.

    4.5-week mark (Today)
    1) Physical Appearance and Voice: Only slight improvements beyond week 3.5. My voice is naturally a little deeper, and my facial glow is as it was last week.

    2) Mind and Energy: My energy/mind is as it was last week. Except I notice it has become a lot easier for me to meditate!

    3) Erectile health and Sexuality. Reduced flaccidity and further improvement in libido. I’m not a “raging bull” yet, but my libido has certainly improved a little since last week. I’m experiencing a higher amount of logic and sensation alignment than last week. Further, my penis is definitely the least flaccid since week 1 and feels more responsive.!


    NoFap Works on Baselines
    From my experience, the benefits of NoFap are real, but don’t grow to take you to peak. NoFap improved the “baselines” of the above 3 categories, however I still need to live a healthy and productive lifestyle to maintain them at an optimum. I’m more poised to learn, absorb and feel, but actually doing those things are still up to me. Thus NoFap doesn’t directly change your life, but gives you the edge to do so!

    Looking forward to any changes I see for next 60 days!
  2. Africanman

    Africanman Fapstronaut

    The glowing skin is real.. experienced it during my streak.. my voice changed permanently.. I sound like a Greek God. My facial hair is growing so fast.. nofab is real..
    leviosa likes this.
  3. Congratulations brother, good streak.

    Been going a tiny bit longer, I must report that I genuinely have no different feelings at all, aside from a desire not to mess up and look at P, which would be weak of me. Perhaps I need a little longer to focus my mind.

    For some reason the quality of my sleep overall has gotten worse, with a bout on insomnia lasting a couple of weeks. Man, the nighttimes are the hardest of all for me, lots of negative thoughts, also temptation to relapse, also no real way of getting away from it. In the day time at least I can walk away from the computer.
    Jane elise likes this.
  4. Jane elise

    Jane elise Fapstronaut

    Your post increased my confidence for completing no pmo challenge .I am also waiting for these benefits specially mind and energy
  5. The nightmares are horrible but they will stop. I had horror movie level nightmares that were awful. I was afraid to go to sleep.

    When I changed my eating habits my sleep got better. Less caffeine. Stopped eating after 8pm. Less junk food. More vegetables. Helped my skin too.

    I’ve been struggling with negative thoughts too. Feeling like a complete failure and loser. It’s really bothering me. I hope prayer and meditation will help with this. I post 3 things I’m grateful for every day on this https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.p...ttitude-challenge.47771/page-523#post-2227792

    Hoping it will make me feel better about my life.

    The panic button has helped me a lot as well as reading success stories.

    Hang in there. You can do it.