How to stop the desire for revenge

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Lovegirl, Oct 28, 2019.

  1. Lovegirl

    Lovegirl Fapstronaut

    First of all, please be patient with my writing as I am not an English speaker!

    I met my husband almost 16 years ago. We have 2 kids aged 13 and 9 and I have a 19 years old son from an earlier marriage. We got married 12 years ago.

    Ever since we got our first kid, we have had more and more conflicts, I have been quite broken with anxiety attacks (just a few), 4 years with antidepressants, completely unsecure and lack of self-worth and I were aware that the relationship was very unhealthy, but I was not able to leave him. I have been trying so hard to solve all our problems, to do better, to listen to him, to find the right arguments for him to understand, but I never got anywhere.

    3 months ago, I found that he had a secret mail account, he was on several dating sites and I found an email where he asked “Sandra” if it was possible to book half an hour of fun. Even though we had problems I was shocked. Confronted with my findings he admitted some things and within the following months the truth (or the truth he has told me) has been dragged out of him. Bit by bit, denial, lying and then admitting a bit more. He claims he has now told everything, but I am not sure I believe him. He has been deep into porn- and sex-addiction, especially the last 2 years. Here he went to prostitutes every time he went on a business trip – he claims he has never got anything else but a handjob, but how would I know.

    He now receives treatment and goes to meetings, and even though I don`t trust him, I have to admit that it really seems he is doing great. I feel the changes and he is trying very hard to be a good husband and father.

    I have tried so hard all of those years and now I know why I never succeeded with it. Now I see a chance for change, and I want so much to give it a try. I don`t want to leave him and we are fighting together.

    But once or twice a week or so, I feel this desire for revenge, to be honest I want him to hurt like he has hurt me, I don`t want him to walk around being happy and proud of his progress. I want to shout all the worst and most hurtful and shaming things to his face (and sometimes I do it). But in fact, what I really want him to do, is to make it all undone…

    I feel disgusted that he has been with prostitutes when he could have had everything with me. That he has been undressing them like he undresses me, felt their bodies and told them how he loved their giant tits and their beautiful skin like he tells me and he has been lying there with his face distorted in pleasure like when he is with me. I think of it every fucking day and it drives me crazy.

    Just at this moment, he came to me advised me how to minimize the pc-screen in a quick maneuver to prevent that he sees what I am writing, just trying to help, and what I am thinking is how many times I have seen things disappear from his screen when I show up.

    The porn, the masturbation, the ED drugs for his own experiments at hotels, the faking orgasm with me, to finish by himself, none of that is much of a problem for me when it comes to being supportive and forgiving. Nor if he has a slip in that category, I can live with that.

    The texting girls at dating sites (he claims he has never met with any of them), searching for and writing to available prostitutes (so much more than the 12 times he claims he actually went to one) is more difficult. But most of all I don`t know if I will ever forgive him for, and are afraid I will never stop blaming him for being with prostitutes and for have done that while being married to me and having kids with me – first time more than 10 years ago. And for the fact that he has been lying to me about being with other girls when we met even though we talked about it back then and he said he didn`t. And lying to me about that he did have experience with prostitutes before we met, but always claimed that he didn`t even though it was never a problem for me what he did before, the problem is his lies.

    We do have good days, but the bad days are digging the gab between us deeper and deeper, and if I don`t learn to manage all my feelings better we will not make it. I will end up pushing him to failure or pushing him away.

    Anybody with advice? I want to be with this wonderful man I feel he is when he is not caught in addiction but I won`t stand a chance if I stay the way I am now…

    I have read a lot, and listened to a lot of podcasts and youtube videos – really learned a lot. I have had a few sessions with his therapist, a few more for us as a couple and have had more sessions with my own therapist. I am really trying, but every time I succeed in letting it go, it won`t last long before I`m back again. Searching for answers, blaming, crying, shaming, wanting to leave him, want him to feel sorry for what he has done (and yes I do know he does, but my feelings don`t get it)

    What the hell do I do to stop this hateful me? Even though I want to be with him, I want to leave him just to hurt him...
    fadedfidelity and missbuiltiful like this.
  2. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    It’s only been 3 months. Be kind to yourself. My first dday was 22 years ago and I still sometimes bring up things he did back then. I don’t want to hurt him but I do need for him to understand, acknowledge and empathize with what I’m going through. When he does this I heal a little more. It’s a deeply personal betrayal. It’s going to take years to heal. Unfortunately there are no shortcuts. If you can go to a csat then do that!
  3. bms1985

    bms1985 Fapstronaut

    I had this feeling also, early on. But I have come to the conclusion that no amount of revenge will ever make him feel what I felt/still feel. Because he is an addict. And they don't feel like we do. My PA excuse for his behaviour is feelings of inadequacy due to his ex's cheating (we've been together 17 yrs, his ex cheated 20 yrs ago.....) So he knows that feeling of betrayal, he knows how much he hurt because of it. Yet, he still did it to me. Over and over. We've had 7 d-days. And he still doesn't fully get it. But I know, I cant ever hurt him like he hurt me. As much as sometimes I want to, I cant. And I love him too much to go through with anything anyway. I think this is one of the toughest hurdles for SO's. To simply accept our pain will never be fully understood. But as they recover, the empathy will start to emerge. They will begin to understand. But they wont ever really know. But if we choose to stay, we have to learn to except that. For our own mental health. We have to be more selfish, but selfless too. For us.
  4. Lovegirl

    Lovegirl Fapstronaut

    I try. But I am not doing very well.
    I do heal too, just a little bit every time I see he is sorry. But then when things is better for a few days, he will tell me how beautiful and sexy he finds me, and I might just "flip" - because I believe that is what he told the prostitutes too. And the last couple of weeks he haven`t shown much empathy or remorse, just more "well I did this I know, get over it", I feel like he can`t stop allready, but deep inside I know that I am unfair too. I just feel angry, angry, angry for his betrayal.
  5. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    It took my husband 17 years before he showed true remorse and empathy;(
  6. I am sorry for you.

    Be kind to yourself. You got hurt and betrayed and the anger and desire for revenge are there if you like it or not. How would you talk to a friend if they are angry? Would you say: Ah! stop being angry and desire for revenge? What can we do except accepting the thoughts and care about our self?

    I think in the end, the remorse of others are not our salvation. He can't show remorse 24/7 and even if he did, what does it give you?

    You have the right to be angry and you should be. This anger is real. It has a purpose. Only you know, why you are angry. The source of the anger, needs healing and then the anger can go away. It's not the other way around.
    Lovegirl and Psalm27:1my light like this.
  7. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    So, I don’t know if this will make you feel better or not. I worked vice in my early 20’s. I was a decoy or fake prostitute in order to catch and arrest their clients. The hookers are not what you are imagining. They are empty souls , they don’t even seem human anymore. I became close to many as I worked the same areas etc. all were addicts, mostly meth, some cocaine. I would bet my entire savings that you are a more beautiful woman than any person he has been with! This is an addiction, he wasn’t with them because of something you were lacking. He was with them because of something HE is lacking. Please go get an std test. Then , if you decide to stay, educate yourself and start giving boundaries. You are worthy of being love and protected! Be the first to love and protect yourself
  8. Lovegirl

    Lovegirl Fapstronaut

    I know you are right. I do get an momentary relief when I see he is hurt, but then I get sad and feel bad for having done that. Tonight I am more calm but I fear for how long.
  9. Lovegirl

    Lovegirl Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your kind words. And you are absolutely right. I would never talk to a friend like that.
    I keep thinking about your last section; trying to find out what really is the source of my anger, and how to heal. I have to do some reflection about that..
  10. Lovegirl

    Lovegirl Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your story. I can`t quite relate to that, as I don`t think that is the kind of girls he has been with. But perhaps I am just being naive.
    He went to brothels, not quite luxury, but above average. For example, he has not been to prostitutes in the US because it was too risky, both in terms of health and legality.
    He only got hand jobs, and for several reasons:
    • he likes hand jobs best,
    • he was afraid he couldn't finish anything else and would be embarrassed,
    • he didn't mean he cheated on me that much just getting a hand job, so he could feel better as a good man.
    He is very vain, kind of a snob some times. Often he even paid for more than a hand job, as he would not be perceived as a customer who could only afford the cheapest service.
    That's what he says, and maybe that's true. I'm not sure, but I'm not sure it isn`t either.
    I told him to get tested and he was clean, so I believe I am too. In this topic I do believe him.

    I have been reading and listening to SO MUCH, I feel like some kind of an expect. But I struggle a lot with how to live by what I have learned. And also, I read things and understand it, but then I wonder - what does it really mean i practice.
    Today I have been in a much better place though. I am kind and friendly and talk to him, but I don`t really want him to touch me and I don`t want to have sex. He can hold me but not more. And that is hard for him to handle.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  11. Lovegirl

    Lovegirl Fapstronaut

    Is it kind to myself to stay?
    Is it healthy?
    I am not sure if there is love left or if it is just that I don’t want to face the consequences of leaving him.
    I want so bad to be able to forgive, to stay together, be a family and finally enjoy the wonderful man he has been hiding for years.
    Why did I stay for so many years in a bad relationship? I didn’t realize how bad it was. I really was the frog in boiling water.

    For 2 days I have been calm now. I keep telling myself, I can’t control what he will do and I can’t change what he has done. I Can control only my own actions and how I react to what he has done. Like a mantra.
    But don’t I let my self down if I stay?

    I don’t want to be intimate with him right now. For a week now. I have been, a lot, for the last 3 months since d day. We had sex on average 1-2 times a week before, and after d day it has been 3-4 times a week, at least. I did convince my self that I wanted to, and I usually turn on easy so if I was not in the mood he could get me there Easily. But when completely honest to my self, I must admit that part of the reason we have had that much sex after I discovered his betrayal is, that I am afraid what happens if we don’t.
    Now I just don’t want him that close and he is irritated, offended and angry. He blaim me: “I can’t pmo and you wont be with me, so what am I supposed to do with all my tensions and frustrations”
    He accuses me of doing it to punnish him. I honestly don’t know if that is why, I just know that I don’t want to and I no longer feel obligated to keep up the good sexlife. Not at the moment anyway.
    And I don’t Think it is to punish him. I just lost the desire due to his betrayal.

    I am just so afraid that he will end up saying that he can’t wait for me to figure out my doubts. I need more strenghts.
    fadedfidelity likes this.
  12. suchafool10

    suchafool10 Fapstronaut

    You can’t live your life afraid that your actions will cause him to pmo. That’s not healthy. You are believing the lies the addict tells to excuse his behavior, and there will always be an excuse. If he wants to act out, he will, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. It’s freeing in a way. It takes a lot of the weight off your shoulders. But I get it; it’s also a very scary place to be. I think us SO’s can maintain a little sanity when we think we have some kind of control over our addict’s behavior, but it’s all an illusion. We don’t. Never have, never will.

    Focus on getting yourself well. I have spent 16 years doing what you are doing. I wish I had known then what I know now, because I wouldn’t be stuck here, trapped because we have six kids together and I have nowhere else to go. I’ve stayed for my children, but I’m so disgusted by him that I can’t even look at him. I call him “My Husband”, but the reality is that this man has never given me any part of himself. Not his heart, not his mind, and not his body. Lay down his life for me as he is commanded? Ha! He won’t even lay down his porn for me.

    The problem is, there comes a day that maybe they do start telling the truth. Maybe they do stop PMOing. Unfortunately, the damage they’ve done to themselves and the relationship can never heal. I can never, ever believe him. Everything they do is overshadowed by the many, many years of deceit, blame shifting, and acting out. They let their guards down, but we don’t get that luxury. It’s no way to live.
    fadedfidelity likes this.
  13. Lovegirl

    Lovegirl Fapstronaut

    I Think this is much the thoughts I have. Do I really want to live this relationship? He might do everything right, he might even do it forever. But I would never know if it is real, and what he has damaged will never ever go away.
    Sometimes we talk, I cry and am devastated and he ask what he Can do to help me. But the only thing I really want from him is to make things undone.
  14. suchafool10

    suchafool10 Fapstronaut

    But he can’t. And unfortunately they become so good at manipulating and hiding that we never know what’s real and what’s not. My husband also got hand jobs because it meant he “wasn’t really cheating”. We are left wondering where our acting roles in their “he’s a good guy” movie begins and ends. I don’t want to be his supporting actress anymore. I don’t want to play the mean, unsupportive wife while he pretends to be a great, Godly man that our church adores while I’m viewed as the controlling, disrespectful wife because I KNOW something is wrong and I can’t stand to be in my own skin. There are going to be triggers. You don’t have to decide to stay or go today. You get to be on the fence, because he’s the one that put you there. You heal you.
  15. Lovegirl

    Lovegirl Fapstronaut

    I am so sorry that you have to live your life this way. Hope you have love and joy from your kids.
    You know, my husband have been kind of obsessed with infidelity. And regularly he told me about "him or her" getting a divorce or having an affair, and EVERY time he would ask me: "Aren't you just glad you have such a good man" - I always laughed a bit, said yes I am, and gave him a kiss and a hug. Now it makes me sick...
    I want a good and well-functioning life with him, otherwise I don't want him. I think I should have that in mind.
  16. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    wow! this is so emotionally touching to me! My worst fear is that I will turn into this person! I wish I could tell myself that I can't be that person, but if I continue to be in the same path, I will eventually be like that or be even worse. I want to quit PMO addiction, be healthy and strong and love my wife to the fullest! I want to have a great family!

    I can strongly relate to the feeling of getting revenge. I have my own views about that. I believe we have to take revenge, letting a person go is foolishness I think. Its only fair that he feel the same hurt and pain that you felt. I wish I could tell you how to get revenge, but I have no idea. But I hope and pray that you take revenge and be satisfied without compromising your values. Godspeed!
  17. suchafool10

    suchafool10 Fapstronaut

    Do not do this. I’m not sure where you stand in faith, but I am reading “Love Must be Tough” by James Dobson. I will never be unfaithful to my husband and you shouldn’t either. It will do nothing but make you feel like trash. It WILL most certainly get in the way of your healing. This man I married is not my God. He is not my everything. I’m going to be ok. I have repeatedly asked him to put in the hard work. He has agreed, only to make it look good for a while and then revert back to old behaviors.

    I do believe that he is not PMOing at the present time. However, the hard work has stopped again and it looks exactly like every time before. I have asked him to leave because of it. He says he will find somewhere else to go, then never mentions it again. I’m tired of it. He has two weeks to figure things out before I change the locks while he is at work. He will come home to bags packed on the porch along with his iPad with monitoring software removed. The children and I will not be here. I’m done being a doormat, and I’m done being abused. His recovery is NOT my responsibility. This is not my cross to bare.
    missbuiltiful and Asgardian36 like this.
  18. Lovegirl

    Lovegirl Fapstronaut

    I have learned by now, that he will never feel the same pain as I do. I will not take revenge cause I do not believe it does any good. But like I can never trust him again he will never be able to trust me either, and if I meet someone that I would like to "take for a ride" then why shouldn´t I...
    I hope you quit. What ever it takes, just quit...
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  19. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    well, I am glad you have taken a tough stand here. Not many people do that, it pisses me off when people keep suffering their whole lives and not take action regarding the injustice done to them. I hope you remain Strong and firm with your resolve. Hope you find some one better. Godspeed!
  20. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    I hope you are not saying that you'll take advantage of someone else. I hope you find some one kind and loving! Peace!! You suffered enough, you deserve better!